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Nephrology and Urology

Code: MI532     Acronym: NU

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2023/2024 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Surgery and Physiology Department
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 112 Plano Oficial 2021 5 - 5,5 52 148,5

Teaching language



To enable the student in the collection, registration, gestures attitudes and transmission of clinical information (history of the disease, objective examination and complementary examinations) in the areas of Nephrology and Urology, important for the formation of the pluripotential physician. To use the information to diagnose the main nephrological syndromes and urologic pathologies and to establish lists of problems centered on the clinical situation of the patient. To acquire a nucleus of theoretical knowledge that empowers the student in the evaluation and resolution of the most frequent clinical situations in the areas of nephrology and urology and in the elaboration of adequate therapeutic proposals. Enable the student in patient referral and in search of information for decision making.

Learning outcomes and competences

To enable the student in the collection, registration, gestures attitudes and transmission of clinical information (history of the disease, objective examination and complementary examinations) in the areas of Nephrology and Urology, important for the formation of the pluripotential physician. To use the information to diagnose the main nephrological syndromes and urologic pathologies and to establish lists of problems centered on the clinical situation of the patient. To acquire a nucleus of theoretical knowledge that empowers the student in the evaluation and resolution of the most frequent clinical situations in the areas of nephrology and urology and in the elaboration of adequate therapeutic proposals. Enable the student in patient referral and in search of information for decision making.

Working method




Lectures (n=7): I. Renal semiology - evaluation of renal function - nephrological syndromes; II. Chronic Kidney Disease; III. Acute Kidney Injury; IV. Nephrotic syndrome, nephritic syndrome and asymptomatic urinary anomalies; V. Acid-base balance disorders; VI. Fluid and electrolyte disorders; VII Potassium metabolism disorders and secondary hypertension.

Theoretical-practical sessions (n=7): I. The patient with azotemia; II. The patient with proteinuria or hematuria III; Primary and secondary glomerular diseases; IV:  The patient with diabetic nephropathy; V. The patient with glomerular disease: renal pathology; VI. Acid-base balance disorders and disturbances of water and sodium balance; VII. The patient with calcium metabolism disturbances.

Practical Sessions (n=7): Analysis and study focused on the following type of patients: I. The patient with chronic renal failure; II. The patient with acute / rapidly progressive renal dysfunction; III. The patient needing renal replacement therapy - hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplantation, continuous techniques. IV. The patient with primary and secondary glomerular disease; V. The patient with electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders; VI. The patient with secondary hypertension and potassium disorders; VII. The patient with proteinuria and/or hematuria.


 Lectures (total number 7): 1 – Benign prostatic hyperplasia; 2 – Prostate Cancer; 3 – Urinary incontinence; 4 – Renal and bladder tumors; 5 - Andrology (male sexual dysfunction, male infertility); 6 -  Urolithiasis; 7 – Urinary tract infections.

Theoretical-practical sessions (total number 7): 1- Overview of Urology and its terminology; 2- Lower urinary tract symptoms; 3- Nocturia; 4- Urologic urgencies and benign diseases of the external genitalia; 5- Neuro-urology; 6- Testicular and penile tumours; 7- Relevant bio-pathology of the genital and urinary tract.

Practical sessions: Benign diseases of the external genitalia; Clinical pharmacology relevant for the lower urinary tract; Digital rectal examination and urethral catheterization; Observation of several urological examinations (cystoscopy, urodynamics, ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy).

Mandatory literature

Gilbert S et al.; National Kidney Foundation Primer on Kidney Diseases
Dan, L., et al.; Harrison’s Manual of Medicine
McAninch, J., & Lue, T. ; General Urology, Smith
Wein, A., et al.; Campbell-Walsh Urology
Ivor, B., Griggs, R., Wing, E., & Fitz, J.; Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medicine

Teaching methods and learning activities

Each student will attend:

Lectures - fourteen lectures (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) lasting 2 hours each, taught daily during the course, on the subjects referred to in the "programmatic contents".

 Theoretical-Practical Sessions - fourteen sessions (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) on the subjects referred to in the "syllabus contents" taught to groups of about 30 students, from Monday to Friday.

Practical Sessions - fourteen practical sessions (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) will be taught on the subjects referred to in the syllabus ", in groups of 4/5 students, from Monday to Friday, in the hours after the theoretical-practical classes. Students will also attend urological out-patient consultation in “live streaming” commented by a teacher.


Health sciences > Medical sciences > Medicine > Urology
Health sciences > Medical sciences > Medicine > Nephrology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 96,50
Frequência das aulas 52,00
Total: 148,50

Eligibility for exams

Each student will attend:

Lectures - fourteen lectures (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) lasting 2 hours each, taught daily during the course, on the subjects referred to in the "programmatic contents".

Theoretical-Practical Sessions - fourteen sessions (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) on the subjects referred to in the "syllabus contents" taught to groups of about 30 students, from Monday to Friday.

Practical Sessions - fourteen practical sessions (seven of nephrology and seven of urology) will be taught on the subjects referred to in the syllabus ", in groups of 4/5 students, from Monday to Friday, in the hours after the theoretical-practical classes. Students will also attend urological out-patient consultation in “live streaming” commented by a teacher.

The evaluation in the discipline will consist of a final multiple choice written test, with a contribution of 100% for the final classification, with questions of both Nephrology and Urology areas. Only students attending to 75% of the Lectures, and Theoretical-Practical Sessions, and Practical Sessions in both nephrology and Urology can take the final written final examination.

The final multiple-choice examination consists of a test of 60 multiple-choice questions (with five hypotheses with one correct answer), containing 30 questions from the area of ​​Nephrology and 30 questions from the Urology area. In order to pass the final examination, the student must obtain a minimum of 14 correct answers, both in the Nephrology area and in the Urology area. The theoretical test has a total duration of 75 minutes.

The approval in the discipline is dependent on obtaining a minimum of 9,5​/20 values in the final examination test in both Nephrology and Urology.

The students who do not obtain approval in the discipline must take again the final examination test in the two areas - Nephrology and Urology - according to the criteria defined above.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation in the discipline will consist of a theoretical components with a contribution of 100% for the final classification, both in the Nephrology and In the Urology areas.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

For students with special status (working Status, associative leader,...) who could not attend the minimum of 75% of the Lectures, Theoretical-Practical Sessions and Practical Sessions,  have to be submitted to an oral exam at the end of the course, to allow access to the final written test.

Classification improvement

Improvement of classification: the students who want to improve their classification in the discipline should repeat the final multiple choice written examination in the two areas - Nephrology and Urology - according to the criteria defined above in "evaluation".

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