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Integrated Master in Medicine

General information

Official Code: 9813
Acronym: MIMED


  • Master Degree in Medicine (360 ECTS credits)
  • Basic Health Sciences (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Anatomy I

MI101 - ECTS General objective: To provide information and, in so doing, to facilitate learning, regarding the different structures that constitute the several systems of the human body. Specific objectives: learn the anatomical vocabulary essential for success in the medical course and career; learn how to recognize, name, describe and give functions to the structures that compose the locomotor system, including their gross anatomical variations; develop observation, description and self-learning skills.

Cellular and Molecular Biology I

MI103 - ECTS A - To provide knowledge of the molecular and structural constitution, organization and functioning of the components of the living cells, the methodology employed to assess scientific knowledge in Biology and the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell nucleus and membrane; B – To teach the students to execute and apply techniques of microscopy and molecular biology in a context of resolution of biological problems.

Biochemistry I

MI102 - ECTS Objectives: To contribute, in conjunction with other human biology and medical disciplines, to the knowledge of human biology. To contribute, along with the curricular unit of Biochemistry II, to the acquisition of specific language of biochemistry and to knowledge of the methods of study in this scientific area. Knowledge of the chemical composition of living organisms, the chemical transformations occurring on them and the factors that affect these transformations.
Competences: To understand the specific vocabulary of Biochemistry. To have the capacity to use biochemistry knowledge to critically analyze information and practice of other areas of Medicine. To have the capacity to collect information about a theme in the area of biochemistry and present it clearly and in its appropriate context. To have basic biochemistry laboratory competences. To understand the role of scientific investigation in the analysis and eventual resolution of medical problems.

Introduction to Medicine I: Theory of Medicine

MI104 - ECTS The practice of Medicine, based on diagnosis, therapeutics and disease prevention, is increasingly demanding in terms of scientific methods and technologies of acquisition, storage, processing, analysis, transmission, assessment methods and assessment of medical knowledge. Introduction to Medicine I and II subjects, aim to motivate students to these methods and technologies so that as future medical doctors, they will have greater facility (a) to continuous learning, a crucial condition for their basic, specialized and continuous professional development; (b) to be aware of the attitudes and tools for the medical research, so important to the advancement of medical knowledge; (c) to be able to make assessments, essential for the medical audit and the continuous improvement of the health care quality; (d) to share the divulgation of information and communication among health professionals and patients; (e) to develop skills in decision making, a constant requirement for the individual in the social context of medical practice; (f) to promote an empathetic manner, the main quality of doctor-patient and inter professional relationships. Introduction to Medicine I: theory of Medicine course will teach theoretical foundations of Medical practice with focus on History of Medicine topics, Bioethics and Research Methodology in Health. Introduction to Medicine II: Health Information course will teach several topics on Biostatistics and Medical Informatics.

Students should be able to discuss the importance of basic historic, ethical and scientific foundations in the medical practice. They also should be able to identify, describe and discuss the principal components of a research protocol.

Anatomy II

MI105 - ECTS General Objective: To provide information, and in so doing facilitate learning, regarding the different structures that constitute the several systems of the human body.

Cellular and Molecular Biology II

MI107 - ECTS A - To provide knowledge on the functional organization of the cytoskeleton, signalization and cellular aggregation mechanisms, cell division and the molecular basis for cell differentiation, desdifferentiation and aging; B – To prepare students for critical assessment of scientific material; C- To prepare students to envisage the usefulness of molecular cell biology research in Clinical Practice.

Biochemistry II

MI106 - ECTS Objectives: To contribute, together with other disciplines in the area of human biology and medicine, to the comprehension of human biology. To contribute, together with the curricular unit of Biochemistry I, to the acquisition of the specific language of biochemistry and of knowledge of the methods of study in this scientific area. To learn the chemical composition of living organisms, the chemical transformations occurring inside them and the factors affecting these transformations.
Competences: To understand the specific vocabulary of Biochemistry. To have the capacity to use biochemistry knowledge to critically analyze information and practice of other areas of Medicine. To have the capacity to collect information about a theme in the area of biochemistry and present it clearly in its appropriate context. To have basic biochemistry laboratory competences. To understand the role of scientific investigation in the analysis and eventual resolution of medical problems.

