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Seminar: Philosophical Interpretation and Translation

Code: FLUP0869     Acronym: SITF

Instance: 2004/2005 - A

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Philosophy
Course/CS Responsible: Philosophy

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
FIL 13 Official Study Plan - LFIL 4 5 10 -


To integrate knowledge aquired through out the undergraduate course. To prepare students for research and discussion of research findings. To acquire thorough philosophical knowledge in terms of text interpretation and translation of philosophical texts (from a theoretical and practical point of view).


Medieval Philosophy and the question of interpretation [Maria Cândida Pacheco]
1.The foundation of Medieval Hermeneutics: The four meanings of Scripture.
2.The monastic school: lectio, oratio, contemplatio.
3.The scholastic method: lectio, quaestio, disputatio et determinatio. The meaning of medieval commentary: auctoritas et ratio.

Interpretation, Statements and Translation [Adélio Melo]
1. Comments on Umberto Eco’s The Limits of Interpretation, namely chapters 1, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.6.
2. Interpretation of Michel Foucault’s theory of the “statement” and the notions of historical a priori” and “archive” (elements for hermeneutics and translation of philosophical texts).
3. Case study on the problems of translation and interpretation: Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927)- paragraphs
29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34- or, alternatively, The Question of Technique (1953)

Translation as a philosophical issue [Bénédicte Houart]
1. Philosophical writing and literary writing
2. Style in philosophical texts
3. The reading of the philosophical text as rewriting

The craft of translation and theoretical and practical dilemmas [José Meirinhos]
1.Foreign/proper, fidelity/unfaithfulness, the incommensurability of languages.
2.Philosophical approach and translation of texts: through another language, from author to reader and from reader to author (cfr. “the two methods” by Schleiermacher).

Main Bibliography

Medieval Phiolosophy and the question of interpretation
DANIÈLOU, J., Message évangélique et culture hellénistique, Tournai, Desclée, 1961.
LECLERCQ, G., Initiation aux auteurs monastiques du Moyen Âge. L' amour des lettres et le désir de Dieu, Paris, SERF, 1963.
PACHECO, M. C. Monteiro, Ratio e Sapiência. Ensaios de Filosofia Medieval, Porto, Civilização, 1985.
PANOFSKY, E., Architecture gothic et pensée scholastic, Paris, Minuit, 1967.

Interpretation, statements and translation
ECO, Umberto, Os limites da interpretação (1990), trad. José Colaço Barreiros, Difel, Lisboa, s/d
FOUCAULT, Michel, L'archéologie du savoir, Gallimard, Paris, 1969
HEIDEGGER, Martin, Sein und Zeit (1927), Max Niemeyer, Tubinguen, 1953; Être et temps (1927), trad. François Vezin, Gallimard, Paris, 1986; El ser y el tiempo (1927), trad. José Gaos, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 5ª ed., 1977; Being and Time (1927), trad. Joan Stambaugh, State University of N. York Press, N. York, 1966;
— «La question de la technique» (1953), in Essais et conférences, trad. Jean Beaufret, Gallimard, Paris, 1995, pp. 9-48.
— «Técnica», in Língua de tradição e língua técnica, trad. Mário Botas, Vega, Lx, 1999, pp. 14-29.

Translation as a philosophical issue
DERRIDA, J., De la grammatologie, Minuit, 1967
— idem, L'Écriture et la Différence, Seuil, 1967
— idem, Marges — de la philosophie, Minuit, 1972
— idem, La dissémination, Seuil, 1972
LYOTARD, J.-F., Moralités postmodernes, Galilée, 1993
— idem, Misère de la philosophie, Galilée, 2000
— idem, La Confession d'Augustin, Galilée, 1998
NIETZSCHE, F., Para além do Bem e do Mal, Guimarães ed., Lisboa, 1998

The craft of translation and the theoretical and practical dilemmas
RICOEUR, Paul, Sur la traduction, Bayard. Paris 2004.
SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich, Sobre os diferentes métodos de traduzir [1813], Apresentação, tradução otas e prefácio J.M.M. Justo, Elementos Sudoeste, Porto 2003.

Complementary Bibliography

Interpretation, statements and translation
A.A.V.V., Interpretação e sobreinterpretação (1992; Dir. de Collini, Stefan), trad. Miguel Serras Pereira, Ed. Presença, Lx, 1993
AGAMBEN, Giorgio, A comunidade que vem (1990), trad. António Guerreiro, Ed. Presença, Lx, 1993
DELEUZE, Gilles, Foucault, Minuit, Paris, 1986; Critique et clinique, Minuit, Paris, 1993
GARGANI, Aldo, O texto do tempo (1992), trad. Abílio Queirós, Edições 70, Lx, 1995
MAGALHÃES, Rui, Introdução à hermenêutica, Angelus Novus, Braga, 2002
VATTIMO, Gianni, Introdução a Heidegger (1971), trad. João Gama, Edições 70, Lx, 1989

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical presentation of philosophical topics and research supervision (by lecturers). Student participation, presentation and discussion of research works.


No specific software is required, although students should have some command of computer programmes (word processor and internet use)

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 80% of the classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Assessment will take into account participation in the seminar sessions and the mark obtained in the final Report.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not foreseen, however students may submit extra assignments which will be considered by the lecturers if they are included in the seminar work.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

To be considered on a case-to-case basis.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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