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Projeto/Contrato PS:LIFE20 GIE/ES/000731 – LIFE Iberconejo

Início Aprovado Em Curso Concluído Encerrado

Projeto Em CursoEm Curso
Dados Gerais
Código: 78620
Referência: LIFE20 GIE/ES/000731 – LIFE Iberconejo
Nome Curto: LIFE20 GIE/ES/000731 – LIFE Iberconejo
Título: Drawing the baselines for the good management of a Mediterranean key species, the wild rabbit
Financiamento Competitivo: Sim
Envolve empresas?: Não
Nº de Instituições Participantes: 1
Tipo: Projeto Financiado
Âmbito Geográfico: Internacional
Tipo de Ação: I&DT
Instituição Financiadora: Comissão Europeia
Âmbito Geográfico Financeiro: Internacional
Data de Contrato de Financiamento: 2021-10-01
Data de Início Previsto: 2021-10-01
Data de Início Efetivo: 2021-10-01
Data de Conclusão Prevista: 2024-12-31
Data de Conclusão Efetiva: 2024-12-31
Moeda: EUR
Orçamento Global Aprovado: 2.103.880,00 EUR
Resumo: Drawing the baselines for the good management of a Mediterranean key species, the wild rabbit

The European Rabbit (ER) is a Mediterranean Forest's keystone species; it's the main prey of some of
the most endangered Iberian top predators (Lynx pardinus, Aquila adalberti), models the landscape,
increases soil fertility and creates habitat for other species.
Over the last 70 years Iberian ER populations have declined by 90% as a result of changes in land uses
and diseases (myxomatosis and RHD). In 2019 the IUCN listed ER as Endangered, reflecting recent
populations declines mainly due to a new variant of RHD virus. The ER is listed as Vulnerable in Spain
and Near Threatened in Portugal.
Currently, diseases cause the ER distribution and abundance to be quite heterogeneous in space and
time. ER population declines have caused conservation problems when occurring within the distribution
range of its top predators, jeopardizing its conservation by seriously affecting their reproductive
success. It has also caused socio-economic problems in rural areas where hunting is an important
economic force. But there are occasional local demographic explosions that damage crops or
agricultural infrastructures, affecting in Spain an average of 41.836 hectares during 2012-2017 (51% of
agricultural insurance compensation for wildlife-related damages).
To address this situation the governments of Spain and Portugal have led initiatives focused mainly on
conservation issues and diseases research. MAPAMA of Spain created the Rabbit Working Group in
2014, and in 2007 ICNF promoted the "ER Recovery Program (PRECOB)", but both initiatives have been
cancelled. Other initiatives currently cancelled have been led by regional governments (2009-2018
management plan in Castilla-La Mancha) and ONGs (2015-2016 WWF's SOS Conejo, where a proposal
for an Iberian Management Plan was drafted). See B.1 Risks for details on the failures of these
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Resultados: By the end of Iberconejo the ERICC is the ER governance structure in the Iberian Peninsula that coordinates the implementation of consensual ER monitoring and management protocols. There is quality information about the ER population and health status. The decline of ER populations starts being reverted and there’s an improvement in its top predator populations, a reduction of the ERrelated conflicts and a solid basis for long-term efficient advances in ER conservation. ER conservation status upgraded by IUCN by 2035. Results can be grouped attending the specifics objectives and the thematic strategies: Governance strategy O1.R1 ERICC’s rules of order and organization chart. O1.R2 ERICC`s health and population management, monitoring surveys and conflict resolution working groups are constituted by Iberconejo’s partners by 2022. O2.R1 ERICC is leading ER management in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) in 2025. Monitoring and management strategy O3.R1 ERICC will have a consensual ER population monitoring protocol by 2023. O3.R2 ERICC will have a consensual ER health monitoring protocol by 2023. O4.R1 A data collection IT app will be available and at least 100 forest agents, 100 volunteers and 100 persons of the agro-hunting sector will have the skills to implement the health and population monitoring protocols making use of the IT app. O5.R1 Firsts ER population and health monitoring surveys in the project areas, with 233.527 km2 sampled by 2024. O5.R2 By 2024 there will be available detailed ER presence and density layers, defining the species population status to be used as the reference for the management of the ER and its top predators. O6.R1 Evaluation and assessment protocol for prevention of ER damages to agriculture by 2023. O6.R2 Consensual protocol for best practice in ER population management by 2023. O6.R3 ERICC official document “Protocol for Best Practice in ER Population Management”, identifying possible public financing lines by 2024. O6.R4 Iberconejo’s management protocols will be implemented in the Project areas since 2024. Sustainability and replicability strategy O7.R1 A CAP-focused version of the document “Protocol for Best Practice in ER Population Management”, which highlights issues closely related to the agrarian policies. O8.R1 Model of governance structures for terrestrial mammals in 2024. O8.R2 Model of terrestrial mammals monitoring protocols in 2024. O9.R1 The results and products of Iberconejo are known and available to a large number of organizations that can use them to improve their conservation tasks. Strategy to maximize the benefits generated by the project O10.R1 All project indicators achieved the expected improvements and results are efficiently achieved. O11.R1 Financial and technical reports meet all requirements. O12.R1 Wide dissemination of Iberconejo’s results.
Enquadramento Científico
Domínio Científico (FOS - Nível 2): Ciências agrárias > Ciências veterinárias

Áreas Científicas (CORDIS - Nível 5)

  • Ciências Naturais > Ciências do ambiente > Ciências da terra

Palavras Chave

  • Drawing the baselines
  • LIFE Environmental
  • wild rabbit
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Publicações associados ao Projeto

Instituições Participantes no Projeto
Instituição Contacto Criar Tab?
Nome Nome Curto País Tipo Participação Nome Telefone Email
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto FCUP Portugal Universidade Parceiro Paulo Célio Alves
Orçamentos e Equipas
Orçamento Confidencial:

Pessoas no Projeto

Instituição Nome Nome Curto Função Dedicação (%) Contribuição (%) Afetação
Data de Início Data de Fim
FCUP José Alberto Álvares Pereira Gonçalves JAÁPG Co Investigador Responsável 7 7 2021-10-01 2024-12-31
FCUP Paulo Célio Pereira Martins Alves PCPMA Investigador Responsável 14 14 2021-10-01 2024-12-31

Técnicos no Projeto

Mais informações Não existem Técnicos associadas ao Projeto.
Mais informações Não existem Laboratórios associados ao Projeto.
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