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Interpersonal Relationships in Palliative Care

Code: MCP_04     Acronym: RICP

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Health Sciences

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health Decision Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Master Degree Course in Palliative Care

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MCP 39 Current Studies Plan 1 - 5 45 135

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes
Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical classes: 2,14
Theoretical and practical : 1,07
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical classes Totals 1 2,14
Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes 0,142
Jose Nuno Ferreira Silva 1,99
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 1,07
Hélder José Mendes Morgado 1,07

Teaching language



- Acquire knowledge in the field of care, the human and relational dimension of continued care, specifically in the interface with palliative care.

- Emotionally stimulate, develop personal and professional competence, develop personal competence and play an emotional role.

- Reflect on the influence of emotions in the care process.

- Analyze factors related to the dynamics of multidisciplinary teamwork.

- Develop multidisciplinary teamwork skills and compassionate and humanized care.

Learning outcomes and competences

The syllabus is in line with currents of thought in the area of ​​Interpersonal Relations in Palliative Care. In this way, consistency with the learning objectives is demonstrated, given that these contents are necessary for the student to develop core competencies for professional practice in a multidisciplinary team in palliative care contexts.

Working method



 1- The caring, compassionate and humanized process: personal and organizational factors.

2 - Personal and relational skills in palliative care.

3 – Compassionate satisfaction and compassion fatigue/empathic fatigue.

4 - Emotional intelligence, self-regulation and self-care strategies of the health professional.

5 – Multidisciplinary team and network intervention: communication processes, strategies for teamwork and networking, conflict management and interpersonal relationships.

Mandatory literature

Alkema K., Linton, J.M., & Davies, R.; A study of the relationship between selfcare, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout among hospice professionals, J Soc Work End-of-Life Palliat Care 4(2), 101–19, 2008
Baqeas, M.H., Davis, J. & Copnell, B.; Compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction among palliative care health providers: A scoping review, BMC Palliat Care 20, 88, 2021. ISBN: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12904-021-00784-5
Carvalho, M.J.; Gestão e Liderança na Saúde, Porto: Vida Económica, 2008
Carvalho, R.T. & Parsons, H.A (Coord.); Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP, Brasil: Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos, 2012
Combinato, D. S. & Queiroz, M.S.; Morte: uma visão psicossocial, Estudos de Psicologia, 11(2), 209-216, 2006
Costa, M. & López, E.; Los secretos de la dirección: Liderar y fortalecer personas y equipos, Madrid: Editorial Pirámide, 2009
Gamondi, C., Larkin, P. & Payne, S.; Core competencies in palliative care: An EAPC white paper on palliative care education – Part 2, European Journal of Palliative Care, 20(2), 86-91, 2013
Gamondi, C., Larkin, P. & Payne, S.; Core competencies in palliative care: An EAPC white paper on palliative care education – Part 1, European Journal of Palliative Care, 20(3), 140-145, 2013
Rui, N., Francisca, R., Guilhermina, R.; Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Cuidados Paliativos, Coimbra: Almedina, 2018

Teaching methods and learning activities

a) theoretical lectures on different topics related to the Curricular Unit;

b) theoretical-practical seminars: prepared and guided discussion of specific themes, defined in advance, with the participation of professors and students;

c) participatory and active techniques: role-play, analysis and discussion of cases, viewing and analysis of videos, discussion of ethical dilemmas, among others.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 90,00
Frequência das aulas 45,00
Total: 135,00

Eligibility for exams

A Avaliação Contínua é efetuada pelo/a docente responsável pelo grupo de estudantes que frequenta simultaneamente a Unidade Curricular tendo em atenção a evolução de todo o processo pedagógico, e a evolução das capacidades de cada estudante. Evolução a nível da execução de técnicas de comunicação, do relacionamento humano, da assiduidade na Unidade Curricular, do interesse e participação no processo pedagógico, e, finalmente, dos conhecimentos teóricos e práticos.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final Exam - 100%
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