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Pediatric Clinic

Code: MI537     Acronym: CLPED

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Departamento de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia e Pediatria
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 122 Plano Oficial 2021 5 - 8 76 216

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Maria Inês Ferreira Agueda de Azevedo
José Manuel Estevão da Costa

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical classes: 1,14
Theoretical and practical : 2,00
Seminar: 0,29
Traineeship: 2,00
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical classes Totals 2 2,286
Daniel José Dias Gonçalves 0,142
João Luís Freire Neves Barreira 0,071
Ana Cláudia Teles Moreira Da Silva 0,25
Catarina Granjo de Oliveira e Ventura Morais 0,014
Maria Inês Ferreira Agueda de Azevedo 0,214
Maria João Ribeiro Leite Baptista 0,071
Ana Cristina Roçadas Lourenço Gomes 0,108
Sofia Helena de Jesus Moreira Ferreira 0,284
Henrique Edgar Correia Soares 0,071
Susana Mesquita Campos Corujeira 0,20
Marta João Rodrigues da Silva 0,142
Cintia Gonçalves de Castro Correia 0,071
Ana Catarina Ramos Fragoso 0,214
Raquel Cristina Carvalho Sousa 0,071
Maria Ceu Soares Espinheira 0,15
Cláudia Raquel Ferrão de Melo 0,142
Ana Rita Duarte Santos Silva Martins Afonso 0,071
Theoretical and practical Totals 4 8,00
Ana Catarina Ramos Fragoso 0,872
Maria Inês Ferreira Agueda de Azevedo 1,40
Paula Maria Coelho dos Santos Gonçalves Guerra 0,525
Sofia Helena de Jesus Moreira Ferreira 0,116
Joana Isabel Afonso Neto 0,20
Carla Dolores Rodrigues Carvalho de Sá Couto 0,714
Marisa Isabel Garcia Rodrigues 0,50
Marta João Rodrigues da Silva 0,714
Helena Maria Guedes Silva Martins Pinto 0,714
Cláudia Raquel Ferrão de Melo 0,714
Maria do Bom Sucesso dos Santos Cardoso 0,089
Catarina Granjo de Oliveira e Ventura Morais 0,114
Daniel José Dias Gonçalves 0,714
João Luís Freire Neves Barreira 0,614
Seminar Totals 8 2,288
Maria do Bom Sucesso dos Santos Cardoso 0,325
Ana Rita Moreira Coelho 0,113
Fernando Carlos de Landér Schmitt 0,192
Pedro Augusto Amoroso de Passos Canão 0,205
Madalena Pereira de Sousa Von Hafe Pérez 0,10
Maria João Ribeiro Leite Baptista 0,714
João Carlos Moutinho Almeida 0,228
Elsa Maria Pereira da Fonseca 0,214
José Manuel Pedrosa Baptista Lopes 0,192
Traineeship Totals 32 64,00
Henrique Edgar Correia Soares 1,45
Mariana Jorge de Oliveira Rodrigues 1,00
Paula Maria Coelho dos Santos Gonçalves Guerra 0,075
Marta Filipa Duarte Do Rosário 1,60
Marisa Isabel Garcia Rodrigues 0,80
Lara Patrícia Simões Lourenço 1,10
Ana Rita Gonçalves Amorim 1,00
Ana Luisa Correia Rodrigues Costa 1,00
Maria João Ribeiro Leite Baptista 2,215
David José Rabiço da Costa 0,40
Mafalda Nunes Sampaio 1,00
Inês Pais Cunha 1,40
José Manuel Estevão da Costa 1,00
Diana Sofia Antunes Bordalo 0,90
Maria Carolina Ventura de Lima Faria 0,925
Margarida Silva Vicente Ferreira Puga 0,40
Madalena Pereira de Sousa Von Hafe Pérez 0,40
Ana Cristina Roçadas Lourenço Gomes 0,882
Susana Mesquita Campos Corujeira 1,31
Joana Isabel Afonso Neto 0,17
Filipa Silveira Dias Flor de Lima Caldas de Oliveira 2,00
Sofia Helena de Jesus Moreira Ferreira 1,00
Joana Filipa Ventura Lourenço 0,40
Marta João Rodrigues da Silva 4,285
Ana Luisa Vieira de Castro Ramos das Neves 4,00
Catarina Maria Melo Alvim Ferraz 1,00
Maria Inês Ferreira Agueda de Azevedo 5,451
Ruben Sa Balao Alves Rocha 0,30
Ana Isabel Ribeiro Vilan Ferreira Lopes 2,00
Catarina Granjo de Oliveira e Ventura Morais 0,15
Sara de Castro Catarino 0,40
Raquel Cristina Carvalho Sousa 1,90
Teresa Isabel Resende Almeida Campos 1,70
Ana Laura Leite de Almeida 0,40
Marta Cadima Andre Grilo 2,00
Sandra Marques Costa 2,00
João Nuno Meneses Antunes Barreto Sarmento 1,00
Maria do Bom Sucesso dos Santos Cardoso 1,586
Ana Cláudia Teles Moreira Da Silva 1,70
José Pedro Fontoura Matias 1,70
Carla Susana Fernandes da Costa de Araújo Jorge 1,45
Joana Isabel Noronha Lima Jardim Pena 1,00
Ana Rita Duarte Santos Silva Martins Afonso 2,787
Pedro António Monteiro de Andrade Miragaia 0,40
Cintia Gonçalves de Castro Correia 0,929
Ana Catarina Ramos Fragoso 0,80
Cláudia Raquel Ferrão de Melo 1,76
Sara Geraldes Pacheco Faria Paulino 0,40
Débora Rute Valente Silva 0,42
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2024-01-10.

