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PhD in Health Data Science

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).

The PhD Program in Health Data Science at FMUP offers advanced education focused on a markedly multidisciplinary vision in three areas of specialization: Health Informatics, Intelligent Analysis of Health Data; Health Interventions, Policies, and Services.

The Program is aimed at students with a relevant academic or scientific curriculum, with academic education or professional experience in areas such as Medicine, Health Sciences and Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Economics, or Management, among others.

With 240 ECTS, the objectives of the cycle of studies include the definition, development, interpretation, and synthesis of health research results, the application of methods for statistical analysis, the integration of health data results into daily practice, and the transposition of the knowledge obtained into health decision making, considering ethical, legal and health data quality issues.

Tuition Fee p/ academic year:
Nacional: 2750¤
International: 6000¤
CPLP International: 3300¤

Additional Information

Special Course Units 2024/2025 (consult here)

Accreditation by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES)

Publication in DR of the Curricular Structure and Study Plan


Check here the school schedule


Núcleo de Ensino Pós-Graduado

Telf: (+351) 220 426 976
 E: posgraduacao@med.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 5949
Director: Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Acronym: PDCDS
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of study: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2019/2020
Duration: 4 Years

Study Plan


  • Health Informatics (240 ECTS credits)
  • Health Data Science in the speciality of Health Intelligent Data Analysis (240 ECTS credits)
  • Health Interventions, Policy and Services (240 ECTS credits)
  • Health Informatics (60 ECTS credits)
  • Health Interventions, Policy and Services (60 ECTS credits)
  • Health Intelligent Data Analysis (60 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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