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History of Film and Other Audio-Visual Media

Code: LEI006     Acronym: HCOMA

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEI 53 Study plan 1 - 6 41 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


- Contextualize the origins of cinema and other audiovisual media;
- To know and apply methodologies for the study and analysis of moving image;
- To know and understand the history of moving images and their historiographic problems;
- Understand the development of cinema in the light of its historical and artistic context, from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, as well as the issues inherent in its study, cinematographic theories and its problematization;
- Identify and analyze the technical and aesthetic principles of cinema, video and television and their development;
- Understand and reflect on the cinema as a document;
- To know and analyze the relation of moving images with contemporary artistic practices and their developments from a synchronic and diachronic point of view.

Learning outcomes and competences

- At the end of the UC the student should acquire knowledge and skills that allow him to identify, read, analyze and interpret cinema and other audiovisual media, know their means, techniques and reflect on their role as documents and as representative expressions of the context cultural and artistic origin.

Working method



1. Phonographic and audiovisual recordings: inventions and possibilities 2. Methodologies for the analysis of moving images 3. Historiography of moving images 4. The cinema 4.1. Antecedents and prehistory of cinematography 4.2. The silent movie 4.3. Portuguese "national" cinema and national cinematography 4.4. Sound cinema and its impact 4.4.1. The advent of sound in Portugal 4.5. The second half of the century and the "new cinemas" 4.5.1. The "The New Cinema" Portuguese 4.6. Theories of Cinema 4.7. Experimental cinema, avant-garde cinema and mainstream cinema 4.8. The documentary 4.9. The cinema of animation 5. The television 5.1. Background and developments 5.2. The golden age of television 5.3. The Television and the Digital Age 6. The Video 6.1. Invention and developments 6.2. Analog and digital media 7. Cinema, video and television: technical and aesthetic issues 8. Moving images as documents 8.1. The Portuguese cinema and the Estado Novo 9. Relations between moving images and other artistic practices 9.1. Experiences, dialogues and collaborations 9.2. Motion pictures and recording of performance 10. Video Art and New Media Art 10.1 Video Art and New Media Art in Portugal

Mandatory literature

Arnheim Rudolf 1904-2007; A arte do cinema
Aumont Jacques; Dicionário teórico e crítico do cinema. ISBN: 978-989-95884-4-8
Aumont Jacques; A^análise do filme. ISBN: 978-989-8285-02-7
Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa 070; Cinema em Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-27-1925-4
Bazin André; Qu.est-ce que le cinéma
Belting Hans 1935-; Antropologia da imagem. ISBN: 879-989-97684-5-1
Pina, Luís; História do Cinema Português, Europa-América, 1986
Parkinson, D.; History of Film, Thames & Hudson, 2002
Torgal Luís Reis 1942- 340; O^cinema sob o olhar de Salazar. ISBN: 972-759-448-4
Bordwell, D.; Thompson, K.; Film History: an introduction, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2010
Popper, F.; Art of the electronic age, Thames & Hudson, 1997
Rieser, M; Zapp, A (Eds).; New Screen Media: cinema, art, narrative, British Film Institute, 2002
Barreira Hugo Daniel da Silva; Imagens na imagem em movimento

Comments from the literature

It will be given other bibliographical information when deemed appropriate.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Each lesson will include a presentation on the relevant topic. The object will be seen in its historical, social and ideological context. Images and documents will be analysed, promoting the critical debate extended to the entire class.

The OT classes are intended to provide guidance to students in the preparation of the approach to the subjects that will be the object of study and analysis in the written works, in the orientation of the preparation of the written works and respective oral presentation, as well as the analysis of additional documents on the aggregator theme of the work, exploration of approaches more results and working methods.


Humanities > History > Art History
Humanities > Arts > Visual arts > Film studies
Humanities > History > Contemporary History

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Trabalho escrito 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 75,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 31,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Compulsory attendance of 75% of lesson units, except when otherwise specified in the Law.

Calculation formula of final grade

Report or research assignment + oral presentation - 50%;

Final Exam - 50%

The timing of the presentation of the Written Work and Oral Presentation will be established by the teacher with the students' knowledge and collaboration, and will be formally announced in advance in "Documents" in the UC File.



Criteria for consideration/evaluation - oral presentation:



- Accuracy of information


- Clarity of the presentation structure


- Relevance of the information submitted in relation to the guiding idea of the presentation


- Level of understanding of the subject under study:

reflection and maturation


- Involvement and personal investment in the study and preparation of the presentation


- Suitability of the structure to the available time; capacity for synthesis and organization of information


- Originality and creativity in approaching the suject of study


- Effectiveness in the transmission of information.



Criteria for consideration/evaluation - written submission


- Creativity (choice of subject, justification of the relevance of the approach, ways of articulating acquired knowledge);


- Rigor and accuracy in the application of the specific norms of an academic work in the formal and methodological scope;


- Ability to relate the subject under study with the objectives of the UC and its transversality in the course.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Internship work/project

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to FLUP regulation

Classification improvement

The Written Research Assignment is not subject to improvement after the delivery to the teacher, in the final version.

Only the Final Exam may be subject to improvement of classification.



-On the assessment:

Exam: 2-hour written, closed book exam. 

A minimum score of 10 (out of 20) is required in each assessment component.

-The hours of individual student work include visiting exhibitions and conferences assistance in accordance with the statement of the professor.

-Foreign students will have specific support: 

. Regular meetings with teachers will be provided; 

. International Bibliography will be provided;

. Foreign students can do their assessment research and final examination in english (or in other language after teacher's approval);

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