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Doctoral Degree in Marine Science, Technology and Management Tuition

TuitionAnnual Value
Until 18 ECTS (partial)962,50¤
Between 19 and 37.5 ECTS (partial)1925,00¤
Between 38 and 40.5 ECTS (partial) (*)2200,00¤
Registration in non-curricular components (partial) (**)1375,00¤

The partial time tuition fee is defined by the faculty where the student is registered.

(*) - Only for students that, having completed the number of registrations corresponding to the official duration of the course, can finish the degree by registering in the academic year in the mentioned ECTS credits.

(**) - Registration exclusevily in non-curricular componentes: Thesis, Dissertation, Internship or Project.
Note: Given that ECTS division is not possible in these components, the limit of 37,5 ECTS may be exceeded, but it is considered that to complete one curricular year the student must make the corresponding to two annual part-time registrations.
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