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Português para Estrangeiros (C1.2 - Autonomia ) - Curso Semestral


2nd SEMESTER COURSE (2nd edition)

Until 08.02.2019
All information about APPLICATIONS

From 11 to 15.02.2019
All steps to ENROLLMENT

This course requires the completion of a diagnostic test only to people who do not know how to identify their level of knowledge of the language (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - A1 and A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).
Who does not have knowledge of the language should apply directly for the level of Breakthrough - A1.1 or A1.2.

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP)
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150 – 564 Porto

The Annual Course is divided into two independent semesters lasting 60 hours each (2 x 2hrs per week):
  • 1st Semester: October 2018 – February 2019
  • 2nd Semester: February – June 2019
Please note: Enrolment in the 2nd Semester does not imply prior enrolment in the 1st Semester.

Whenever possible, there will be morning and evening classes.
Each class will be open with a minimum of 12 enrolled students. 

Material needed during the Course
Students will receive a folder containing photocopied and original texts, as well as evaluation forms (self- and hetero-evaluation) with grammatical exercises.

A certificate will be issued at the end of the course to all students who attended the course assiduously and achieve the objectives proposed, at a cost of ¤ 5,00.

ECTS credits
Students who successfully conclude the course will be awarded 6 ECTS credits.
* Please note that only university students or graduates can be awarded ECTS credits.

Additional Information
Accommodation: FLUP does not provide accommodation. On arrival, students will receive information on the possibilities of private accommodation (at reasonable prices). To receive an updated list of private accommodation in the city of Oporto, please send us an e-mail.
Meals: Students can have their meals, at accessible prices, in the Faculty of Arts’ snack bar and canteen.
Foreign Student Guide

The registration fee (non-refundable and non-transferable) per semester is:
  • General public: ¤ 340,00
  • UP students and employees: ¤ 240,00
  • ERASMUS students at UP: ¤ 240,00
Please note: Apart from the tuition fee, students may also be required to pay school insurance in the amount of ¤ 2,00 if they haven't paid it yet.

Applicants from non-European Union countries (general public) must send a copy of their visa, without which the application will not be considered.
FLUP does not provide invitation or acceptance letters.


Please click here for more information.


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP)
Gabinete de Português para Estrangeiros
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150 – 564 Porto

Telephone: +351 22 607 71 65

Dados Gerais

Docente Responsável: Maria de Fátima Henriques da Silva
Sigla: PLEC12
Tipo de curso/ciclo de estudos: Unidade de Formação Contínua
Início: 2008/2009

Planos de Estudos



  • Curso Anual de Português para Estrangeiros - Língua Portuguesa (Autonomia C1.2) (6 Créditos ECTS)

Áreas Científicas Predominantes

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