Fields changed: Calculation formula of final grade, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Melhoria de classificação

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The students should be able to:

  • Be able to establish effective communication with children, their families, and caregivers and respect their culture and beliefs.
  • Demonstrate empathetic and compassionate communication.
  • Recognize the importance of Ethics in pediatrics, including patient confidentiality, informed consent, and respect for autonomy, and involve parents or guardians in decision-making 
  • Demonstrate professionalism in interactions with patients, families, and colleagues.
  • Work effectively within interdisciplinary teams, including nurses, social workers, therapists, and other healthcare professionals involved in pediatric care.
  • Develop skills in obtaining a comprehensive pediatric history, including prenatal and birth history.
  • Perform accurate and age-appropriate physical examinations of pediatric patients.
  • Understand pediatric pathophysiology of the common diseases pediatric 
  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze clinical findings and develop appropriate management plans for pediatric patients.
  • Understand the principles for prescribing in pediatrics
  • Develop skills in self-directed learning, including the ability to seek and critically appraise relevant medical literature.
  • Know how to search evidence-based guidelines and keep updated on the best practices for diagnosis, treatment, and management of common pediatric conditions.
  • Incorporate evidence-based medicine principles in clinical decision-making.
  • Be able to implement preventive measures in children and adolescents including:
    • Assessing nutritional needs at different stages of childhood, promoting breastfeeding, weaning, and introduction of solid foods.
    • Advice children, families and the community in healthy lifestyles
    • Advice on immunizations, including on efficacy and safety, and promote adhesion to national vaccination guidelines
    • Advice on prevention of intoxications and injuries 
    • Follow the recommendations of the Child Health Book
  • Evaluate the growth and nutrition status of children
  • Recognize and manage common nutritional disorders, such as malnutrition, obesity, and feeding difficulties.
  • Evaluate development milestones and recognize red flags and know how to refer developmental delays, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders in children.
  • Be able to take care of the newborn in the delivery room
  • Identify common congenital malformations, includind congenital cardiac and urinary tract malformations
  • Identify and treat frequent neonatal diseases
  • Recognize, diagnose, manage and treat common acute and chronic illnesses encountered in pediatric practice, including respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, exanthematic diseases, allergies, and asthma
  • Understand the principles of pediatric emergency care 
  • Recognize and be able to start the initial management of pediatric emergencies, including respiratory distress, seizures, anaphylaxis, and provide basic life support 
  • Obtain and interpret the semiology of common diseases that require surgical care;
  • Recognize the conditions for surgical referral in a timely manner
  • Adjust the generic surgical principles to the child, attendind to the  pathophysiology
  • Integrate the principles of decision-making and the operative chronology in Pediatric Surgery
  • Understand biopsychosocial implications of surgical interventions in children

Learning outcomes and competences

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes.

The methods used for teaching are aligned with the specific learning goals and objectives of the curriculum

  1. We train students to develop clinical skills necessary for the assessment, diagnosis, and management of pediatric patients. This includes history-taking, physical examination, interpretation of diagnostic tests, and basic procedural skills, taking into account the age group of the child.

  2. We foster effective communication and interpersonal skills for interacting with pediatric patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals. This includes age-appropriate communication, empathetic listening, breaking bad news, and counseling skills.

  3. We promote professionalism and ethical behavior in students, emphasizing respect, integrity, accountability, and patient-centered care. We introduce principles of patient safety and quality improvement in the context of pediatric care.

  4. We cultivate an understanding of the unique needs and rights of pediatric patients, and develop advocacy skills to promote their well-being, safety, and access to appropriate healthcare services

  5. We foster the ability to work effectively in interprofessional healthcare teams, understanding the roles and responsibilities of different team members and promoting collaborative patient care.

  6. We foster a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, encouraging students to stay updated with advances in pediatric medicine, research, and evidence-based practice.

  7. We develop the ability to analyze simple and complex pediatric cases, apply clinical reasoning skills, and develop evidence-based management plans.

  8. We ensure that students acquire a solid foundation of knowledge in pediatrics, including growth and development, heathy nutrition, immunizations, common pediatric diseases and conditions, diagnostic approaches, and treatment strategies.