Introduction to Medicine II: Information in Health

MI108 - ECTS The practice of Medicine, based on diagnosis, therapeutics and disease prevention, is increasingly demanding in terms of scientific methods and technologies of acquisition, storage, processing, analysis, transmission, assessment methods and assessment of medical knowledge. Introduction to Medicine I and II subjects, aim to motivate students to these methods and technologies so that as future medical doctors, they will have greater facility (a) to continuous learning, a crucial condition for their basic, specialized and continuous professional development; (b) to be aware of the attitudes and tools for the medical research, so important to the advancement of medical knowledge; (c) to be able to make assessments, essential for the medical audit and the continuous improvement of the health care quality; (d) to share the divulgation of information and communication among health professionals and patients; (e) to develop skills in decision making, a constant requirement for the individual in the social context of medical practice; (f) to promote an empathetic manner, the main quality of doctor-patient and inter professional relationships. Introduction to Medicine I: theory of Medicine course will teach theoretical foundations of Medical practice with focus on History of Medicine topics, Bioethics and Research Methodology in Health. Introduction to Medicine II: Health Information course will teach several topics on Biostatistics and Medical Informatics.

Students should be able to collect, process, analyze and interpret data and biomedical information. They should also be able to identify, describe and apply concepts and methods from statistics and informatics – applied to the practice of Medicine and to clinical research and health services – and to understand their importance to the improvement of quality and efficiency in healthcare delivery.

Physiology I

1. To learn the cellular and sub-cellular mechanisms, underlying the functional aspects of the human body.
2. To know the normal function of the different organs and systems of the human body.
3. To acquire a base of knowledge to use in the several physiological areas and to apply later in the other curricular units of the course and in the future clinical practice.

1. Problem solving capacities.
2. Critical thinking.
3. Practical assessment of the function of the various organs and systems.

Medical Genetics I

MI206 - ECTS To provide the students with the fundamental outlines concerning the inheritance of the characteristics that define the human being in their normal and pathological manifestations, as well as the basis that will allow them to understand the sanitary, social and ethical issues arising from the genetic practice and to organize their own vision of those problems.

Basic Histology and Embriology

MI203 - ECTS Basic Histology and Embryology aims at providing knowledge about the normal structure, both microscopic and submicroscopic, of the main tissues composing biological organisms, as well as about the embryological and post-natal development of the main organs and systems.
The morphology should be perceived as the structural basis of physiology, not only to increase the motivation for the study of the form, but, more importantly, also to provide a better understanding of how morphological changes can lead to functional changes and vice-versa.

Preventive Medicine I

MI204 - ECTS Objectives - To learn and develop a modern concept of health and of its effectors of biological, psychological, social and ecological nature; To acquire and develop an attitude of health promotion; To acquire and develop an attitude promoting health; Learn the differences of between Healing and Preventive Medicine; To know the organization of the health system as well as the organization of medical and paramedical professions in Portugal, recognizing their action in promoting health; To acquire the capacity to identify and to analyze the main problems of health in Portugal in the context of the health promotion; To understand the attitudes of health protection, of education to health and of disease prevention and their complications and the recovery of the disabled; To know in what way certain lifestyles can constitute risk factors and can compete as causal factors for some diseases; To acquire the capacity to perform education for health promotion.


MI201 - ECTS Learn the structural organization of the central nervous system, cranial nerves and peripheral apparatus of the special senses, applying respective anatomical terminology. Form an interdisciplinary view on the functioning of the nervous system by integrating knowledge from different sciences including neuroanatomy, physiology, biochemistry, psychology, etc.

Medical Psychology I

MI205 - ECTS 1. Acquisition of essential concepts in:
a) Basic processes and Developmental Psychology
b) Psychology as applied to Medicine,
2. Introduction to clinical competence in communication skills.

Clinical Anatomy

MI207 - ECTS - To develop the application of knowledge as the scientific foundation for performing the physical exam of the patient;
- To use the basic anatomical knowledge in the interpretation of symptoms of macroscopic morphologic alterations;
- To interpret and to describe imaging data and to establish correlations with sectional anatomy;
- To understand and describe the morphological bases of techniques of "invasive" procedures for diagnosis and therapeutics.

Physiology II

1. To know the normal function of the different organs and systems of the human body.
2. To understand the interaction between the different organs and systems of the human body as well as the mechanisms of their adaptation to changes in the environment.
3. To establish the basis for understanding the changes in the homeostasis and also the mechanisms and manifestations of disease.
4. To learn the changes of the human body associated with growing, development and aging.
5. To acquire a base of knowledge to use in the several physiological areas and to apply later in the other curricular units of the course and in the future clinical practice.

1. Problem solving capacities.
2. Critical thinking.
3. Practical assessment of the function of the various organs and systems.
4. Establish the basis for preparing a scientific work.
5. Identification of physiologic problems in selected clinical cases.

Medical Genetics II

MI212 - ECTS To acquire the fundamental knowledge of the etiopathogenesis of genetic diseases. To teach the students the gestures of the geneticist's activity and the care that the assisting or family doctor should have, not only in tracking the cases that can have eventual genetic interest but also in the relationship with the patient and the geneticist, for the best effectiveness of the genetic counseling.
To establish with the students the framing and interrelations of the existing knowledge for an easier understanding of the new knowledge and develop students’ capacity to correctly transmit to patients and family the information that concerns them, once the situation has been defined by the geneticist.

