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General and Family Medicine

Code: MI443     Acronym: MGF

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2023/2024 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health Decision Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 133 Plano Oficial 2021 4 - 3 28 81

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Luísa Maria Barbosa Sá
Ana Sofia Torres Baptista

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical classes: 0,57
Theoretical and practical : 0,75
Seminar: 0,11
Traineeship: 0,57
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical classes Totals 1 0,571
Ana Luísa Fernandes Neves Soares 0,071
Luísa Maria Barbosa Sá 0,142
Tiago Salgado De Magalhães Taveira Gomes 0,071
Paulo Alexandre Azevedo Pereira Santos 0,071
Ana Sofia Torres Baptista 0,071
Elvira Manuel Costa Moreira Teles De Sampaio 0,071
Rosália Cristina Gabriel Páscoa 0,071
Theoretical and practical Totals 4 3,00
Elvira Manuel Costa Moreira Teles De Sampaio 0,285
Ana Luísa Fernandes Neves Soares 0,285
Ana Sofia Torres Baptista 0,285
Gustavo Alexandre Gomes Lopes de Oliveira 0,142
Joana Maria Vilela Sereno da Silva Monteiro Goulart 0,142
Susana Andreia Silva Pinto 0,142
Luísa Maria Barbosa Sá 0,285
Tiago Salgado De Magalhães Taveira Gomes 0,285
Manuel José Viana Gonçalves da Costa 0,142
Paulo Alexandre Azevedo Pereira Santos 0,285
Ana Iva Costa dos Santos 0,142
Rosália Cristina Gabriel Páscoa 0,286
Seminar Totals 8 0,856
Elsa Maria Pereira da Fonseca 0,085
Susana Andreia Silva Pinto 0,107
Maria de Fátima Machado Henriques Carneiro 0,085
Luísa Maria Barbosa Sá 0,107
Diana Francisca das Neves Ferreira Martins 0,042
Ana Rita Moreira Coelho 0,128
José Manuel Pedrosa Baptista Lopes 0,085
Ana Sofia Torres Baptista 0,107
Elvira Manuel Costa Moreira Teles De Sampaio 0,107
Traineeship Totals 32 18,272
Paulo Alexandre Azevedo Pereira Santos 1,642
Luísa Maria Barbosa Sá 3,071
Gustavo Alexandre Gomes Lopes de Oliveira 0,50
Elvira Manuel Costa Moreira Teles De Sampaio 1,642
Ana Iva Costa dos Santos 0,50
Ana Sofia Torres Baptista 1,642
Joana Maria Vilela Sereno da Silva Monteiro Goulart 2,142
Manuel José Viana Gonçalves da Costa 0,50
Daniel Beirão Neto de Sousa 1,642
Carlos Franclim Moreira Silva 1,642
Rosália Cristina Gabriel Páscoa 1,643

Teaching language



The General and Family Medicine curricular unit aims to enable students to acquire knowledge about the fundamentals and basic competences of General and Family Medicine: the management and coordination of primary health care, community orientation, problem-solving skills, comprehensive approach, person-centred and holistic approach.

it is also intended that students acquired knowledge about the organization of the National Health Service and the history of Primary Health Care.

Finally, it is intended that the students know how, in the current practice of General and Family Medicine, is incorporated the practice of Evidence-Based Medicine and new information and communication technologies in the support of the decision of concrete clinical situations.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the curricular unit, students should have knowledge and skills that enable them to initiate a medical practice person-centred and oriented to the individual, his family and community.

They must present competences of collection and registration of the clinical history according to the methodology of General and Family Medicine.

They should be able to prioritize existing health problems and make their clinical records consistent and rational.

They should be aware and know how to apply the steps of the General and Family Medicine consultation

They should be able to practice person-centred clinical communication with an integrated holistic view.

They should know how to apply Evidence-Based Medicine in the context of General and Family Medicine.

Working method



Primary Health Care. History and current organization of the National Health Service.

General practitioner, holistic and community-oriented approach, and doctor-patient relationship.

Person-centered care. Steps of the consultation in General and Family Medicine.

Continuity of care: the individual throughout life. Women's health and child and adolescent health.

