Genética Forense
Keywords |
Classification |
Keyword |
Forensic Sciences |
Instance: 2021/2022 - SP (of 13-09-2021 to 15-07-2022)
Cycles of Study/Courses
Acronym |
No. of Students |
Study Plan |
Curricular Years |
Credits UCN |
Credits ECTS |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
6 |
Current Studies Plan |
1 |
- |
6 |
40 |
162 |
Teaching language
Communicate knowledge and develop skills on the role of forensic genetics in the identification of biological kinship, identification of skeletal remains, biological criminalistics and also on the stages of laboratory analyzes regularly performed and on the genetic markers most commonly used in solving forensic cases.
Learning outcomes and competences
The unit’s contents, while not comprehensively addressing all of the complexity and magnitude of the problems inherent to forensic genetics, address the main key points in order to create a broad understanding of the topic, while allowing students to develop capabilities to deepen their knowledge according to their intervening area. The contents were developed to raise the students’ sensitivity and critical judgment, thus promoting their problem solving ability.
Working method
- Expert work in Forensic Genetics.
- Fundamentals of Biology with Application to Forensic Genetics
- DNA polymorphisms most frequently used
- Genetic markers of sex chromosomes
- Technical aspects related to the study of DNA polymorphisms. laboratory stages
- Human mitochondrial DNA
- Non Human mitochondrial DNA
- SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)
- Investigation of biological kinship
- Biological Criminalistics
- Interest expertise of Forensic Genetics in the context of sexual assault
- Interest in the study of SNPs in forensic genetics
13. Degradated samples
Mandatory literature
Anderson, Y. (coord); Crime e território: estudos e experiências em políticas de segurança pública.
Teaching methods and learning activities
This unit aims to communicate specialized knowledge about the issues at hand and apply this knowledge in a practical way, so that the theoretical and practical approach, sustained on real case work, seems more appropriate.
Evaluation Type
Evaluation with final exam
Assessment Components
Designation |
Weight (%) |
Exame |
100,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Amount of time allocated to each course unit
Designation |
Time (hours) |
Estudo autónomo |
122,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
40,00 |
Total: |
162,00 |
Eligibility for exams
Obtaining a minimum grade of 9.5 values and presence of at least 75% of the contact hours.
Calculation formula of final grade
100% = test score/written assignment.