Histology and Embriology of the Organs and Systems

MI209 - ECTS Histology and Embryology of the Organs and Systems aims at providing knowledge about the normal structure, both microscopic and submicroscopic, of the main organs and systems composing biological organisms, as well as about their embryological and post-natal development. This knowledge is essential for the understanding of disease mechanisms such as morphological changes and/or functional changes of the cells, tissues and organs.

Preventive Medicine II

MI210 - ECTS Objectives - To learn and develop a modern concept of health and of its effectors of biological, psychological, social and ecological nature; To acquire and develop an attitude of health promotion; To acquire and develop an attitude promoting health; Learn the differences of between Healing and Preventive Medicine; To know the organization of the health system as well as the organization of medical and paramedical professions in Portugal, recognizing their action in promoting health; To acquire the capacity to identify and to analyze the main problems of health in Portugal in the context of the health promotion; To understand the attitudes of health protection, of education to health and of disease prevention and their complications and the recovery of the disabled; To know in what way certain lifestyles can constitute risk factors and can compete as causal factors for some diseases; To acquire the capacity to perform education for health promotion.

Medical Psychology II

MI211 - ECTS 1. Praxeological education in Doctor-Patient Relationship.
2. Development of communication skills and patient-centered interviews.
3. Disease and illness, To Cure and to Heal differentiation.

Biopathology I

MI302 - ECTS The main aim of Biopathology I – General Pathological Anatomy I is getting the students to learn a language. Learning of this language includes not only the memorisation and recall of words and of concepts that they wish to express but also the capability to use this knowledge in the interpretation of data and in solving problems. Another purpose is getting the students to improve their observation and report skills at different levels (macroscopic, microscopic, histochemical, etc.) to become capable of rationalising in biopathological terms starting from the data that observation provides.

Epidemiology I

MI304 - ECTS Acquisition of concepts and methods specific to the Epidemiology discipline. Familiarization with the proper language of a new scientific area. To accomplish simple epidemiological tasks autonomously, such as data tabulation and calculation of measures of disease frequency. To be able to handle some basic aspects of planning an epidemiologic investigation.

Pharmacology I

MI301 - ECTS To provide the current knowledge on the molecular interventions of medicines and poisons and to provide the skills to evaluate new knowledge and new drugs.

Basic Immunology

MI306 - ECTS To acquire the knowledge of basic mechanisms of the immune response, including the biological response to exogenous or endogenous agents in human pathology. By the end of this Curricular Unit students will aquire the following competences:

A - To describe the cellular, molecular and functional organization of the immune system;

B - To demonstrate the role of the immune response in the biological response to damage;

C - To to use, select, and report data from basic immunological techniques;

D - To search, select and evaluate information form scientific data bases, concluding and presenting the data;

E - To demonstrate initiative and team work capacities.

Medical Microbiology I

MI303 - ECTS

The main objectives of the proposed curricular unit are the teaching of Medical Microbiology. We consider fundamental to promote the development of new mental structures, capacities and new attitudes so the students can analyse and solve problems. Different competencies should be acquired by the medical students:
Basic competencies: learn how to learn, to know;
Transversal competencies: learn how to cooperate, to behave;
Specific competencies: learn how to do (specific objectives).


To understand the basics and background of microbiological diagnostic techniques/methodology.
To know how to select and/or to apply the distinct methods of antisepsis and sterilization.

Clinical Semiotics I

MI305 - ECTS Development of skills in the area of the doctor-patient communication, learning to structure the clinical history and introduction to standardised physical examination.

Biopathology II

MI308 - ECTS The main aim of Biopathology II – General Pathological Anatomy II is getting the students to use the study of lesions (morphological, immunological, biochemical, etc.) as a tool for understanding the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, therapeutic and prognostic selection of the diseases and/or patients, centered in organs/systems.

Epidemiology II

MI310 - ECTS To fluently use the proper language of Epidemiology. To strengthen knowledge on epidemiologic methods, illustrating how they contribute to anchor medical acts. Acquisition of knowledge on the epidemiology of some frequent diseases. To be able to express opinions on the value of screening and diagnostic tests, therapeutic interventions and other actions in medical practice. To accomplish simple epidemiological tasks autonomously, such as data tabulation, calculation of measures of disease frequency and association, interpretation of results of an investigation and writing a report. Critical appraisal of medical literature on the epidemiology area.

Pharmacology II

MI307 - ECTS To provide the current knowledge on the pharmacology of the major groups of drugs used in therapeutics and the skills to evaluate new drug treatments.

Clinical Immunology

MI312 - ECTS To integrate the knowledge of the basic mechanisms of the immune response in the pathogenesis of human diseases. To understand the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of immune diseases.

