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Project/Service Agreement:PITN-GA-2009-238700

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General Data
Code: 63752
Reference: PITN-GA-2009-238700
Short name: NANOPOLY
Title: Hybrid Models for Tailoring Nano-Architectures of polymers
Competitive Funding: Yes
Does it involve businesses?:
No. of Participating Institutions: 9
Type: Funded Project
Geographical Scope: International
Type of Action: R&TD
Programme: 7.º Programa-Quadro de IDT
Funding Institution: COMISSÃO EUROPEIA
Financial Geographical Scope: International
Effective Start Date: 2009-10-01
Expected Completion Date: 2013-09-30
Effective Completion Date: 2013-09-30
Currency: EUR
Total Approved Budget: 2.702.706,00 EUR
Summary: The large scale production of commodity polymers is increasingly shifting overseas. Europe still plays a major role in polymer processing and product development, but the competition with the US and Asia requires distinctive efforts to sustain this leadership. Thus, it is decisive for European researchers and companies to design innovative, specialised commodities and optimise current production strategies. NANOPOLY s main scientific objective is to further create, exchange and spread-out such know-how systematically within a European network in order to make this progress available and exploitable for European industries and coming generations of researchers. NANOPOLY will be unique in combining the strengths of applied mathematics/software engineering on the one hand and macro-molecular chemistry/reaction engineering on the other hand. These two sets of competences are currently rather unrelated but represent an important source of innovation for creating new models and associated software tools that permit new rational designs of polymer materials. NANOPOLY s main training objective is the education of a new generation of researchers who are able to bridge the still significant gap between the two mentioned sets of competences. The job market urgently calls for researchers with suchlike sophisticated knowledge and interdisciplinary training. These prospects will make participation in the network a rewarding career option.
Through superior training, intense cooperation, and outreach the network will build-up an exeptional multi-disciplinary, European-based community that is able to achieve the crucial transfer of knowledge between the associated fields and thus permit major innovation in improving technological processes that allow tailoring nano-architectures of polymers to specific requirements.

Successful story: https://ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/article_en.cfm?id=/research/star/index_en.cfm?p=ss-141117nanopoly&calledby=infocentre&item=Countries Ver mais. Adequado para parcelas de texto incompletas e que, através deste ícone, permite-se que o utilizador leia o texto todo.
Observations: Building new plastics with smart software
Chemists can help create a wide range of plastics from polymers, which are large molecule strings made of repeated sub-units. When chemists come up with a new idea for a plastic, it can sometimes involve a trial-and-error process of mixing elements in the laboratory. To assist with this, the European Union (EU)-funded NANOPOLY research fellows have developed a new software tool to model the polymer molecules on a nano-scale. https://ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/article_en.cfm?id=/research/star/index_en.cfm?p=ss-141117nanopoly&calledby=infocentre&item=Countries&artid=33259&caller=SuccessStories
URL: http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=FP7_PROJ_EN&ACTION=D&DOC=1&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=0124ba32e33d:da57:374e2ffe&RCN=92206
Scientific Context
Scientific Domain (FOS - Level 2): Engineering and technology > Chemical engineering

Academic fields (CORDIS - Level 5)

  • Technological sciences > Engineering > Chemical engineering


Mais informações There are no Keywords associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Documents associated with the Project.

Publications associated with the Project

Article in International Scientific Journal
Stefano Lazzari (Author) (Other); Shaghayegh Hamzehlou (Author) (Other); Yuri Reyes (Author) (Other); Jose Ramon Leiza (Author) (Other); Mário Rui P. F. N. Costa (Author) (FEUP); Rolando C. S. Dias (Author) (Other); Giuseppe Storti (Author) (Other)
Institutions Participating in the Project
Institution Contact Create Tab?
Name Short name Country Type Participation Name Telephone Email
Freie Universitaet Berlin Alemanha University Coordinator
BASF Group BASF Alemanha Company Partner
Dow Benelux B.V. Company Partner
Dr. Michael Wulkow Computing in Technology GmbH CIT Alemanha Company Partner
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETHZ Suíça Polytechnic Partner
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto FEUP Portugal University Partner Mário Rui P. F. Nunes da mrcosta@fe.up.pt
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU Espanha University Partner
Universiteit Van Amsterdam UVA Países Baixos University Partner
Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV CR, v. v. i. República Checa University Partner
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 251.487,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 251.487,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: 0,00 EUR
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FEUP Julio Cesar Hernandez Ortiz JCFO Researcher 100 0 2012-09-11 2013-09-10
FEUP Mário Rui Pinto Ferreira Nunes da Costa MRPFNC Official Researcher at the OU 30 100 2009-10-01 2013-09-30

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FEUP 506601 Liliana Carla Tavares Coelho
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
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