Academic and professional integrity
Keywords |
Classification |
Keyword |
Life Sciences |
Instance: 2022/2023 - 1S 
Cycles of Study/Courses
Acronym |
No. of Students |
Study Plan |
Curricular Years |
Credits UCN |
Credits ECTS |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
11 |
Current Studies Plan |
1 |
- |
3 |
21 |
81 |
Teaching language
The curricular unit “Academic and professional integrity” is intended to provide, not only with the knowledge and skills for the responsible conduct of research, teaching and professional practice, as to identifiy questionnable conduct practices and fraud.
Learning outcomes and competences
This curricular unit is intended to assist students to increase their awareness of the importance of academic and professional integrity. At the end of this unit students will be able to:
- Know and apply knowledge about core concepts of ethics and academic and professional integrity;
- Identify academic and professional questionable practices and fraud;
- Recognize the impact of questionable practices and fraud on academic and professional integrity;
- Demonstrate comprehensive understanding about similarities and differences between the ethical and deontological codes of academics and clinical professionals;
- Demonstrate compreensive understanding about the process of writing and publish a scientic paper;
- Recognize strategies to promote good conduct practices.
Working method
Definition of academic and professional integrity. The academic and professional environments and their impact on integrity. The scientific publication process: how to write, how to choose a journal and the authors, how to publish and review a paper. Ethical and deontological codes that rule teaching and clinical practice: knowledge and skills, general and specific duties, relationship with the students and clients, relationship between professionals and between institutions. Misconduct and fraud. Mechanisms promoting academic and professional integrity through education.
Individual and institutional responsibilities.
Mandatory literature
Universidade do Porto; Código Ético de Conduta Académica, Universidade do Porto, 2017
Martinson, B. C., Anderson, M. S., de Vries, R.; Scientists behaving badly, Nature, 2005
Bretag T. ; Challenges in addressing plagiarism in education. , PLoS Med 10(12):e1001574. doi: 10.1371, 2013. ISBN: 1932-6203
Sivasubramaniam, S. D.; Cosentino, M.; Ribeiro, L.; Marino, F.; Unethical practices within medical research and publication – An exploratory study. , International Journal for Educational Integrity. , 2021
Complementary Bibliography
The Lancet; Retractions: the lessons for research institutions, The Lancet, 2014
Fanelli, D.; Do pressures to publish increase scientists' bias? An empirical support from US States Data, PLoS One, 2010
Teaching methods and learning activities
The unit program involves a total of 21 hours distributed along three weeks, after working hours.
Students must acquire real and effective ethics and professional integrity, in addition to their knowledge and technical skills and reasoning.
The syllabus of this unit will be covered through lectures taught by different teachers. During the lectures, students will acquire / enhance their knowledge of key concepts related to academic and professional integrity. These lectures will also include the presentation of the research carried out by the various teachers in these areas, as well as the presentation of papers in order to maximize active participation and discussion among students. In addition, they can improve comprehension skills on various aspects of academic and professional integrity, through the presentation and discussion of simulated cases evaluated by ethics committees.
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Assessment Components
Designation |
Weight (%) |
Trabalho escrito |
100,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Amount of time allocated to each course unit
Designation |
Time (hours) |
Estudo autónomo |
60,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
21,00 |
Total: |
81,00 |
Eligibility for exams
Attendance: 75 %.
Calculation formula of final grade
Assessment wil be based on the result of an essay on the topic of academic and professional integrity (100 %).