At the end of this Unit students are expected to acquire the following

A – To demonstrate knowledge of immune dysfunction in a clinical perspective and of immunological therapies.

B – To apply basic immunology concepts in the interpretation of human pathology;

C – To describe common immunopathological conditions and know how to collect laboratorial data to formulate a diagnosis;

D – To be able to communicate scientific and technical information;

E – To demonstrate skills on continuous personal development.

Medical Microbiology II


The main objectives of the proposed curricular unit are the teaching of Medical Microbiology. We consider fundamental to promote the development of new mental structures, capacities and new attitudes so the students can analyse and solve problems. Different competencies should be acquired by the medical students:
Basic competencies: learn how to learn, to know;
Transversal competencies: learn how to cooperate, to behave;
Specific competencies: learn how to do (specific objectives).


To know how to select microbiological tests within the clinical context.
To know how to interpret the results of microbiological tests and to integrate results with clinical data.

Clinical Semiotics II

MI311 - ECTS Development of skills in the area of the doctor-patient communication, learning to structure the clinical history and accomplishment of a complete standardised physical examination. Learning the problems of the doctor-patient relationship in their multiple components and in private clinical situations.

Bioethics and Professional Ethics

MI409 - ECTS In the course of Medicine the discipline of Bioethics and Professional Ethics has as its essential aim the teaching, and consequent learning, of the ethics in healthcare, especially in what concerns the ethical dimension of health and of disease and its relationship with the medical profession. In the plan of the concepts the aims are the transmission of the more representative ethical theories of human thought. In such a way that the integration of those concepts is possible with regards the typical humanist tradition of Western societies. It is expected that these concepts, briefly shown in the module of Bioethics in the Discipline of Introduction to Medicine (1st year), are analysed in some detail in the several clinical disciplines along the course.


MI402 - ECTS To help the students to: 1. Acquire knowledge of diseases with surgical implications, emphasizing the semiological aspects; 2. Understand the physiopathologic mechanisms of those diseases; 3. Use the scientific method in the resolution of clinical problems (data collection, registration and analysis for decision making); 4. Perform the physical examination (controlled by filling a gesture notebook); 5. Hierarchisation of the complementary exams in a critical way; 6. Demonstrate the importance of the scientific bases of surgery.
To give students the opportunity of self-learning and development, emphasising their critical capabilities, imagination and the importance of the cost/benefit relationship. To encourage a good relationship with patients, friends and remaining personal, giving appropriate examples. Stimulate the critical appreciation of their progresses in learning and of the teacher’s performance.

Dermatology and Venereology

MI406 - ECTS To teach the scientific fundamentals of the cutaneous clinical semiology and of the main skin disorders focusing on infeccious diseases, neoplasms, cutaneous signs of systemic diseases or syndromes and on the precursors lesions of skin malignant tumors.
Basic and advanced principles of clinical examination, approach to the study of skin disorders and of the medical and surgical therapeutic options in the field of Dermatology.


At the end of the year, the student should be able to:
• Elaborate a structured clinical history;
• Recognize the central aspects of the most prevalent heart diseases, namely of those requiring urgent measures, and make the appropriate treatment choices.

To acquire the theoretical knowledge and clinical practice on endocrine, metabolic and nutritional pathology.

To obtain the clinical history and to perform the objective physical examination, with special incidence in hematological pathology (theoretical and practical teaching of clinical and laboratory semiotics of the haematopoietic system);
To recognize the most common hematological disorders;
Diagnostic orientation in the most common haematological pathologies;
To learn how to interpret peripheral blood counts and other routine haematological tests;
To allow the students to gain experience with haemato-oncology pathology and with fundamental principles of the cytotoxic chemotherapy and with the medical and psychological support to the oncological patient;
To recognize and investigate haematological manifestations of systemic diseases;
To know the basis of blood transfusion, its indications and potential problems.

Medical education in the area of the respiratory pathology, within the perspective of general medicine, in the intellectual, affective and volitional aspects.

Neurology and Neurosurgery

MI403 - ECTS 1.Learning of the examination and understanding of the clinical picture of patients with Nervous Sistem disorders leading to the recognition the neurological syndromes that, together with clinical history, provides skills for an appropriate orientation of patients.
2.Provide skill in diagnose and treatment of frequent diseases in the general population based on international guidelines.
3.Provide skill in diagnose and treatment of diseases, that thoughts not frequent, need urgent treatment.

Orthopedics and Traumatology

MI405 - ECTS To provide the students with the basic knowledge of the Orthopaedics specialty.


