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Doctoral Programme in Public Health

General information

Official Code: 5233
Acronym: PDSP
Description: The Doctoral Programme in Public Healthcare offered by FMUP is intended for holders of a bachelor's or a master's degree in medicine and other fields in the health sciences, as well as social sciences and mathematics. In addition to being in contact with highly qualified teaching staff, students also have access to high-end research resources, namely the ones available in the Epidemiology Research Unit – Public Healthcare Institute of the University of Porto (EPIUnit) and in the Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR). The programme also has privileged relationships with European research and training networks since it is a member of ASPHER.


  • Public Health (180 ECTS credits)
  • Curso de Doutoramento em Saúde Pública (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Journal Club


Individual Project

PDSP12_4 - ECTS The students should prepare a structure document which includes the justification, aims and methods proposed to the development of the PhD theses. Students should know how to identify the research questions and be able to justify and to plan the research project namely adequating the methods to the objectives.

Topical Seminars


This Unit aims to acquire knowledge and discuss subjects with relevance to contemporary Public Health. In this unit it is expected that the students get to know some of the major public health issues in the national and international arenas, namely regarding the burden of most communicable and non-communicable diseases in different settings and the policies directed to prevent treat and manage those conditions, at the local, regional national and international levels. Students are also expected to get to know overlapping areas between the practice of public health and a number of complementary areas of knowledge, such as environment, economy, work, or the organization of urban space.

Health Systems Administration


To understand health systems governance and public health leadership as key elements of an integral response to populations’ health needs.

Challenges in Epidemiologic Research


Ethics and Philosophy of Science


- To work on conceptual and etiological issues that are essential to building a solid knowledge of ethics and philosophy of science, with particular emphasis on public health.

- To apply the concepts discussed to contemporary public health practice, from a critical perspective.

Health Research Methods


Health Statistic Methods I


Health Statistic Methods II


It is aimed that the student:
a) understands the logistic regression model and the most used survival models
b) identifies and recognizes scenarios of application for each studied model
c) knows how to consider categorical exploratory variables in the analysis
d) knows how to identify and to model interactions
e) recognizes the importance of a model's goodness-of-fit evaluation and diagnostic plots and knows how to implement it
f) develops critical thinking skills and the ability to correctly interpret the results from the statistical analysis

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Systematic reviews are becoming more frequent in the scientific literature, which contributes to an increase in the transparency and quality of literature reviews.

This curricular unit aims to introduce the most relevant methodological aspects related to systematic reviews of the literature, as well as the scientific basis for quantitative synthesis through meta-analysis.

Health Comunication

Provide students with strategic knowledge as well as tactical tools in the area of health communication. Demonstrate the weight and influence of public communication in public opinion through the analysis of national and international cases of health communication; Discuss the role of the media system in health communication; To promote interest in research in this area of knowledge and to enable researchers to develop a Health Communication Plan.

Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases


Acquisition of knowledge about the burden of the most prevalent chronic (non-communicable) diseases and their time trends in the population.

Recognition of the specificities of different groups of chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal conditions) and consequent implications for the epidemiological investigation of each nosologic group.

To explore prevention and management of chronic diseases, namely the intervention in the main risk factors.

Field Epidemiology


Social Studies in Public Health


To identify, explore and analyze the cultural, social, economic and political dimensions of health and medicine

Research in Health Services


Advanced Methods of Geographical Information Systems

PDSP12_16 - ECTS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly used in public health to explore the associations between health, places, and the social and physical environment. In this curricular unit, we will cover advanced GIS tools utilized in public health and epidemiology for mapping and analyzing space-time dynamics of health events and for environmental exposure assessment.

Advanced Methods in Qualitative Data Analysis

PDSP12_10 - ECTS

To identify the suitability of the various strategies of qualitative health research. To handle and analyze information in order to write and publish qualitative studies. To understand the ethical dimensions involved in the use of qualitative methodology in the various phases of the research process.

Advanced Epidemiologic Methods


To know the main frameworks for causal inference applied to epidemiologic research.

To identify challenges to the validity and applicability of epidemiological studies and to identify advanced methodological approaches to deal with them.

Nutrition and Health

PDSP12_11 - ECTS

To gain knowledge and develop skills in methods and dietary determinants relevant for public health.

To develop students' skills for the planning and development of research on Nutrition and health.

Helath Promotion

PDSP12_12 - ECTS

Global Health

PDSP12_15 - ECTS

This course aims to foster Public Health students’ knowledge of International and Global Health, namely on the key public health challenges and their geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic patterns, the most relevant risk factors, and their interaction. A focus on the key actors and the successful international strategies and programs for the promotion of global health, will be given, together with a discussion on the role of participation, co-production, and governance.

This course will not only cover key concepts but the theoretical content will be oriented to its practical application, and complemented with field visits and discussions with persons from different geographic and socioeconomic contexts.


Measuring Health


To gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the development and application of instruments for the evaluation of objective and subjective health measures.

Curricular Unit Independent 1

PDSP12_17 - ECTS

Unidade curricular optativa livre 2

PDSP12_18 - ECTS

Unidade curricular optativa livre 3

PDSP12_19 - ECTS

Unidade curricular optativa livre 4

PDSP12_20 - ECTS
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