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French C1.1

Code: LLC043     Acronym: FC1.1

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LA 3 Study plan 3 - 6 60,5 162
LLC 11 Study plan 3 - 6 60,5 162
Study plan 3 - 6 60,5 162
LRI 5 Study plan 3 - 6 60,5 162

Teaching language



Development of knowledge and skills towards a level between B2 and C1 in the five CEFR language skills. Identification of gaps and strategies to fill them.

Learning outcomes and competences

Students should have become more autonomous and should have developed their linguistic, socio-linguistic and pragmatic skills in order to be able to: - understand most audio and audio-visual material of varying length and relatively high complexity, including non-standard language;

- understand a speech of varying length by taking notes effectively in order to be able to reproduce the content and main ideas;

- understand complex exchanges among several speakers in a group discussion or debate, even on abstract, complex and unfamiliar topics, and possibly involving different accents and language registers;

- understand in detail long and complex texts, noting relevant points and/or explicit and implicit positions of the author;

- analyse, understand and discuss a statistical or a pictural document;

- express their ideas and opinions in a precise, organised and spontaneous way;

- present a clear and structured oral presentation on a current topic, analysing written material, identifying different positions on the issue and integrating relevant arguments and examples;

- identify, reformulate and organise ideas in order to write a synthesis of different types of documents;

- express a point of view in a clear, precise and structured text.

Working method



1. Development of oral skills 

  • Comprehension of authentic audio-visual material on current topics (television and radio programmes, lectures, documentaries) in standard language and its social, regional and historical varieties

  • Presentations on current topics based on an analysis and synthesis of several documents

2. Development of writing and reading skills 

  • In-depth comprehension of complex articles on current issues that can be debated in the classroom

  • Consolidation of writing skills in argumentative texts.

  • Introduction to the methodology and linguistic tools needed to write an essay, a press review and a synthesis of different documents.

3. Development of linguistic, socio-linguistic and pragmatic skills

  • Strengthening and extension of grammar skills according to needs and difficulties encountered

  • Broadening of lexical skills through vocabulary enrichment and reformulation activitiesat, at lexical and syntactic level

  • Strengthening and widening of the range of language registers 

  • Discourse organization, structure and adaptation to a specific target audience

Mandatory literature

Solinas Hellmann, Sandrine; Se perfectionner en français langue étrangère, Studyrama, 2012. ISBN: 976-27590-1639-6

Complementary Bibliography

Barféty, Michèle; Expression orale - Niveau 4, CLE International, 2009. ISBN: 978-2-09-035213-9

Comments from the literature

Further references will be provided during the semester.

Teaching methods and learning activities

A task-based and communicative approach will be favoured in order to involve the students in the learning process and to help them become more autonomous.


Courrier électronique


Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages > European languages > Romance languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 30,00
Prova oral 35,00
Teste 35,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 45,00
Estudo autónomo 56,50
Frequência das aulas 60,50
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend 75% of classes, unless established otherwise by University regulations.

Calculation formula of final grade

Distributed evaluation without final exam (Época Normal):

- Reading comprehension: 15%
- Listening comprehension: 15%
- Writing: 20%
- Oral presentation of a press review: 15%
- Written synthesis of documents: 15%
- Final oral test: 20%

A passing mark of 10/20 in the written tests is required to be entitled to take the final oral test.

A passing mark of 8/20 is required for each component of the assessment plan.

Época de Recurso and Época Especial:

Written exam (RC: 15%/W: 35%): 50%
Oral Exam (LC: 15%/S: 35%): 50%

A passing mark of 10/20 in the written exam is required to be entitled to take the oral exam.

A passing mark of 8/10 is required for each skill being assessed in order to pass the exam and complete French B2.2.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students who cannot attend classes must contact the teacher as soon as possible to be able to choose the most adequate evaluation mode.

Classification improvement

Students wishing to improve their final grade will have to take an exam during the second exam period (Época de Recurso or Época Especial), according to the conditions and rules defined for these exam periods.
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