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Sociological Theories II

Code: SOCI040     Acronym: TSOC2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Sociology

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Sociology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Sociology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
SOCI 63 SOCI - Study Plan 1 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 2,50
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 2,50
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares 2,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
Paula Maria Guerra Tavares 0,50

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


. To understand sociology through its paradigmatic plurality by identifying schools and authors of American sociology.
. To comprehend the social and theoretical conditions of schools and authors.
. To develop a fruitful nexus of intelligibility between theory and empiricism applying the frameworks of American sociology.
. To comparatively analyze the major structural axes of the scientific field of American sociology.
. To evaluate the contemporaneity potential of American sociology.

Learning outcomes and competences

. To understand the origins and historical development of the main structuring issues of the disciplinary field of sociology.
. The ability to reflect on contemporary societies using the conceptual frameworks of American sociology.
. Having an heuristic understanding of the conceptual basis of American sociology and ability to exercise a culture of critical citizenship and professional attitudes based on ethical principles.

Working method



1. American sociology: paradigms and theoretical crossroads.
2. Emergencies: the Chicago School.
3. Establishment: the structural-functionalism of Parsons and Merton.
4. Renovations: the symbolic interactionism of Mead, Goffman and Becker.
5. Ruptures: the social phenomenology and ethnomethodology of Garfinkel and Shutz.
6. American sociological theories and theoretical plurality.

Mandatory literature

Becker, Howard Saul, 1928-; Uma teoria da ação coletiva
Coulon, Alain; A escola de Chicago. ISBN: 85-308-0359-0
Guerra, Paula; Cenários portuenses de insegurança
Herpin, Nicolas; A sociologia americana

Complementary Bibliography

Cohen, Stanley; Folk devils & moral panics. ISBN: 0-631-15782-4
Delas, Jean-Pierre; Histoire des pensées sociologiques. ISBN: 2-247-02545-5
Garfinkel, Harold; Estudios en etnometodología. ISBN: 84-7658-785-6
Goffman, Erving, 1922-1982; Manicômios, prisões e conventos. ISBN: 85-273-0202-0
Goffman, Erving, 1922-1982; Estigma
LAPASSADE, Georges (1996) - Les Microsociologies, Paris: Anthropos.
Merton, Robert K.; A ambivalência sociológica e outros ensaios
PINTO, José Madureira (1984) – “Questões de metodologia sociológica II”. In Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, n.º 2.
RITZER, Ritzer, George (1992) Sociological theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill
RITZER, George (2001) - Teoria sociológica clássica. 3ª Edición. Madrid:McGraw Hill.
Merton, Robert K.; Teoría y estructura sociales. ISBN: 968-16-0252-8
WAGNER, Helmut R.. Org. (1979) - Fenomenologia e relações sociais. Textos escolhidos de Alfred Schutz. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.
RITZER, George, ed. ; Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing Reference Online, Blackwell Publishing Reference Online, 2008. ISBN: 9781405124331
SCHUTZ, Alfred (1996) - Collected papers. IV. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-3760-3.
Turner, Bryan S 340; Teoria social. ISBN: 972-29-0555-4
Turner, Bryan; Sociology in USA and beyond, Journal of Sociology, 2012. ISBN: doi: 10.1177/1440783312458069

Teaching methods and learning activities

The mode of evaluation at this Curricular Unity (CU) is distributed evaluation with final exam. The classes have a theoretical-practical component (TP) based on specific bibliography by author/school, teaching materials (slides, texts, summaries, conferences) and assistance to students (information/literature research and discussions of authors and schools). Tutorial sessions (OT) of theoretical and empirical exploration (texts; viewing videographic records; organizing debates) will also be held. These sessions are achieved through a study visit, moment of application/update from theory to Portuguese contemporaneity. The Sigarra is assumed as the platform where the teacher provides materials and communicates with students.


Não se aplica


Social sciences > Sociology > Societal behaviour
Social sciences > Sociology > Social changes

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Participação presencial 20,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 39,00
Trabalho escrito 43,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

  • The evaluation consists in different moments and devices. Thus it consists of a final written exam (50%), consisting of a written individual exam about the theoretical contents of the UC program, which takes place on the dates stipulated by the examination schedule of the 2nd semester. A critical review of individual nature (30%) able to foster theoretical reflexivity and application of heuristic paradigms is also a key evaluation device. The scientific-pedagogical activities proposed for the OT sessions (20%) around the different schools will be made available in the UC form and carried out in accordance with the directions of the teacher. The frequency of the classes is a requirement for obtaining frequency. Control of attendance, which states that students must attend 75% of the practical classes and tutorial sessions, is performed according to the Faculty Evaluation Standards.

  • Assiduity is a requirement of approval. All the tests, final exam, individual thematic report and OT worksheets, are compulsory, regardless of the student status. Students who, under the law, are exempted from class attendance, are required to submit the same worksheets that other students but can enjoy a longer delivery time, to be agreed together with the teacher. This period shall never exceed the last day of the 2nd semester classes.

  • In the resource time assessment components are repeated: the statements of the OT to be resolved and submitted in a written version will be placed in the discipline space at SIGARRA or delivered to students on the final exam of the regular season in order to be delivered to teacher on the final exam resource season. The same procedure applies to the critical review of individual nature.

Calculation formula of final grade

 The evaluation in this CU is carried out through a written examination (50%), TO (20%) and an individual critical essay (30%).The achievement of an average score less than 10 values in one or more of the evaluation elements implies the transition from student to the resource or special epochs, fully realizing the proofs indicated.

Examinations or Special Assignments

A critical review is an individual effort of critical analysis of parts of the works of base authors of the discipline. The aim is to integrate and apply the concepts and theories covered in the UC.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The special period is for cases prescribed by law. The students who, under the law, are exempted from the class attendance are obliged to contact the professor, at the beginning of the operational period of this CU, for the effect of clarifying the respective evaluation procedures, available in this form and in the Support’s Notebook 1 (CU Form in Sigarra).

Classification improvement

Improving the final classification obtained in CU is made in the periods and according the rules stipulated in the Faculty Evaluation Standards. It's possible to perform the improvement of the final classification only in the exam component given the specific tutorial monitoring of other components. The final classification is the result of the weighted average of the highest marks obtained by the student in the evaluation components provided in CU.


Notebook Support 1

It is published on the CU page the Booklet Support 1 that contains a set of detailed information on the operation of CU and assessment scheme adopted. It is imperative reading this one. Are available on the CU’ page support materials to lessons, worksheets and literature.


Contact with students

The e-mail is one of the Faculty's teaching tools most used by teacher along the semester to communicate with students. Students should consult it regularly because by this tool the teacher seeks to resolve issues concerning CU: warnings, reviews, tasks, information, educational materials, among others.


Attendance of students

Office hours for students in the CU (day and time) will be set by the teacher according to the schedule for the academic year 2022-2023, but with the requirement of advance booking by the student.


Pedagogic material

Pedagogic material used in the CU will be available in the form of CU online teaching materials to support practical classes, developed summaries, reviews, faults, TO activities, supplementary bibliography and other elements necessary for the functioning of the discipline.

Professor contacts

Paula Guerra

E-mail: pguerra@letras.up.pt; mariadeguerra@gmail.com
Gabinete 249, Torre B

URL: http://www.isociologia.pt/  http://paulaguerra.pt/en/

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