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Master Degree Course in Palliative Care

General information

Official Code: 6680
Acronym: MCP


  • Master Degree in Palliative Care (120 ECTS credits)
  • Palliative Care (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Ethics and Spirituality at the End of Life


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Ethics and Spirituality at the End of Life is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in health care and spiritual ethics, especially in what concerns the ethical dimension of health and of disease and its relation with the healthcare professions. In the plan of the concepts the aims are the acquisition of the more representative ethical theories of human thought.

Skills: With this curricular unit the medical student must gather the necessary skills for a responsible exercise of palliative care. The student must be adequately informed about the norms of professional ethics so that his practice is in accordance with the ethical principles of palliative care.

Introduction to Palliative Care


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit Introduction to Palliative Care is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in Palliative Care, especially in what concerns the foundation of this practice and its relation with the healthcare professions. In the plan of the concepts the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the more representative theories in this area so that a humanist and proficient practice can be developed.

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for a responsible exercise of Palliative Care. The student must be adequately informed about the basic precepts of Palliative Care so that this practice is in accordance with the international recognised norms, principles and guidelines existing in this area.

Methods in Health Research


Organization of Palliative Care and the Health System


Knowledge: The learning objectives of this curricular unit are to assure that the student acquires adequate knowledge in health care management and health care economics namely with regard hospital administration and Palliative Care.

Skills: With the attendance of this curricular it is intended that the student applies in the daily setting and in the decision-making process the necessary tools for an efficient use of healthcare resources in accordance with the opportunity cost criteria. Moreover, it is intended that the medical education includes the basic principles of hospital management that are a determinant for good clinical practice, namely with regard Palliative Care.

Interpersonal Relationships in Palliative Care


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Interpersonal Relationships in Palliative Care is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in the area of care of chronic and terminal patients namely in Palliative Care. Especially in what concerns the human dimension and humanisation of care. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in these areas and in the different types of intervention in Palliative Care.

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding the complexity and implications of the complex interpersonal relationships in Palliative Care. The student must be adequately informed about the basic tools, from a personal and institutional level, for the implementation of an adequate care to chronic and terminal patients.

Therapeutics in Palliative Care


Conhecimentos: O objetivo essencial da Unidade Curricular de Terapêutica em Cuidados Paliativos é que o estudante adquira conhecimentos no domínio da farmacologia e terapêutica em seres humanos, especificamente em Cuidados Paliativos. Muito em particular no que diz respeito aos fundamentos científicos e à evidência médica da farmacologia. No plano dos conceitos pretende-se a aquisição tão ampla quanto possível dos conceitos fundamentais neste domínio e nos diferentes tipos de intervenção em Cuidados Paliativos

Aptidões e Competências: Com esta Unidade Curricular o estudante deve ficar dotado das aptidões e competências para perceber a complexidade e implicações da farmacologia e terapêutica em seres humanos, nomeadamente em Cuidados Paliativos. O estudante deve ainda ficar adequadamente informado sobre os preceitos básicos dos efeitos laterais da medicação e os mecanismos existentes para controlar este fenómeno e reduzir o seu impacto. 

Symptom Control in Palliative Care


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Symptom Control in Palliative Care is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in the area of the clinical management of terminal patients namely in emergencies and in the last days of life. Especially in what concerns the dichotomy between palliation and curative treatment. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in these areas and in the different types of clinical palliative interventions in terminal patients. 

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding the complexity of symptom control in Palliative Care. The student must be adequately informed about the basic tools for symptom control in neoplastic injury, HIV/AIDS, cardiac diseases and other frequent situations in Palliative Care.

Continuous and Follow-up Care


Individual Projects


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Individual Projects is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge to make individual scientific work, specifically in Palliative Care. Especially in what concerns the technical and scientific dimensions of this area. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in these areas and in the different types of research in Palliative Care.

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding the performance of individual research projects. Moreover the student must be adequately prepared to publish the scientific work in relevant scientific papers.



Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Seminras is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in Palliative Care, namely in very specific areas. Especially in what concerns the technical and operational dimensions of this area. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in Palliative Care, both in oncology as elsewhere. 

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding any area in Palliative Care. Moreover the student must be adequately prepared to make a regular update in these areas.

Suffering, Grief and Quality of Life


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit ofSuffering, Grief and Quality of Life is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge in the area of understanding the grief and dealing with anger with regards chronic and terminal patients namely in Palliative Care. Especially in what concerns the psychological and emotional dimensions of terminal disease. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in these areas and in the different types of psychological intervention in Palliative Care.

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding the complexity and implications of human suffering in chronic care and Palliative Care. The student must be adequately informed about the basic concepts of crisis management and about different strategies to deal with pain and suffering of the terminal patient and his or her family.

Dissertation or Project Work


Knowledge: The essential aim of the Curricular Unit of Dissertation is that the student acquires the necessary knowledge to make individual scientific work, specifically in Palliative Care. Especially in what concerns the technical and scientific dimensions of this area. In the conceptual plan the aims are the acquisition and knowledge of the core concepts in these areas and in the different types of research in Palliative Care. 

Skills: With this curricular unit the student must gather the necessary skills for understanding the performance of individual research projects. Moreover the student must be adequately prepared to publish the scientific work in relevant scientific papers. And therefore that the student is able to produce is/her own master thesis.
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