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Hands-on Debriefing Course

Debriefing is a method of reflective practice that allows one to scrutinize assumptions and practices, after an event. Debriefing is an essential part of the clinical simulation training, and is at this phase (post-scenario) that reflection on professional practices takes place, promoting the correction and modification of future actions. This technique is applied not only in the context of simulation but also in the context of clinical practice, enhancing the improvement of the health professionals' care and patient care. Debriefing is still poorly understood and applied in the national clinical context and in simulated training is often underestimated.
This course is designed for participants to acquire basic and advanced debriefing skills essential for moderating and facilitating clinical simulation scenarios. Furthermore, it will be explored how this practice can be applied in clinical context.
A clinical simulation instructor is a complex and dynamic task due to the different roles throughout the development, implementation and application of a simulation-based course.
This course is aimed at healthcare professionals who use clinical simulation as a pedagogical method to foster learning and transfer of knowledge/skills.
The general objectives of this training are:
  • Promote the acquisition of basic and advanced debriefing skills
  • Learn how to apply the basic structure of debriefing
  • Identify challenging situations during a debriefing and develop appropriate techniques to overcome them
  • Learn to evaluate the quality of a debriefing.

Professional Abilities

After this course, participants will be capable of:

  • Understand basic concepts about reflective practice
  • Distinguish feedback from debriefing
  • Identify the objectives of debriefing
  • Know and apply the basic debriefing rules
  • Analyze the facilitator's role during debriefing
  • Know different approaches of debriefing
  • Understand and apply the basic structure of debriefing
  • Build questions that promote deep reflection
  • Identify and control challenging situations during a debriefing
  • Learn how to evaluate debriefing by applying structured assessment tools
  • Understand the impact of debriefing as a trainer and as a trainer


Administration: FMUP

Coordinator: Carla Sá Couto, PhD

Eligibility: Bachelor degree in Health Sciences or similar areas, higher education healthcare teachers, or healthcare professionals with special interest in debriefing.

Applicants ranking criteria: Curricular assessment (50%), degree (25%) and professional experience (25%)

Accreditation: 2 ECTS

Language: Portuguese

 Fee: 200¤

Positions: Minimum: 6; Maximum: 12


Application deadline: 1 a 22 abril de 2019



Second Phase: N/A

Starting date: 11, 12 de Julho 2019






Mailing /contact address:

Department for Research and Graduate Studies - educacaocontinua@med.up.pt

Coordinator – Carla Sá Couto, csacouto@med.up.pt

Website: www.med.up.pt

General information

Teacher Responsible: Carla Sá Couto
Acronym: CPD
Type of course/cycle of study: Continuing Training Unit
Start: 2017/2018
Duration: 54 Hour

Study Plan


  • Hands-on Debriefing Course (2 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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