MI408 - ECTS To teach basic knowledge of Otorhinolaryngology; To known of the most frequent pathologies and their treatment; To refer to research projects in course at the Service of Otorhinolaryngology.
To know physiopathology of the most prevalent diseases on the ENT clinical practice through the direct contact with the patient, presentation of practival examples and theoretical prelections. To habilitate the student to recognize the signs and symptoms of those pathologies, to deliver general notions of complementary exams of diagnosis directly connected with the disease, aiming the formulation of a prognosis. To theoretically prepare the execution of a therapeutical proposal. To inform the students, to recognize the aim of contemporary Otorhinolaryngology, offering the student the capacity of distinguish which clinical situations are plausible of a direct intervention by the doctor and those who demand a more specialized orintation by Otorhinolaryngologist.

Radiology and Medical Imaging

MI407 - ECTS To know the indications and contraindications of the radiological studies; to acquire basic concepts of radiologic semiology.

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Clínica

MI404 - ECTS To promote in the student a critical view that will both facilitate the learning and application of rules adequate for the rational selection and prescription of drugs. Therapeutics has an essentially formative background, aimed at the acquisition of skills to allow the correct use of drugs and also the practice of pedagogical interventions in health education. It is well known that the patients´ education, in their relationship with therapeutics, has important outcomes even in the improvement of compliance.

Systemic Pathology - Oncological Pathology

MI506 - ECTS To create the conditions that will enable students to learn pathology from clinicopathology cases (problem-based system), using a “translational” approach (from basic and oncological pathology to clinical pathology) in order to develop student skills in the fields of diagnosis, prognostic assessment and therapy selection. To familiarize the students with the new biomedical knowledge applied to Oncology.


MI505 - ECTS 1. To integrate into the general education of the future physicians, the notions and basic requests of performance in real time and of continuous monitoting of vital functions; 2. To give information as to how the general physician deals with his patients who will be or have been subjected to anaesthesia; 3. To contribute, according to the Recommendations of European Council of Resuscitation, to the knowledge and the acquisition of the basic skills capable of saving lives, as well as the training regarding basic support; 4. To enhance the capacity of pluridisciplinary integration of knowledge and gathering of information on patients, particularly in situations of non-collaboration, as well as the use of medical language, 5. To show the extent of the professional practice of Anaesthesiology (general and regionall anaesthesia, peri-anesthetic medicine, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, pain management) as a contribution to the informed choice of a professional career of future physicians.


MI502 - ECTS Theoretical and practical education in the areas of pathology and surgical therapeutics.


MI501 - ECTS To enable the student to collect, to register and to transmit clinical information (by means of disease history, objective exam and complementary exams). To use the collected information by means of setting out a list of problems and to propose the research and resolution of clinically selected problems (diagnosis strategy). To acquire a core of theoretical knowledge that allows the resolution of the main common medical situations (resolution of clinical problems). To propose an appropriate therapeutic strategy and enable the seeking of information to make decisions.

To obtain the clinical information through the history of disease and objective examination of the patient; to establish a diagnosis strategy; to obtain the core knowledge in the area of clinical Gastroenterology; To enhance the solving capability of clinical problems with therapeutics proposal in patients at the clinic, ward and emergency; To develop the attitudes of permanent ethic and scientific demand.

Infeccious Diseases:
The students will be integrated in clinical activities of the Department during the morning. In the afternoon they will participate in clinical rounds and in the discussion of clinical cases.

Transmission of the core knowledge of nephrology that should be demanded in undergraduation, for all medical students based on the aspects that must be embraced by all the new physicians (nephrologic syndromes). Optimising a two-week period objective attributed to each block of Nephrology, knowing which are the areas of knowledge of unquestionable importance, that medical students and new physicians have greater difficulty in handling.

Forensic Medicine

MI509 - ECTS General Aims: To provide the acquisition of knowledge and skills to prepare future medical doctors with the ability to perform in a correct and appropriate way the techniques to matters of a forensic nature, independent of their specialty, in order to contribute to the good application of justice, in the victims' best interest.

Specific Aims: To provide basic knowledge on forensic semiology and on several aspects of performance of forensic medicine and of other forensic sciences, referring to its scope, objectives and skills; to supply guidelines in general on the medical performance, relative to specific forensic cases considering the fundamental transdisciplinary enunciation for the resolution of those cases, not only at a level of different medical specialties but, also, with other areas of knowledge, namely law, social service and psychology; to sensitise future doctors, through contact with real cases, of the need of their involvement in actions of violence prevention (voluntary and involuntary).

Obstetrics and Gynecology

MI507 - ECTS The general objective of the discipline is the qualification of the student with the theory and the minimal practical skills in Obstetrics and Gynecology, necessary for the clinical clerkship of the 6th year of the medical course, for the continuing medical education and for the development of interest on research.


MI503 - ECTS To show the students the extent of the eye specialists' professional performance. To stimulate the choice for a professional career as an eye specialist by the students who feel a vocation for the scientific-professional area of Ophthalmology. To transmit basic notions that allows future doctors to contribute to the screening, diagnosis and treatment of the main ocular diseases.


