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Portuguese Language I

Code: FLUP0674     Acronym: LINP1

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Translation

Instance: 2004/2005 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EFA 1 Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 - 6 -
Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 - 6 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 3 - 6 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 - 6 -
EFI 4 Official Study Plan - LEFI 3 - 6 -
Official Study Plan - LEFI 2 - 6 -
EIA 12 Official Study Plan - LEIA 2 - 6 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 - 6 -


Within the framework of the language combination degrees in Modern Languages and Literature that are open to the problems of translation, this subject, Portuguese Language I, aims to reflect on the complex relationships between cognition, communication, language, culture, and to analyse the situation of Portuguese in space and time as well as some of its morphological, lexical and syntactic aspects in the light of Linguistics.


1. Cognition, communication, language, culture: preliminary considerations
1. Portuguese in time and space
1.1. Brief overview of the history of the Portuguese language
1.2. Portuguese within the group of Romance languages
1.3. Geographic and social variation: registers
1.4. The oral and the written

2. Some issues of Morphology and Lexis
2.1.Word, lexical meaning, semantic fields, semantic relations
2.2. The word and its constituents
2.3. Fundamental morphological processes in Portuguese

3. From word- to sentence-level: some syntactic aspects of Portuguese
3.1. Structure of constituents; syntactic categories
3.2. Predicates and arguments, syntactic functions, semantic functions
3.3. Word order, thematic and information structure; topic and focus
3.4. Brief characterization of complex sentences in Portuguese: coordination, subordination, juxtaposition

Main Bibliography

Castro, I. (1991) – Curso de História da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
Cunha, C. e Cintra, L. (1984) – Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Sá da Costa.
Duarte, I. (2000) - Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
Faria, I. H. et alii (orgs.) (1996) – Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa, Lisboa, Caminho.
Fonseca, J. (1993) – Estudos de Sintaxe-Semântica e Pragmática do Português, Porto, Porto Editora.
Mateus, M. H. (2002) – A Face Exposta da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda.
Mateus, M.H. et alii (2003) – Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, 5ª edição, Caminho, Lisboa.
Mateus, M. H. (org.) (2001) – Mais Línguas, Mais Europa: celebrar a diversidade linguística e cultural da Europa, Lisboa, Edições Colibri.
Mateus, M. H. (org.) (2002) – As línguas da Península Ibérica, Lisboa, Edições Colibri.
Neves, M. H. (1999) - Gramática de Usos do Português, S. Paulo, Editora UNESP.
Peres, J. e Móia, T. (1995) – Áreas Críticas da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Caminho.
Rio-Torto, G. (1998) – Morfologia Derivacional. Teoria Geral e Aplicação ao Português. Porto, Porto Editora.
Teyssier, P. (1980) – Histoire de la Langue Portugaise, Paris, P.U.F.; trad. port. Sá da Costa, 1990.
Vilela, M. 1979 – Estruturas Léxicas do Português. Coimbra, Almedina.
Vilela, M. 1999 – Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, 2º ed. Coimbra, Almedina.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical classes.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Positive mark in the final exam.
Alternatively, positive mark obtained in the optional test and the second part of the final exam.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final exam counting a total of 20 marks (100%).
Alternatively, optional test counting for 50% and the second part of the final exam counting for 50%.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

According to Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese
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