Decision-making in General and Family Medicine. Evidence-based medicine and management of uncertainty.

Approach to cardiovascular risk. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Clinical record in General and Family Medicine (Weed's Method). Problem-oriented medical record (POMR). Problem list. Active and inactive problems.

International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2).

The family in the General and Family Medicine consultation: family assessment.

Quaternary prevention. Choosing Wisely. Polypharmacy in the elderly.

Oncological screening in Primary Health Care.


Mandatory literature

Thomas R. Freeman; McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine, Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 0199370680
Carlos Martins, Maciek Godycki-Cwirko, Bruno Heleno, John Brodersen; Quaternary prevention: reviewing the concept, European Journal of General Practicie, 2018
Luísa Sá, Orquídea Ribeiro, Luís Filipe Azevedo, Luciana Couto, Altamiro Costa-Pereira, Alberto Hespanhol, Paulo Santos, Carlos Martins; Patients' estimations of the importance of preventive health services: a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study in Portugal, BMJ OPEN, 2016. ISBN: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011755
Martins C, Azevedo LF, Santos C, Sá L, Sá L, Santos P, Couto M, Pereira A, Hespanhol A; Preventive health services implemented by family physicians in Portugal-a cross-sectional study based on two clinical scenarios, BMJ Open. 2014 May 26;4(5):e005162. Doi:10.1136 , 2014
Santos P, Pessanha P, Viana M, Campelo M, Nunes J, Hespanhol A, Couto L.; Accuracy ogf general practitioner’ readings of ECG in primary care, Cent Eur J Med. 2014, ; 9(3) : 431- 6 . DOI: 10.2478/s11536-013-0288-9, 2014
Neves AL, Couto L ; Cardiovascular risk in overweight/obese and lean hypertensive patients, Rev Port Cardiol. 2014 May 12. pii: S0870-2551(14)00082-1. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2013.10.016., 2014
Direção Geral da Saúde; Plano Nacional de Saúde 2012 – 2016, 2012

Comments from the literature

Versão EN

Teaching methods and learning activities

The educational activities are divided into seminars, aimed at a structured deepening of knowledge, complemented by theoretical-practical teaching moments with the analysis of pedagogical clinical cases in role-playing sessions, simulated patients, or prepared clinical histories for discussion.

In the different approaches, students should be able to describe the patient's medical history, elaborating a list of active and inactive health problems, prioritized by relative importance considering the person as a whole, and structuring a preventive and therapeutic plan.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 70,00
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 41,00
Frequência das aulas 28,00
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 12,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

The student must comply with a minimum of 75% of attendance and have a grade higher or equal to 9,5 values in each of the 3 assessment components.

Calculation formula of final grade

For students who have achieved attendance, the final assessment, expressed on a scale of 0 to 20, will consist of:

  • 10% - Continuous assessment based on attendance, participation, and demonstration of skills acquisition in practical classes; grade assigned by the teacher.
  • 20% - Practical assessment based on the construction of a clinical history following the methodology of General and Family Medicine and the General and Family Medicine internship report; grade assigned by the teacher.
  • 70% - Theoretical assessment based on a final knowledge evaluation test, through a multiple-choice written exam.

To pass, each component individually must have a grade equal to or higher than 9.5.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Evaluation of student workers:

  • 10% - Continuous assessment based on attendance, participation, and demonstration of skills acquisition in practical classes OR the option to write a monograph with a maximum of 2500 words on one of the following three topics: a) Definition of General and Family Medicine; b) Reform of Primary Health Care in Portugal; c) Shared Decision Making in the context of General and Family Medicine.
  • 20% - Practical assessment based on the construction of a clinical history according to the methodology of General and Family Medicine (MGF) and the MGF internship report; grade assigned by the teacher.
  • 70% - Theoretical assessment based on a final knowledge evaluation test, through a multiple-choice written exam.

To pass, each component individually must have a grade equal to or higher than 9.5 points.

Classification improvement

To improve the classification in this curricular unit the student will have to repeat the theoretical evaluation test, maintaining the evaluation related to the continuous and pratical evaluation.
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