MI508 - ECTS In the teaching-learning program of Pediatrics we expect the students to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow them to learn clinical practice, in the 6th year.
The aims integrate 3 components.
1. Knowledge. The students must obtain information on: Community Pediatrics, Infantile Health, the child's specificity and screening deviations from normal; feeding and nutrition; growth and the healthy child's development, integrated in the family and social atmosphere; basic pediatric life support and the recognition of a seriously sick child; semiology, study and therapeutics of the most common pathologies in the different age groups;
2. Attitudes. The students must assess: the ethics and the deontology; the doctor/child/family relationship; the personality and the human being's individuality in growth; the multidisciplinar collaboration in Pediatrics; Social Pediatrics; the primary care in infantile health; the specificity of the Pediatric Medicine (growth and development); the prevention of disease and maintenance of the child's global health and of the adolescent in the family and in the community; the health education.

Psychiatry and Mental Health

MI504 - ECTS We consider a priority in the Medical curriculum the presence of a study area covering the assessment of abnormal behavior and emotional / afective pathology as well as the skill for diagnosing and treating mental disorders. Other objective would be the learning the somatic expression of psychiatric ilness and psychological reaction of seroius somatic disorders in a holistis approach to human suffering. Learnig will be made through seminars, open to discussion, supervised clinical sessions next to the patient and the elaboration of a short monography were the basic skills in Clinical Psychiatry will be tought. The existence of the practical sessions through the wards and the emergency service, together with the theoretical-practical discussion, allows the student to acquire a general attitude of considering the patient as totally integrated psychosomatic being and anticipating a specific overall view of an individual patient integrating the psychosocial assessment in the sense of true Modern Medicine.


MI510 - ECTS To transmit knowledge, skills and professional attitudes in order to promote the development in the area of the clinical Urology with adequate relevance for the education of the pluripotential doctor. 18 clinical sessions were planned for transmission of basic notions since the students (fifth year) still have no contact with the semiology and pathology of Urology. Clinical practice in the operating room and ambulatory guidance are also included. In selecting the program, the Portuguese reality of a high number of urologic diseases, an increase in the prevalence of the urologic diseases in the future, and the reduced exercise of clinical Urology in a large number of hospital units were considered. In this way, the future general physicians will be qualified to provide urologic care to the community.

Hospital Management

MI001 - ECTS Over the last decades the crisis of the Welfare State in European countries led to a different approach with regards healthcare access. Indeed, the economic and financial lack of sustainability of most healthcare systems is a major social and political concern. In this context, the traditional practice of Medicine must be reframed in accordance with the traditional principles of medical ethics – beneficence and non-maleficence – the fundamental values of modern democracies – equity in the access to social goods – but also taking into consideration cost-containment in healthcare.
In this vein, the scarcity of resources implies that the medical decision-making process is also determined by opportunity cost criteria. That is, the balance of the sacrifices that will be imposed to other patients by medical decisions. Therefore, medical education should include the basic principles of hospital management that are a determinant for good clinical practice.

Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck

MI042 - ECTS - To introduce and develop the anatomical and imaging background of the regions and structures of the head and neck, in order to allow the acquisition and use of this knowledge, by correlating the anatomical aspects with its clinical application;
- To present the developmental anatomy of the head and neck;
- To correlate the normal developmental anatomy with its alterations as the anatomical variations and developmental malformations;
- To describe and demonstrate general aspects of the head anatomy and the superficial regions of the head;
- To describe and demonstrate aspects of the deep regions of the face namely the mouth floor, nasal cavity and perinasal sinuses, infratemporal and pterygopalatine regions;
- To describe and demonstrate the anatomy and topography of the neck regions;
- To demonstrate, in an interactive way, the imaging anatomy of the head;
- To discuss the sectional anatomy of the head and neck;
- To establish correlations with the surgical and clinical anatomy of the head;
- To establish correlations with the surgical and clinical anatomy of the neck.

Angiology and Vascular Surgery

MI018 - ECTS Acquisition of competences to accomplish the tasks related to semiology, pathology and essential nosologic clinical entities (frequent and/or relevant) to the speciality of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

Management of labour and delivery

MI019 - ECTS To prepare students for routine management of labour and delivery, and handling of the main complications that occur during this period. At the end of training, students should feel comfortable to integrate health teams assisting labour and delivery.
To allow students to evaluate their vocation to follow a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Ambulatory Surgery

MI021 - ECTS Clinical training applying previous knowledge, in a vertical perspective, of the global learning of semiologic, semiotic and therapeutical surgery, in the most frequent outpatient’s surgery situations.

