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Digital Archives and Libraries

Code: ICPD0030     Acronym: ABD

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S

Active? No
Responsible unit: Department of Communication and Information Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Third cycle of studies in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ICPD 0 ICPD - Study Plan 1 - 6 -

Teaching language

Obs.: Aulas em Português


This curricular unit aims:

- To enable the student to understand the importance of born-digital or digitized information and its management in modern society, as well as the limits and barriers to de defeated.

Specific objectives:

- To understand the nature of information and the its role in modern society;

- To understand the organization of archives and libraries as information systems;

- To understand the basic principles underlying information conversion: principles, requirements and technical procedures involved;

- To understand the challenges that long term preservation defeats;

- To understand the fundamental issues related to intellectual property.



Learning outcomes and competences

In this course, the student must get enough knowlegle in order to be able of analyzing and identifying the main problems related to the conception and building of digital archives and libraries, understood as digital information repositories. 
The challenges shall stimulate the continuous sistematic approach and the production of original knowledge and/or the analysis and synthesis of existent knowledge. 
This course must reinforce the development of the following abilities: 
i) Ability to understand the nature of information, the need of its management and the issues related to the building of digital archives and libraries; 
ii) Ability to do original research work, articulating the different aspects of a complex object which apply to different abilities; 
iii) Abiliity to develop inovative research projects, in the scope of professional area, whose main aspect is a constructive and dinamic interaction between users and/or creators and managers of information.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Not applicable


1. The Information Society and the emergence of Information Science

1.1. The contribute of information Science in modern society

1.2. Archives and Libraries as information systems: from traditional to digital

2. Information/Knowledge/Memory: from analogical to digital document

2.1. The conversion of information: requirements and barriers

2.2. The long term preservation of information

3. Intellecual property and libraries

3.1. Grounds of author rights
3.1.1. Patrimonial rights
3.1.2. Moral rights

3.2. The access to electronic books in libraries

3.3. The several types of licenses for access and use of digital information

3.4. New types of libraries: Europeana and Digital Public Library of America

Mandatory literature

ABADAL FALGUERAS, Ernest; Sistemas y servicios de información digital, Gijón : Trea, 2001. ISBN: 84-95178-98-2
BORGES, Maria Manuel; De Alexandria a Xanadu, Coimbra : Quarteto, 2002. ISBN: 972-8535-80-5.
BORGES, Maria Manuel; Biblioteca Digital : materialização e utopia
BORGMAN, Christine L.; From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, Cambridge [etc.]: the MIT Press, 2000. ISBN: ISBN 0-262-02473-X
BROWN, John Seely; DUGUID, Paul; The Social Life of Information, Boston, MA: Harvad Business School Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-87584-762-5.
CONFERENCE OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL LIBRARIES; Maintaining our digital memory: a declaration of support for the World Summit on the Information Society [em linha], The Hague: IFLA, [Última revisão em 2005-11-14]
DAY, Ronald E.; The Modern Invention of Information: Discourse, History and Power, Carbondale, Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0-8093-2390-7.
DIGITAL LIBRARY FEDERATION; Guides to Quality in Visual Resource Imaging [em linha], Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources, [Acedido em 2006.10.10]
FERREIRA, Miguel; Introdução à preservação digital: conceitos, estratégias e actuais consensos [em linha], Guimarães: Universidade do Minho, Escola de Engenharia, 2006.
GLADNEY, Henry M., MINTZER, Fred, SCHIATTARELLA, Fabio; Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Digital Images of Treasured Antiquities
IFLA/IPA Steering Group; Preserving the Memory of the World in Perpetuity: a joint statement on the archiving and preserving of digital information [em linha], The Hague: IFLA, 2002 [Última revisão em 2004.09.18]
KING, Mimi, ed. lit.; Going digital: electronic images in the library catalog and beyond, Chicago: Library and Information Technology Association; Public Library Association; American Library Association, 1995. ISBN: 0-8389-7814-2.
LAZINGER, Susan S.; Digital preservation and metadata: history, theory, practice, Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001. ISBN: 1-56308-777-4.
LESSIG, Lawrence; The Future of ideas: the fate of the commons in a connected world, New York: Vintage Books, 2002. ISBN: 0-375-72644-6.
MÁRDERO ARELLANO, Miguel A.; Preservação de documentos digitais
NATIONAAL ARCHIEF (THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE NETHERLANDS) AND THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON PRESERVATION AND ACCESS; Gateway for Resources and Information on Preservation (GRIP) [em linha], Amsterdam: GRIP, 2004 [Acedido wm 2006.10.10]
Rosa, António Machuco; Do copyright às marcas registadas. ISBN: 978-989-51-2047-5
ROTHENBERG, Jeff; Ensuring the Longevity of Digital Information [em linha]
O'Brien, D., Gasser, U., Palfrey, J.; E-Books in Libraries: A Briefing Document Developed in Preparation for a Workshop on E-Lending in Libraries, Berkman Center Research Publication N0. 2012-15.
ROTHENBERG, Jeff; Using Emulation to Preserve Digital Documents [em linha], [S.l.]:NELiNET, Acedido em 2006.10.10
SILVA, Armando Malheiro da; A Informação : da compreensão do fenómeno e construção do objecto científico, Porto : Edições Afrontamento; CETAC.COM, 2006. ISBN: 972-36-0859-6.
SILVA, Armando Malheiro da; RIBEIRO, Fernanda; Das «ciências documentais» à ciência da informação: ensaio epistemológico para um novo modelo curricular, Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2002. ISBN: 972-36-0622-4.
TEDD, Lucy A.; LARGE, Andrew; Digital Libraries: Principles and Practice in a Global Environment, Munchen: K.G. Saur, 2005. ISBN: 3-598-11627-6
THIBODEAU, Kenneth; Overview of Technological Approaches to Digital Preservation and Challenges in Coming Years. In The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective: Conference Proceedings [em linha], Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources, Acedido em 2002.02.10. ISBN: 1-887334-92-0.
UNESCO; The ABC of Copyright, Paris: UNESCO, 1981. ISBN: 92-3-101889-2.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Face to face work, with expositive teaching, supported by projections, and discussion among the class of the subjects exposed.

Research assessment on the state of the art, related to digital archives and libraries.

Public and collective presentation of the final assessments produced by the students.

The assessment must be object of a public presentation and has to be delivered as a short paper, in Portuguese or in English, and in it must be evident its contribution for the PhD project of each student.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 25,00
Trabalho escrito 75,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 18,00
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 24,00
Trabalho de investigação 60,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Evaluation is continuous and follows the curricular unit teaching-learning process.

Calculation formula of final grade

The different components of evaluation are collected in presential environment or in result of autonomous study. The weight of final classification will be calculated according to the following criteria:

- The student path, participation indicators, presences and accomplisment of the deadlines - 25%

- Written assessment (with a form of a small article) - 75%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Internship work/project

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

Not applicable

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