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Classical Culture

Code: LEI004     Acronym: CC

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Classical Studies

Instance: 2024/2025 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEI 53 Study plan 1 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Belmiro Fernandes Pereira

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 2,50
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 2,50
Belmiro Fernandes Pereira 2,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
Belmiro Fernandes Pereira 0,50

Teaching language



The study of political, moral and religious ideas of ancient authors, as expressed in their literary and artistic works, aims to enhance the knowledge of the models of European cultures and the recognition of the educational and informative value of classical culture.  

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the semester, students must be able to situate the figures and events of Ancient Greece and Rome; discuss the links between literature and politics, rhetoric and art; identify and interpret the literary and artistic sources selected; critically present their reception in the Renaissance period.

Working method



1.1. Homeric Poems and Hesiod’s works, as the foundations of a heroic worldview.

1.2. The word and the action or the representation of the human in archaic Greek art and poetry.

1.3. Philosophy, art and science in the classical period; the institution of the arts and the teaching of the sophists; the schools of Isocrates, Plato and Aristotle.

2.1. From the idea of Rome, and foundation myths, to the ideology of imperium.

2.2. Dissemination of Greek arts in Rome and the construction of a universal civilization.

2.3. Literature and art in Roman classicism. Virgil's Aeneid.

3.1. The reception of classical arts in the Renaissance.

Mandatory literature

Hesíodo; Teogonia. Trabalhos e Dias, Lisboa, INCM, 2014
Homero; Ilíada, Lisboa, Bolso Cotovia, 2017
Homero; Odisseia, Lisboa, Bolso Cotovia, 2017
Virgílio; Eneida, Lisboa, Cotovia, 2020

Complementary Bibliography

Ames-Lewis, F.; The Intellectual Life of the Early Renaissance Artist. , New Haven (CT), Yale UP, 2000
Beard, M.; Classical Art from Greece to Rome, Oxford, Oxford UP, 2001
Bloomer, W. ; A Companion to Ancient Education, Oxford, Blackwell, 2015
Borg, B. ; A Companion to Roman Art, Oxford, Blackwell, 2015
Foley, J. ; A Companion to Ancient Epic, Oxford, Blackwell, 2005
Horsfall, N.; A Companion to the Study of Virgil, Leiden, Brill, 1995
Kennedy, G.; A New History of Classical Rhetoric, Princeton (NJ), Princeton UP, 1994
Pereira, Belmiro Fernandes; Retórica e Eloquência em Portugal na Época do Renascimento, Lisboa, INCM, 2012
Rocha Pereira, M. H. ; Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica, vol. I, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2017
Rocha Pereira, M. H.; Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica, vol. II, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2009

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical exposition of programme contents; analysis and interpretation of texts and images; discussion of themes prepared by students.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 120,00
Frequência das aulas 42,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Attending 75% of classes, unless established otherwise by law.

Calculation formula of final grade

Written tests and exam: 100%

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students holding special status, namely those covered by the status of Association Leader, Student-Athlete, Student-Firefighter, Military student, Student Athlete of the National Team, High Performance Sports Practitioners or Worker- student" (Article 14, point 1) of the Assessment Regulations), not being able to take the two written works, they will be able to take a final exam at the times scheduled for that purpose.

Classification improvement

According to FLUP Assessment Regulations. Classification improvement is done by carrying out a final exam at the time of Supplementary Exams.
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