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Students' Talks | Unveiling the cellular and molecular players involved in methamphetamine induced neuroinflammation: focus on astrocyte-microglial crosstalk

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6 de fevereiro | 12h00

A próxima sessão das Students' Talks irá decorrer na dia 6 de fevereiro na biblioteca da Unidade de Biologia Experimental, Departamento de Biomedicina - 5º Piso, CIM - FMUP.

Estas sessões pretendem dar a conhecer os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelos alunos, bem como providenciar um espaço para troca de ideias e dicas.

Próxima sessão das Students’ Talks:
06 de Fevereiro de 2018 | 12:00
Unveiling the cellular and molecular players involved in methamphetamine induced neuroinflammation: focus on astrocyte-microglial crosstalk
Teresa Canedo, PhD student in Neurosciences, FMUP


We announce the next session of the Students' Talks that will be held on the February 6th at the Library of the Experimental Biology Unit of the Biomedicine Department – 5th floor, CIM – FMUP

You are invited to come along with a curious spirit and a wish to share ideas, tips and advice. Feel free to bring your lunch sandwiches.

Next Students’ Talks session:
February 6th, 2018 | 12:00pm
Unveiling the cellular and molecular players involved in methamphetamine induced neuroinflammation: focus on astrocyte-microglial crosstalk
Teresa Canedo, PhD student in Neurosciences, FMUP

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