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Media and Society

Code: MECC004     Acronym: MS

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Communication Sciences

Instance: 2022/2023 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Communication and Information Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Communication Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MECC 61 Study plan 1 - 6 41 162

Teaching language



The guiding principle of this subject is to show how the socially undifferentiated dynamic of modernity was simultaneously a cause and an effect of the development of the technologically-mediated media. There are three phases. The first examines the effect that new forms of primary sociability in the first stage of the press. The second studies the formation of collective sociability linked to the mass media. The third addresses the specific nature of the new media and how they are moving towards the achievement of a widespread lack of social differentiation. These three points mean that the position of exteriority that typified the traditional media is tending to disappear in the environment of the networked participatory media. This course unit aims to foster a critical attitude to the media and give students the skills needed to pursue independent research in the area taught.

Learning outcomes and competences

Students should be able to:

- Examine the history of the press as a process of indifferentiation and deinstitutionalization

- Analyze examples of media scandals

- Analyze processes of indifferentiation in new media networks

Working method



I. The emergence of the modern public space

1. Body societies

2. Dynamics of primary sociability in the 18th century

2.1. From Mercure Galant to Tatler

2.2. Primary sociability, epistolary correspondence and salons

3. Concept of public opinion

3.1. The notion of public opinion in the transition to the 19th century.

3.2. Court of Reason and social autonomy

3.3. Emergence and trajectory of the notion of 4th. Power

3.4. Regulatory issues

II. Mass Media

1. The formation of the industrial press

1.1. The 'equality of conditions' in the 19th century

2. The emergence of broadcasting

2.1. Public listening to music and the desecration of the audience

2.2. The radio and the audience unit

 2.3. Spatio-temporal undifferentiation and social undifferentiation

2.2. Formal structure of the mass media

3. Concept of media scandal

3. 1. Collective identification, victimization designation and media scandal

3.2. The mass media between external mediation and the immanence of society

III. New media

1. Historical genealogy of the new media

3. Technological, economic and legal conditions for the production and distribution of content in the new media

3.1. Structure and dynamics of participatory media. Mechanisms of primary sociability

4. Undifferentiating dynamics in the new media and socially undifferentiating dynamics

4.1. The new immanent forms of certification

4..2. Symmetry and reciprocity in the new media networks

4.3. Issues raised by the new social networks

4.4. Classic media versus new media

Mandatory literature

António Machuco Rosa; A Comunicação e o Fim das Instituições: Das Origens da Imprensa aos Novos Media, , Media XXI, 2016

Teaching methods and learning activities

The theory-practical part combines the expository method (lectures) with participation and the practical application by the students of the knowledge acquired, i.e. by submitting pieces of work on the course content. Tutorials are designed to develop activities related to the individual and group projects to be presented by the students during the semester.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Participação presencial 0,00
Trabalho escrito 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 42,00
Total: 42,00

Eligibility for exams

Mandatory 75% class attendance unless established otherwise by law, or in FLUP regulations.

Calculation formula of final grade

Paper 50 % + Examen 50 % = 100 %

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