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Current Trends in Sociology II

Code: SOCI006     Acronym: CASOC2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Sociology

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Sociology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Sociology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
SOCI 39 SOCI - Study Plan 2 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 2,50
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 2,50
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares 2,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares 0,50

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


  • To increase the knowledge of theoretical, epistemological, and methodological positions of the different currents and authors in contemporary sociology.

  • To develop a complete understanding of the main paradigms of contemporary sociological analysis.

  • To relate national sociological research with leading contemporary theoretical debates.

  • To help the mobilization of contemporary paradigms for qualifying theoretical and methodological skills.

Learning outcomes and competences

  • Mastering of the theories and problematizations of contemporary sociology.

  • Understanding and explanation of the genesis and evolution of present currents of sociology.

  • Developing the capacity for reflection and critical analysis of societies.

  • Extension of a culture of critical and reflective citizenship based on ethical principles.

Working method



1. The main structural axes of contemporary sociological theory.
2. Norbert Elias' figurational sociology.
3. Anthony Giddens' structuration theory.
4. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of practice.
5. Reconfigurations and emerging theoretical debates.

Mandatory literature

BOURDIEU, Pierre ; A Dominação Masculina, Celta Editora, 1999. ISBN: 972-774-046-4
ELIAS, Norbert; Mozart - Sociologia de um génio, Asa, 1993. ISBN: 972-41-1268-3
GIDDENS, Anthony; Modernidade e Identidade Pessoal, Celta Editora, 1997. ISBN: 972-8027-73-7
GUERRA, Paula; A instável leveza do rock. Génese, dinâmica e consolidação do rock alternativo em Portugal, Edições Afrontamento, 2013. ISBN: 9789723613421

Complementary Bibliography

BOURDIEU, Pierre ; Contrafogos, Celta Editora, 1998. ISBN: 972-774-007-3
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; Meditações Pascalianas, Celta Editora, 1998. ISBN: 972-774-009-X
BOURDIEU, Pierre (avec L. WACQUANT) ; Réponses, Editions du Seuil, 1992. ISBN: 2-02-014675-4
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; O Poder Simbólico, Difel, 1989. ISBN: 972-29-0014-5
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; O Que Falar Quer Dizer. A Economia das Trocas Linguísticas, Difel, 1998. ISBN: 9722904019
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; Esboço de uma teoria da prática: precedido de três estudos de etnologia Cabila, Celta Editora, 2002. ISBN: 9727741428
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; Razões Práticas, Celta Editora, 1997. ISBN: 972-8027-55-9
ELIAS, Norbert; Introdução à sociologia, Edições 70, 2000. ISBN: 972-44-1005-6
HEINICH, Nathalie ; A Sociologia de Norbert Elias, EDUSC, 2001. ISBN: 972-759-227-171-X
ELIAS, Norbert; Teoria simbólica, Celta Editora, 1994. ISBN: 972-8027-18-4
GIDDENS, Anthony; Novas Regras do Método Sociológico, Gradiva, 1996. ISBN: 972-662-465-7
GIDDENS, Anthony; The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993. ISBN: 0-7456-0007-7
GIDDENS, Anthony; Sociologia: uma breve porém crítica introdução, Zahar Ed. , 1984
KILMINSTER, Richard; MENNEL, Stephen ; Norbert Elias, The Blackwell companion to major social theorists, 2000. ISBN: 140510595X
SELGAS, Fernando ; Teoría Social y Metateoría Hoy - El caso de Anthony Giddens, Siglo XXI de España Editores, 1994
BOURDIEU, Pierre (org.); La misère du monde, Editions du Seuil, 1993. ISBN: 9782020196741
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; As Estruturas Sociais da Economia, Instituto Piaget, 2001. ISBN: 972-771-469-2
GIDDENS, Anthony; As Transformações na Intimidade, Celta Editora, 1995. ISBN: 972-8027-40-0
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; As regras da arte, Companhia das Letras, 1996. ISBN: 972-23-2121-8
BOURDIEU, Pierre ; Questões de sociologia, Fim de Século, 2003. ISBN: 972-754-197-6
ELIAS, Norbert ; A sociedade dos indivíduos: a questão cardeal da sociologia, Dom Quixote, 2004. ISBN: 972-20-2703-4
ELIAS, Norbert; O processo civilizacional, Dom Quixote, 2000. ISBN: 972-20-0681-9 (vol. 1)
GIDDENS, Anthony; A Dualidade da Estrutura. Agência e Estrutura, Celta Editora, 2001. ISBN: 972-774-063-4
GIDDENS, Anthony; As Consequências da Modernidade, Celta Editora, 1992. ISBN: 972-774-063-4