Laparoscopy Surgery

MI022 - ECTS Clinical training applying previous knowledge, in a vertical perspective, of the global learning of semiologic, semiotic and therapeutical surgery, in the most frequent laparoscopic surgery situations.

Pediatric Surgery

MI026 - ECTS To acquire competences (mainly attitudes and skills) and consequent basic clinical performance on frequent and/or relevant entities of Pediatric Surgery.
Clinical application of physiologic principles of fluids, electrolytes, nutrition and metabolism, and cicatrization in surgical children. Physiopathologic management of the child with intestinal obstruction and multiple trauma and of fetus with congenital malformations. Pathology of routine and/or severe but preventable or treatable entities. Adjustment of generic surgical principles to children.

Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery

MI023 - ECTS To acquire competences to accomplish the basic tasks related to management of essential entities (frequent and/or relevant) from the specialty of Plastic Reconstructive, Esthetic and Maxillo-Facial Surgery.
Treatment and reconstruction of traumatic, congenital and oncologic lesions in cranio-maxillo-facial, hand and cutaneous surgery; reconstruction of upper and lower limbs and breast; treatment of burns; esthetic surgery.

Surgery (clinical practice)

MI602 - ECTS Acquisition of competency to accomplish the tasks related to the nosologic entities of the surgical area.

Thoracic Surgery

MI024 - ECTS To become acquainted with the work methodology, the main types of pathology, thr operative techniques and the posoperative care in a cardio-thoracic unit.

Visceral Surgery

MI025 - ECTS Clinical training applying previous knowledge, in a vertical perspective of the global learning of semiologic, semiotic and therapeutical surgery, in the most frequent visceral surgery situations.


MI027 - ECTS Clinical training applying previous knowledge, in a vertical perspective of the global learning of semiologic, semiotic and therapeutical surgery, in the most frequent coloproctologic situations.

Intensive Burns Care


To acquire competences (mainly attitudes and skills) and basic clinical performance in burn patient care.


Acquiring skills for the initial therapeutic approach of large burns.

Thesis/ Monograph/ Undergraduate Clinical Clerkship report

MI607 - ECTS The aim of this UC - based on specific skills and / or acquired over the MIMED-FMUP - is to give the student skills to develop a specific area of ​​interest, through the development of a theme proposed by FMUP or chosen by the student. It requires the elaboration of a Dissertation or Monography, in accordance with the standards set, and public defense of it.
To this end, the student should develop a series of specific skills:
- Search the bibliography using information technology;
- Collect, process and analyze data;
- Develop the capacity of analysis and synthesis;
- Develop critical thinking skills and creativity in addressing the issue;
- Manage your time;
- Prepare a public presentation;
- Develop public presentation skills;
- Develop interpersonal skills with the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor.

Medical Emergency

MI028 - ECTS This discipline is designed to provide core knowledge in adult Emergency Medicine and insights in the Portuguese Emergency Medical Services.
It provides the necessary information to understand the needs of the critically ill or injured patients and to provide initial assessment and management.
It also prepares the student to deal with a wide range of life-threatening problems related to airway patency, cardiac, pulmonary and neurological function compromise and with the specific needs of trauma patients.
The discipline will follow the guidelines from the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the American College of Surgeons (ACS).


MI029 - ECTS To give knowledge and training in order to understand the care related to aging, including understanding of the ageing process at the cellular and molecular levels. To know the major diseases of late life and its management.


MI030 - ECTS Acquisition of competency to accomplish the tasks related to management of essential entities (frequent and/or relevant) of the Stomatology speciality.


1. To know and understand the basic mechanisms of disease manifestation.
2. To understand the pathophysiology of dysfunction and failure of the body organs and systems.
3. Identification of pathophysiologic changes and its clinical manifestations in major examples.

1. Problem solving capacities.
2. Critical thinking.
3. Assessment of clinical dysfunction of various organs and systems.
4. Identification of the pathophysiological problems in selected clinical cases.

Basic Surgical Skills for Clinical Practice

MI033 - ECTS Fornecer conhecimentos e estimular o desenvolvimento de apitdões técnicas para o exercício correcto e adequado de gestos cirúrgicos básicos, indispensáveis ao exercício da actividade médico-cirúrgica.

Laboratory Investigation


To provide the student basic knowledge and practical skills for working in scientific projects requiring laboratory techniques for functional, morphologic and molecular biology assessment.