Working method




  • Communication skills
  • Clinical history in Pediatrics
  • Physical examination and semiotics of common problems in children 
  • Breastfeeding and complementary feeding during the first year of life and beyond
  • The newborn
  • Neonatal ressuscitation
  • Neonatal jaundice
  • Neonatal sepsis
  • Immunization schedules
  • Common neurodevelopment disorders
  • The normal and pathological growth. Puberty.
  • The adolescent
  • Fever in children
  • Exanthematic diseases
  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Hematuria and proteinuria
  • Respiratory infections
  • Recurrent wheezing and asthma
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Meningitis and meningoencephalitis
  • Congenital cardiopathies
  • Obesity and metabolic syndrome
  • Anemia and trobocytopenia in children
  • Oncologic diseases
  • Casualities, trauma and intoxications: prevention and treatment
  • Pediatric basic life support
  • The severely ill child
  • Seizures in children
  • Prescribing in Paediatrics
  • Surgical diseases in childhood:
  • -- Abdominal wall and inguino-scrotal conditions
  • -- Gastrointestinal diseases with surgical implications  --- Genitourinary disorders

Mandatory literature

Guerrero-Fernández J., Cartón Sánchez A, Barreda Bonis A., Menéndez Suso J., Ruiz Domínguez J. ; Manual de Diagnóstico y Terapéutica en Pediatría, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2018. ISBN: ISBN-13: 9788491101307

Complementary Bibliography

Karen Marcdante Robert Kliegman ; Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics , 8th Edition Elsevier, 2018. ISBN: ISBN: 9780323527354
Videira Amaral JM; Tratado de Clinica Pediátrica, 2022. ISBN: 978-989-54122-3-
Karen Duderstadt; Pediatric Physical Examination, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2018. ISBN: 9780323476508 (Spiral-bound for quick reference in clinical settings, this photo-rich, step-by-step guide to physical examination for advanced practice providers prepares you to expertly examine children from birth through adolescence)
Tom Lissauer, Will Carroll; Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 5th Edition, Elsevier, 2017. ISBN: 9780723438717 (A high level of illustration and accessibility that has made it popular worldwide with medical students and trainees approaching clinical specialty exams)
Guiomar Oliveira; Jorge Saraiva (Coordenadores); Lições de Pediatria (vol. I e vol. II), Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017. ISBN: 9789892612997

Teaching methods and learning activities

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes.

Within the curricular unite the student will contact with a mix of asynchronous didactic lectures, case-based discussions, small-group activities, hands-on practical sessions, simulations sessions  analysis of role-playing, and clinical experiences with children in real clinical scenarios.

The didactic lectures cover the main topics listed in the objectives, namely diagnosis and tratement odf common pediatric diseases; care of the newborn, jaundice and infections; growth and puberty; normal development and red flags; breast feeding and introduction of solid foods; immunizations; preventive measures for a healty life; nutricional disorders; normal development and red flags; congenital malformations; the severely ill child; gastroenteritis and dehydratation; respiratory infections; food allergies, rhinitis and asthma, urinary tract infections, exanthematic diseases, meningitis.
We ensure that the lectures integrate the basic sciences with clinical practice in pediatrics, by connec ing foundational knowledge with its practical application in diagnosing and managing the common pediatric conditions.

During the case-based discussions we use a Problem Based Approach, as the student will face clinical scenarios in order to analyze and develop clinical reasoning. Through small groups discussions we engage students in the learning process and promote deeper understanding and application of knowledge and enhance decision-making skills.

The students will analyze clinical interviews videos and discuss different approaches (using a Calgary-Cambridge approach) in order to improve communication skills with children and adolescents, in a preformed scenario; and better develop communication skills.

We provide opportunities for students to directly engage with pediatric patients in  clinical settings, guided by a trained tutor, s to allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios, promoting the integration of theory and practice.
Students will gain trainning in collecting clinical history and perform physical examination in different pathologies and accross the different age groups. 

We incorporate simulations and digital resources to supplement traditional teaching methods for basic life suport training.


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 90,00
Participação presencial 5,00
Exame 5,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 140,00
Frequência das aulas 48,00
Realização de Estágio 28,00
Total: 216,00

Eligibility for exams

The frequency of the Course Unit is obtained by the student who completes at least 75% of the practical lessons and 50% of synchronous lessons. 

Calculation formula of final grade

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation):

The 76 hours of contact are distributed by the following types of methodologies:

Asyncchronous lectures - 16 hours

Synchronous lessons- 28 hours;

Seminars: 4 hours; 

Internship/practical lessons- 28 hours

We use a variety of assessment approaches, including written exams and practical exams, and portfolio assessments.
We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching methodologies in achieving the intended learning outcomes. We seek feedback from students and monitor their progress, in order to make necessary adjustments to teaching strategies based on evidence and student performance.

Assessment modality: continuous with final exam

Multiple-choice Question Test 95% -19.0  
Attendance and participation 5% - 1.0 

For approval, the student must have aminimum of  23 correct questions in the MCQ and approval of the pratical component.

The assessment of attendance and participation  and  clinical skills is evaluated by the tutor. 

The final exam consists of a 50-question multiple-choice test with a single correct answer, with a duration of 75 minutes with a quotation of 19.0 values.

The supplementary exam consists of a similar MCQ test quoted for 19.0 values, keeping the grade obtained for attendance and participation. 


Classification improvement

An improvement in the final grade can be obatined trough a supplementary MCQ test quoted 19.0 values, keeping the assessment for attendance and participation.


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