Comments from the literature

Given the complexity of each of the authors under analysis, as well as the extensiveness of their scientific production, for each specific case, we will point out complementary reading suggestions that address different thematic lines.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes have a Theoretical-Practical component (TP) based on a specific bibliography (primary and supplementary) that will be listed by authors, pedagogical materials (summaries, conferences, biographies), attendance (clarifications/bibliographic research), and oriented research for contact with various appropriations of the authors in the global space (ex. Elias Foundation). The tutorial sessions (OT) consist of theoretical and empirical exploration of texts and videographic resources and an open community debate: updating theory to contemporary Portuguese. This one will allow reflexivity and critical application of structural paradigms. The Sigarra is assumed to be the platform where the teacher provides materials and communicates with students.


Não se aplica


Social sciences > Sociology > Social changes
Social sciences > Sociology > Societal behaviour
Social sciences > Sociology > Macrosociology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Teste 20,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 39,00
Trabalho de investigação 43,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

An individual thematic report; written test; work developed in the tutorials. All exams are compulsory, regardless of the student’s status. The attendance is not considered as a component of evaluation. The minimum note in each component will be of 10 values. There is a possibility of repeating, in the components in which the student fails (less than 10).

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation in this CU is carried out through a written test during the semester (40%), TO (20%), and an individual critical essay (40%).



Examinations or Special Assignments

The critical essay intended to deepen the perspective of one of the authors studied. The critical essay must have an argument– a point of view or thesis that it is designed to prove. Analysis in an essay involves identifying and critically evaluating assumptions. The critical essay will be guided by the following objectives: capacity for the development of working methods, either through careful drafting of summaries, flashcards, or references, whether still in the structuring and phasing of work logically; ability to develop an increasing thinning methods work, by performing work of reading and critical works.

Students who, under the terms of the law, are exempt from attendance at classes are obliged to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course's functioning period, in order to establish the respective procedures for assessing knowledge.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The special period is for cases prescribed by law. The students who, under the law, are exempted from the class attendance are obliged to contact the professor, at the beginning of the operational period of this CU, for the effect of clarifying the respective evaluation procedures, available in this form and in the Support’s Notebook 1 (CU' Form in Sigarra).

Classification improvement

Classification will be improved only for the written components (written test and critical essay). The OTs are not amenable to improvement, given their face-to-face nature in the classroom context.


Notebook Support 1

It is published on the CU page Booklet Support 1, which contains detailed information on the operation of CU and the assessment scheme adopted. It is imperative reading this one. Are available on the CU’ page support materials to lessons, worksheets, and literature.


Contact with students

E-mail is one of the Faculty's teaching tools most used by teacher during the semester to communicate with students. Students should consult it regularly because by this tool, the teacher seeks to resolve issues concerning CU: warnings, reviews, tasks, information, and educational materials, among others.


Attendance of students

The teacher will set office hours for students in the CU (day and time) according to the schedule for the academic year 2022-2023 but with the requirement of booking by the student.


Pedagogic material 

Pedagogic material used in the CU will be available as CU online teaching materials to support practical classes, developed summaries, reviews, faults, TO activities, supplementary bibliography, and other elements necessary for the functioning of the discipline.

Professor contacts

Paula Guerra

Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (DS-FLUP)

Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto

Office 249, Tower B Locker 187

Phone: 351 226077100 (geral), extensão 3250; 351 226077190 (DS-FLUP) Fax: 351 226077190 (DS-FLUP)

E-mail: pguerra@letras.up.ptmariadeguerra@gmail.com

URL: URL: http://www.isociologia.pt/;

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