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Acronym: D2010
Person in Charge: Paula Pinto Costa

In accordance with the Statutes of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, the Council of Representatives elects the Dean by secret ballot, from among applicants belonging to the teaching and research staff of the University of Porto or of national or foreign universities or research institutions. The name of the Dean elect is then submitted to the Rector for approval.


a) To submit the names of the members of the Executive Council for approval by the Council of Representatives;
b) To represent FLUP in the Senate and the Council of Deans as well as before other bodies of the university and other institutions;
c) To preside over the Executive Council and the Scientific Council, and to direct FLUP’s services;
d) To respond to requests made by the Rector or the General Board, within the deadlines defined by them according to the needs of the University administration, namely regarding the strategic plans, budgets and activities’ reports and accounts;
e) To approve the timetable and schedule for academic activities, after hearing the opinion of the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils;
f) To execute deliberations of the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils, when binding;
g) To exercise all disciplinary authority delegated to him/her by the Rector;
h) To write the proposals for FFUP's strategic plans and action plan for the four-year mandate, after hearing the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils, in articulation with the Faculty’s strategic plan;
i) To propose to the Council of Representatives FLUP’s general guidelines in the scientific, pedagogical, and financial spheres, in conjunction with the plans approved by the General Council and other competent bodies of the University;
j) To submit the budget and activities plan to the Council of Representatives, as well as the activities and financial report, in accordance with the corresponding plans approved by the General Council;
k) To propose the creation, transformation or dissolution of FLUP departments to the Council of Representatives, after hearing the Scientific Council and the Councils of the Departments concerned;
l) To propose the creation, transformation or dissolution of FLUP’s R&D Centres to the Council of Representatives, after hearing the Scientific Council and the R&D Centres concerned, except when creating centres, in which case only the interested investigators will be heard;
m) To draw conclusions on the evaluation reports of FLUP’s R&D Centres, and those in which teachers and researchers participate;
n) To propose the creation or alteration of courses to the Rector, after hearing the concerned Departments and the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils;
o) To propose to the Rector the maximum number of admissions and enrolments in accordance with the law, after hearing the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils;
p) To issue the regulations necessary for FLUP's proper functioning;
q) To approve teaching service allocation, taking into account its financial and operational feasibility;
r) To decide on the appointment and hiring of staff, in any capacity, in accordance with current legislation;
s) To raise and manage revenues, and to authorize expenditures and payments;
t) To make a decision on the acceptance of movable assets;
u) To appoint and dismiss the heads of FLUP’s services, in accordance with the law and the statutes;
v) To manage student social support instruments, in conjunction with the Social Action Services, and develop tuition payment plans that may facilitate attendance and progression in higher education;
w) To appoint the Department Directors upon proposals by Department Councils;
x) To exercise the functions delegated by the Rector and the Management Council;
z) To carry out the duties and responsibilities established by law and in FLUP’s statutes.

E-mail: diretor@letras.up.pt
Address: Via Panorâmica s/n
Postal Code: 4150-564
Location: Porto
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