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Code: MI429     Acronym: Ot

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2016/2017 - SP (of 19-09-2016 to 15-07-2017) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Surgery and Physiology Department
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 235 Mestrado Integrado em Medicina- Plano oficial 2013 (Reforma Curricular) 4 - 3 28 81

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


1. Obtain basic knowledge in the scope of Otorhinolaryngology.

2. Acquire competences in patient evaluation through clinical history and physical examination.

3. Develop diagnostic strategies and criteria for selection of complementary diagnostic techniques/exams.

4. Enhance the critical view towards the resolution of clinical problems and proposal of management options.

5. Search for a spirit of excellence and compassion in the approach of the patient.


Learning outcomes and competences

The syllabus coherence is acknowledged by the acquisition of various competences to be evaluated:

1.Understand the scope of Otorhinolaryngology and the different areas of intervention

2.To collect the clinical history and perform the physical examination of the patient

3.Organize an appropriate diagnostic approach and selection of techniques/complementary exams

4.Propose a therapeutic strategy

5.Participate in ongoing academic / clinical research projects


Working method



1.Introduction: Scope of Otorhinolaryngology. Physical exam and complementary exams in ORL;. Emergencies in ORL.

2.Ear: Hearing evaluation; Hearing loss; Acoustic trauma; Otitis and complications: diagnosis and treatment; Vertigo: differential diagnosis and management; Facial nerve: facial palsy, topographic diagnosis and treatment.

3.Nose and Paranasal Sinus: Olfactory disfunctions; Congenital, inflammatory, allergic and neoplastic diseases : diagnosis and management. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.

4.Mouth and Pharynx: Inflammatory and neoplastic pathology: diagnosis and management.

5.Salivary Glands: Sialadenitis and salivary glands neoplasms.

6.Larynx and Neck: Neck lumps; Head and neck oncology and surgery. Prevention. The voice and human communication; Dysphonia; Airway obstruction; Tracheostomy; Esophageal burns and foreign bodies.

Mandatory literature

Schuller D, Schleuning A, DeWeese D (Eds), 8th Edition, Mosby; DeWeese and Saunder’s Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery , 1994
daCosta S, Cruz O, Oliveira J (Eds), Artmed ; Otorrinolaringologia , 2006
Flint P, Haughey B, Lund V et al (Eds). 5th Edition, Mosby_Elsevier; Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery , 2010
Ludman H.; ABC of Otolaryngology, BMJ Publ.Group, 1997
Gulya J & Wilson W (Eds; A Slide Atlas of Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, Parthenon Publ. Group, New York, 1999

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical Lectures (7 hours)

Seminars (7 hours)

Practical Sessions (14 hours)

Theoretical lectures and Seminars will be complemented by patient-oriented Practical and Theoretical-Practical sessions. The practice sessions, with a maximum ratio of four students/ one docent, will evolve in the clinical areas: Outpatient Clinic, Emergency, In-patient Wards, Operating Rooms and Complementary Exams.

The evaluation methods consists in:

  1. Technical Competences Sheet – Mandatory list of 12 practical clinical gestures that the student must perform under the supervision of a docent. Pre-requisite to access the final exam (2 marks)
  2. Written Test - Composed by 32 multiple-choice questions (16 marks) and an extended essay question (2 marks)
3. Under exceptional and justified circumstances, the Written Test may be replaced, with the same grade, by an Oral Exam with a jury composed by two docents of the Curricular Unit.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 80,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 25,00
Frequência das aulas 28,00
Total: 53,00

Eligibility for exams

The syllabus coherence is acknowledged by the various competences that will be the subject of evaluation:

Understand the scope of Otorhinolaryngology and the different areas of intervention; To collect the clinical history and perform the physical examination of the patient; Organize an appropriate diagnostic approach and selection of techniques/complementary exams; Propose a therapeutic strategy; Participate in ongoing academic / clinical research projects

Calculation formula of final grade

-Written Test: 18 points

-Competencies practices: 2 points


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