Domestic Violence and Abuse
Keywords |
Classification |
Keyword |
Forensic Sciences |
Instance: 2023/2024 - SP
Cycles of Study/Courses
Acronym |
No. of Students |
Study Plan |
Curricular Years |
Credits UCN |
Credits ECTS |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
24 |
Current Studies Plan |
1 |
- |
6 |
40 |
162 |
Teaching language
Provide professionals who currently work or may work with victims of abuse, with the knowledge and the skills to identify suspected cases, promote their correct and timely diagnosis, and properly assist the victims, taking into account their need for protection, treatment and rehabilitation, not forgetting the issues related to secondary victimization and the required criminal investigation.
Learning outcomes and competences
The unit’s contents, while not comprehensively addressing all of the complexity and magnitude of the problems inherent to domestic violence and abuse, address the main key points in order to create a broad understanding of the topic, while allowing students to develop capabilities to deepen their knowledge according to their intervening area. The contents were developed to raise the students’ sensitivity and critical judgment, thus promoting their problem solving ability, since each case is unique.
Working method
- Legal concepts of Domestic Violence and Maltreatment. Definition of abuse
- The historical and social evolution of the abuse cases. Epidemiological aspects
- Victims and abusers
- Types of abuse, risk factors and indicators (psychological and physical), and other evidence, taking into account the type of victims
- From detection to report
- The forensic medical diagnosis: medico-legal examination in live and death persons (including sexual exam), forensic psychology evaluation and ancillary exams
- Forensic interview
8. The judicial intervention
Mandatory literature
Giardino AP, Datner EM, Asher; JB: Sexual Assault. Victimization across the life span. A clinical guide.GW Medical Publishing, Inc.
Teaching methods and learning activities
This unit wishes to deliver specialized knowledge and skills about bodily harm evaluation and reparation, thus, the lecture structures complemented with case work experience seems to be the most adequate.
Evaluation Type
Evaluation with final exam
Assessment Components
Designation |
Weight (%) |
Exame |
100,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Amount of time allocated to each course unit
Designation |
Time (hours) |
Estudo autónomo |
122,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
40,00 |
Total: |
162,00 |
Eligibility for exams
Obtaining a minimum grade of 9.5 values and presence of at least 75% of the contact hours.
Calculation formula of final grade
100% = test score/written assignment.