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Projeto: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000032570

Designação do projeto: INES - INES - Innovative teaching and learning paths for the prevention of new drugs abuse
Código do projeto: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000032570
Instituição proponente/ Promotor líder/ Entidade coordenadora: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna
Parceiro(s) / Co-promotor(es) / Instituição(ões) participante(s): Escola Secundária com 3.º Ciclo João Gonçalves Zarco; Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto; Transilvania University of Brasov
Data de aprovação: 2022-02-01
Data de início: 2021-12-01
Data de conclusão: 2024-11-30
Objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados/atingidos
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) represent a large and increasing group of chemical compounds mainly of synthetic
nature, characterized by pharmacological and toxicological properties particularly dangerous for the health of consumers.
As underlined in the last European Drug Report (EMCDDA, 2018) the "New psychoactive substances continue to
challenge public health: [the priority is] to identify and respond to the emergence of drugs that has been lacking
elsewhere". It is important to clearly identify the specific characteristics of the "market" where NPS are available, and who
the target groups (consumers) of this type of compound are. At a European level, it is estimated that about 5% of young
Europeans aged between 15 and 24 years had already consumed, at least, one of these new drugs (Flash
Eurobarometer, 2011). The ESPAD Report (2015) identified, for example, a growing number (3-4%) of 15-to 16-year-old
school students in 24 European countries who frequently use NPS. In the EU countries involved in this project, some
scientific studies (DGS, 2012), underline a greater NPS consumption trend among minors. With the aforementioned
premise that the majority of the "new consumers" of NPS comes from the 15-16 years old age group, the school can
certainly represent a significant environment where knowledge can be improved and effective strategies can be
developed to promote student's agency, students' reflexive capacity, and key competencies to tackle early school leaving
and to tackle the abuse of the above-mentioned substances. In order to promote "secondary school system" processes of
didactic innovation, also mediated from a transversal use of digital technologies, the INES project aims to create the
conditions to support the collaborative networking of teachers, external experts, and students to find, test, adapt and use
(within common teaching workflows) didactic strategies and resources to tackle the NPS problem. The project needs to
be carried out transnationally in order to complete and integrate all the partners' expertise and share their know-how.
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