1. To design an experimental protocol.

2. Critical thinking and problem solving capacities.

3. To critically evaluate a scientific paper.

4. To learn at least two different laboratory techniques.

5. To learn how to analyze and present scientific results.

Community Medicine (clinical practice)

MI606 - ECTS To introduce the students to the atmosphere of modern General Practice, in the teams of Primary Health Care, in epidemiology, consultation and practice of Medicine in this context; Expose the students to the appropriate context for them to learn the foundations of Public Health, prevention, screening of the early diseases diagnosis and of health promotion; Study of the community aspects of pediatrics, mental health, obstetrics, women’s health, psycho-social medicine and geriatrics care; To develop the students’ capacities to work independently, be it in a clinic, be it in self-education; To develop professional attitudes toward improving health care leading to good working relationships; Enlarge their experience in ethical subjects, in communication skills and in evidence based on clinical practice.

Pharmaceutical Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology

MI034 - ECTS To promote a critical understanding of the medicament, from discovery to assessment and rational use. This approach will both facilitate the learning and application of rules adequate for the rational selection and prescription of drugs, as well as understanding the role of medical doctors in clinical pharmacology units, in regulatory agencies, in industry and in contract research organizations.

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

MI035 - ECTS Pretende-se que no final do período de aprendizagem os estudante estejam aptos a conhecer em termos gerais a história, a filosofia e a praxis da Medicina Física e de Reabilitação (MFR). Compreender a noção de função e estruturas do corpo, actividades e participação. Dominar algumas técnicas semiológicas elementares em MFR. Conhecer alguns meios terapêuticos utilizados em MFR. Valorizar alguns meios de diagnóstico na perspectiva da MFR. Identificar situações clínicas com indicação para MFR.

Medicine (clinical practice)

MI601 - ECTS At the end of the clinical rotation the student should be able to:
Apply the clinical method, in the context of the overall diagnosis that Internal Medicine implies; Integrate the acquired knowledge and information; Make clinical decisions; Relate adequately with patients, their relatives, members of the medical staff and other professionals of the health teams; Use informatics means; Exercise clinical practice in an autonomous way under supervision.

Neurobiology of Behavior

MI013 - ECTS The main goal of this course is to help students to understand how specific motor, limbic, and cognitive functions emerge within the brain. This will be achieved by acquiring and integrating knowledge from several disciplines, such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry and behavioral neuroscience. The students will be familiarized with modern experimental techniques used to investigate the neuronal basis of behavior. Finally, the students will familiarize themselves with the interests and motivations that have driven the investigation of the linkage between neural circuitry and complex behaviors.

Obstetrics (clinical practice)

MI603 - ECTS The main objective is to introduce the medical student into general obstetrical and gynecological clinical practice.
The preferred areas are the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent pathologies and obstetric and gynecological emergencies. At the end the student will be able to recognize and establish the clinical approach to the most prevalent and important obstetric and gynecological diseases.

Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

MI038 - ECTS To be able to value the importance of the right laboratory test to each individual patient according to its own particular situation and the phase of the disease, knowing also the main causes of analytical variability and developing critical reasoning in relation to the data coming from the clinical laboratory.

Pediatrics (clinical practice)

MI604 - ECTS It is expected that the students acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow them to profit from pediatric hospital practice and clinical pediatric practice, assessing the child and adolescent’s clinical and social development in such basic specific aspects such as growth, development and nutrition in the several age groups and being introduced to practical applications, primary prevention, and immunisations, and the more common pathologies, namely in emergency situations, as well as family and community integration.

Family Planning

MI039 - ECTS To prepare the student for the resolution of most basic problems of a Family Planning consultation, in order to make him able to integrate primary health care teams, namely in the context of the support of unfavoured national and international communities. To provide the student with deeper knowledge and experience in the clinical area of the optional discipline, in order to make him more able to decide if he wants to pursue a career in this area.
The student should be able to develop competencies regarding:
- the understanding of the importance of Family Planning in the promotion of health and quality of life;
- the screening, diagnosis, medical treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, gynaecologic cancers and chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dislipidemias;
- the detailed knowledge about the prescription of the most common conceptive and contraceptive methods;
- non directive counselling;
- legislation.

Psychiatry and Mental Health (clinical practice)

MI605 - ECTS To be in contact with the "real world" of clinical psychiatry, its demands, limitations and specific problems (doctor-patient relationship, family cooperation, dependency, chronicity, co-morbidity); To develop and deepen the psychiatric knowledge adquired in the discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health (5th grade), emphasising the clinical perspective; To train in the application of that knowledge in real life situations, particularly in diagnosis formulation and in action plans preparation; To improve communication skills with patients and their families; To work with other health professionals in multidisciplinary teams.

Public Health

MI016 - ECTS By the end of the course unit students must be able to understand the binomial Health/Disease at a population level through the identification of health problems and its determinants.

Cardiovascular Therapeutics - Evidence and Individualization

MI041 - ECTS

Medical Toxicology

MI017 - ECTS To provide students with the possibility of early contact with medical toxicology considered as a recognized field of expertise focusing on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of poisoning and toxicity effects due to medications, occupational and environmental chemicals and toxins.
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