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19th Century Spanish Literature - Romanticism and Realism

Code: LLC084     Acronym: LE_19

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Spanish Literature

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LLC 15 LLC - Monodisciplinary Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Two Foreign Languages) 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Portuguese and Spanish


Upon completion of the subject, the student should have achieved the following objectives:

1. To recognize and correctly assess the characteristics of literary movements that arose in this period, as well as authors and literary genres studied in class.
2. To identify and assess the specific features of the Spanish literature of the nineteenth century and its relations with the European literature of the same period and other arts and codes of discursive representation.
3. To demonstrate the knowledge acquired on the development and evolution of the Spanish literature of the nineteenth century.
4. To conduct a proper critical analysis of texts from authors of this period, applying in the analysis the knowledge acquired on the features that define the movements of the nineteenth century Spanish literature.

With all this we seek to help the student to understand the literary, social and artistic development that formed the nineteenth century Spain.

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences developed in this subject:

  • General knowledge of the Spanish Literature of the nineteenth century and its relation to other creative languages: visual arts, music, drama, etc.
  • Ability to properly analyze literary texts and speeches using the techniques and methods of literary analysis.
  • Capacity for synthesis, oral and written reflections, problem solving and brainstorming according to a respectful and cooperative attitude.

 Learning outcomes:

  • Having read the texts selected as required reading for the course, students will accurately demonstrate their knowledge of these literary works.
  • The student will produce academic work in accordance with the techniques of argument and analysis.
  • In their oral and written statements, students will manifest their expressive ability, synthesis capacity and their ability to solve problems.
  • The student will correctly use citation conventions and respect the ethical principles of research.

At the end of the course the student will have reached a broad understanding of the most important Spanish literary and cultural references of the twentieth century and will apply this knowledge and his own critical view to the analysis of literary texts studied in class.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

There is no essential prior knowledge to this course, however, it is desirable to be familiar with the techniques of literary texts analysis. Besides from having a knowledge of the Spanish language enough to allow adequate reading comprehension of literary works under study, and an auditory comprehension that helps to understand the explanations given in the classes, that the teacher imparts in Spanish. However, students do not need to speak or write in Spanish to take this subject, as they may participate orally and writing in both Portuguese and Spanish, depending on each one's decision.


1. La revolución romántica y el Romanticismo español.

2. La lírica romántica. José de Espronceda.

3. El drama romántico. El duque de Rivas.

4. La prosa en la época del Romanticismo. El costumbrismo y la prensa.

5. La poesía en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. La lírica posromántica. Bécquer y Rosalía de Castro.

6. Realismo y Naturalismo. Contexto histórico y social. Marco teórico.

7. La desheredada de Benito Pérez Galdós: Naturalismo francés y adaptación española.

Mandatory literature

Duque de Rivas; Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino, Cátedra (Col. Letras hispánicas), 2006. ISBN: 978-84-376-0057-4
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer; Rimas y leyendas, Espasa Libros (Col. Austral), 2006. ISBN: 9788467021479
Benito Pérez Galdós; La desheredada, Cátedra (Col. Letras hispánicas), 2004. ISBN: 978-84-376-1868-5

Complementary Bibliography

Cecilio Alonso; Historia de la literatura española 5. Hacia una literatura nacional 1800-1900, Crítica, 2010. ISBN: 9788498921496
Historia de la literatura española: siglo XIX; Víctor García de la Concha, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1997
Leonardo Romero Tovar; Panorama crítico del romanticismo español, Madrid: Castalia, 1994
Enrique Rubio Cremades; Panorama crítico de la novela realista-naturalista española, Madrid: Castalia, 2001
VVAA; Poesía española del siglo XIX, Cátedra (Col. Letras hispánicas), 2003. ISBN: 978-84-376-1316-1
Eloísa Álvarez; História da literatura espanhola, Porto: ASA, 1994
Josep Fontana; Historia de España. La época del liberalismo 1808-1874, Crítica - Marcial Pons, 2007. ISBN: 9788484328766
Ramón Villares y Javier Moreno Luzón; Historia de España. Restauración y Dictadura, Crítica - Marcial Pons, 2009. ISBN: 9788474239669

Teaching methods and learning activities

This curricular unit consists of theoretical classes and theoretical and practical classes. The theoretical discussion of the subject will always be associated with reading and literary commentary of texts for each topic addressed. In turn, references will be made to other art forms related to the same stream or cultural movement. Likewise, educational audiovisual documents illustrative of the issues studied will be exhibited.

In the online platform Sigarra (Moodle) numerous documents are available: supporting material with a selection of fragments of literary works studied, copies of presentations given in class, question models used to prepare the written tests and detailed information on the evaluation of the course and the criteria on which it is based.

Mandatory readings for this curricular unit are Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino of Duque de Rivas, Rimas y leyendas of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and La desheredada of Benito Pérez Galdós.

There are two models of evaluation, each student will choose the one that best suits his way of study:

- Evaluation A: consists of two written tests (8/20 + 7/20) to be held in class on the dates marked by the teacher at the beginning of the semester and a class presentation (5/20 points) on a work (prose, theater or poetry) that the student chooses from a list provided by the teacher to be presented  individually or in groups.

- Evaluation B: consists of a written exam (15/20 points) and an oral exam (5/20 points).


Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Página sobre Benito Pérez Galdós (1843 - 1920), incluye su novela La desheredada: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/benito_perez_galdos/
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Página sobre Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836 - 1870), incluye su obra: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/gustavo_adolfo_becquer/
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Página sobre Ángel de Saavedra, duque de Rivas (1791-1865), incluye su obra Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino: http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/duque_de_rivas/


Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Spanish literature

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 25,00
Teste 75,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the criteria in force at FLUP.

Calculation formula of final grade

Written test: 75%
Research eassys: 25%

Examinations or Special Assignments

It is important for students enrolled in this subject to carefully read the file named "LEXIX_2020-21_Evaluación_Información general" found in the documents section. I this file, students will find a detailed description of the tests and work to be done, while informing the score of each component.

In case you are interested in consulting this document before enrolling in the subject, please send an email to the professor (mmartinez@letras.up.pt).

Internship work/project

If necessary.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

If necessary.


Devido à pandemia de COVID-19 e à declaração do estado de emergência por parte do Governo, a docente introduziu alterações na avaliação da disciplina para adaptar-se ao ensino e interação à distância. Em seguida, informa-se do tipo de provas que devem realizar-se e a sua pontuação:

Tipo de avaliação: avaliação distribuida sem exame final.

Componentes de avaliação: A. Trabalho escrito 25% + B. Trabalho oral 25% + C. Teste escrito 20% + D. Comentário crítico 30%

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final:

O cálculo da classificação final desta UC será a soma das seguintes componentes:

A. Trabalho escrito: elaboração de uma ficha de análise da leitura da peça teatral Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino (5/20 - 25 %).
B. Trabalho oral: apresentação de um trabalho relativo a uma obra literária escolhida pelo estudante entre várias opções (5/20 - 25%).
C. Teste escrito (4/20 - 20%).
D. Comentário crítico-literário sobre La desheredada (1881) de Benito Pérez Galdós (6/20 - 30%).

Melhoria de classificação:

C. Teste escrito (4/20 - 20%) + D. Comentário crítico-literário (6/20 - 30%).

Não se estipula a recuperação da nota obtida no trabalho escrito (A) e no trabalho oral (B).

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