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Student search results

Search criteria: School: Faculty of Medicine | Course: Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints | Status: Registered, In: 2019/2020

Ordenação: Nome ASC  

  Student No.     Name     Course   Type 1ª Inscrição
201000060 Ana Catarina Alves Rodrigues Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints Regular 2019/2020
201903670 Cristina Maria Dos Santos Almeida Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints Regular 2019/2020
199103536 Lúcia da Silva Marinho Novo Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints Regular 2019/2020
201903668 Mafalda Neiva Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints Regular 2019/2020
199904377 Maria Isabel de Sousa Garcia Lema Improving the Performance of Healthcare Services USing the Theory of Constraints Regular 2019/2020

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