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Sociological Theories II

Code: FLUP0050     Acronym: TS2

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Sociology
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
FIL 8 Official Study Plan - LFIL 3 2,5 6 -
SOC 76 Official Study Plan - LSOC 1 2,5 6 -
Official Study Plan - LSOC 1 2,5 6 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 1 2,5 6 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 1 2,5 6 -


- To reflect on Sociology through its paradigmatic plurality, identifying the main schools of thought and respective authors in the scope of American Sociology;
- To understand the social and theoretical conditions that are at the origins of each current or school of thought;
- To develop a thread of understanding that allows for a permanent interrelation between conceptual networks and hypothetical situations in the field;
- To allow for comparative analysis and the reception of the key axes that structure the scientific field of American Sociology;
- To evaluate the contemporary potential of each current of American thought.


1.1. American Sociology and American sociologists in the 20th century: emergence and structural lines.

2. Structural-functionalism
2.1. The organicist and functionalist tradition in Sociology and Anthropology: Radcliffe-Brown and Bronislaw K. Malinowski.
2.2. Talcott Parsons and American sociology. The general theory of action.
2.3. The assumptions of relativised functionalism of Robert K. Merton.

3. Social Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology
3.1. The contributions of Husserl.
3.2. The existential phenomenology of Alfred Schutz.
3.3. The Ethnomethodology of Garfinkel.

4. Symbolic Interactionism
4.1. Diversity of perspectives and Schools.
4.2. The pre-interactionism of George Herbert Mead.
4.3. The symbolic interactionism of Erving Goffman.

5. Sociological theories and strategies of empirical research

Main Bibliography

BERGER, P.; LUCKMANN T. (1985) - A Construção Social da Realidade, Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.
CUFF, E. C.; PAYNE, G. C. F. (eds.) (1984) - Perspectives in sociology, London: George Allen Unwin.
DELAS, Jean-Pierre ; MILLY, Bruno (1997) - Histoire des Pensées Sociologiques, Paris: Éditions Sirey.
GOFFMAN, Erving (1993) – Apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias, Lisboa: Relógio de Água.
GIDDENS, Anthony (1998) - Política, Sociologia e Teoria Social, Oeiras: Celta.
HERPIN, Nicolas (1982) - A Sociologia Americana. Escolas, Problemáticas e Práticas, Porto: Afrontamento.
LAPASSADE, Georges (1996) - Les Microsociologies, Paris: Anthropos.
LOPES, João Teixeira (2000) - “Itinerário teórico em torno da produção dos fenómenos simbólicos”, Sociologia, n.º 10, pp. 27-78.
MERTON, Robert (1968) – Sociologia: teoria e estrutura, São Paulo: Editora Mestre Jou.
PINTO, José Madureira (1984) – “Questões de metodologia sociológica II”. In Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, n.º 2.

Complementary Bibliography

GARFINKEL, Harold (1967) – Studies in etnomethodology, New Jersey: Prentice-hall.
GOFFMAN, Erving (1968) – Asiles: études sur la condition sociale des malades mentausx et autres reclus, Paris: Les Éditions Minuit.
GOFFMAN, Erving (1968) –Estigma: notas sobre a manipulação da identidade deteriorada, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.
JOSEPH, Isaac (1999) - Erving Goffman y la Microsociología, Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.
MERTON, Robert (1965) – Éléments de theórie et de méthode sociologique, Brionne: Gérard Monfort.
PARSONS, Talcott (1973) – Les système des societés modernes, Paris: Dunod.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Thorough use of expository methods (lectures) resorting to questioning, active and illustrative methods.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Minimum class attendance is not required.

Calculation formula of final grade

1. Both evaluation modalities are constituted by 2 components, the final grade
- written exam: 65% of the final grade;
- critical review: 35% of the final grade.

2. In any case, the grade must be equal or higher than 8 marks.

3. Resit exams:
3.1. The students that achieved a mark equal or lower than 7.5 in the critical review may attend the resit exam, during the period previously established, since they achieved 10 or more marks in the other evaluation test (final exam). The work for review will be defined previously (the author is the same as the one object of the first critical review), as well as respective timetable period.

3.2. Final exam The students that achieved a mark equal or lower than 7.5 may attend the resit exam, since they achieved 9,5 values or more in the other evaluation test - the critical review.

Examinations or Special Assignments

1. The tests of both evaluation modalities are similar. The only difference is the timetable.

2. The modality combining final and continuous evaluation as the following timetable:
- critical review: early May;
- written exam: normal exam timetable.

3. The modality of final evaluation as the following timetable:
- critical review: the day of the resit final exam;
- written exam: resit exam.

4. Critical reviews
4.1. The work for critical review and the period to accomplish it is different whether in combined evaluation or final evaluation.
4.1.2. The author analysed in the review is not evaluated in the written exam.
This means that the author for the review is established prior to the exam, this includes the resit exam.

4.2. The work for critical review and the timetable are defined according to the evaluation modality chose by the student.
4.2.1. In the case of combined evaluation, the indication of the work is given in class in the first week of the semester, so it may be finished by early May.
4.2.2. In the case of final evaluation, the indication of the work is given in the last class of the semester, so it may be finished by the day of the resit final exam.

4.3. The review is done individually.
4.4 Rules for the elaboration of the review:
- written text of no more than 15.000 characters;
- times new roman, 12;
- the text should be formatted with 1.5 space;
- header and footer 3 cm; margins left and right

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

Resit exam


1. Support texts will be published by the faculty's photocopy office.

3. Contacts:
- Departamento de Sociologia: Torre B, 4th floor
Phone: 22 6077190
- Room 248 : Torre B, 2nd floor
Phone: 22 6077100 - Extension no.: 3248
E-mail : cparente@letras.up.pt
- Consultation hours: Fridays, 15.30h. to 17:30h.

Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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