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Portuguese Culture during the Baroque and the Enlightenment

Code: EPL006     Acronym: CPBLUZ

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Cultural Studies - Portuguese

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 0 CL - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
EP 8 EP - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC 15 LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 2 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2020-02-21.

Fields changed: Program, Bibliografia Complementar, Bibliografia Obrigatória, Observações Bibliográficas

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


The syllabus and frequency of this curricular unit offer students an informed cultural complex approach to the Portuguese 17th and 18th centuries, considering both the European context and the specificities of ideas and ways of thinking, of social life and literary expressions of the times. Students are thus expected to develop knowledge and critical perspectives on the concepts and periods of the Baroque and Enlightenment, drawing on a set of texts representing aspects and themes of relevance for those periods. This will provide as well elements allowing them to understand the influence of thoseaspects and themes on the cultural development of these, and later, periods. The students will thus be able to explore the relation between "texts and contexts" as particularly relevant for understanding the conitnuities and changes between "Restored Portugal" and "Elightenment Portugal".   

Learning outcomes and competences

By the end of the semester should be able to - drawing on documentary and literary materials - identify and clearly distinguish salient features of Portuguese culture during the Baroque and Elightenment eras. They should understand, namely, the relations of texts with their contexts - not only literary, but also social, political, economic and cultural - and how written culture, and literature (in its broadest sense) in particular are fundamental creations and vehicles of historical evolutions.  
Through a focus on the analysis of the continuities and discontinuities constitutive of the extended time frame of our cuollective cultural history from "Restored Portugal" to the Portugal of the Enightenment associated with the Marquis of Pombal, students will acquire skills relevant to the understanding of times of change and of the meanings of the relationships between social, economic, political and religious contexts which have signficantly contributed to the shaping of literature and other arts.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Non applicable


Introduction: Baroque and Enlightenment: the concepts and their relationship to the historical-cultural contexts of the 17th and 19th centuries.

1. The 17th century between the political, the religous and the literary: Iberian Union and Restoration, Counter-Reformation and Conceptism.
   1.1. Court culture in Portugal without a court: the Côrte na aldeia de Rodrigues Lobo
   1.2. Moral themes, soccial criticism and the family life of the nobility in the 17th century: the example of Relógios Falantes and Carta de Guia de Casados, by D. Francisco Manuel de Melo.

2. Continuity and change (17th-18th centuries): culture, literature and art.

3. The Enlightenment, the conscience of change and the valuing of history in the 18th century.
   3.1. Cultural menanings of the academies and the creation of the Academy of History in the 18th century.
   3.2. The rise of education as a road to successful change: Pina e Proença's Apontamentos para a educação de um menino nobre (1734, based on John Locke) and Ribeiro Sanches's Cartas sobre a educação da mocidade (1760) 
   3.3. D. Luis da Cunha's Testamento Político.

Mandatory literature

Francisco Rodrigues Lobo; Corte na aldeia. ISBN: 972-23-1418-1
Melo, Francisco Manuel de, 1608-1666; Carta de guia de casados. ISBN: 972-610-664-8
Melo, Francisco Manuel; Os relógios Falantes e Escritório Avarento, Coimbra (Sep. Rev. da U.Coimbra, vol. XX-XXI), 1968
PROENÇA, Martinho de M. de Pina e; Apontamentos para a Educação de um menino nobre (on-line), Lisboa, 1734
Sanches, Ribeiro, 1699-1783; Cartas sôbre a educação da mocidade

Complementary Bibliography

ANDRADE, António Alberto Banha de; Vernei e a cultura do seu tempo, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 1965
Araújo, Ana Cristina; A^cultura das luzes em Portugal. ISBN: 972-24-1233-8
Bouza Álvarez, Fernando; Portugal no Tempo dos Filipes. Política, Cultura, Representações (1580-1668), Lisboa: Cosmos, 2000
Calafate, Pedro 300; História do pensamento filosófico português. ISBN: 972-21-1299-6
Curto, Diogo Ramada; Cultura escrita. ISBN: 978-972-671-193-3
Curto, Diogo Ramada; Cultura política no tempo dos Filipes. ISBN: 978-972-44-1652-6
Dias, José Sebastião da Silva; Portugal e a cultura europeia. ISBN: 989-625-094-4
Fernandes, Maria de Lurdes Correia; Espelhos, cartas e guias
MACHADO, Fernando Augusto; Educação e cidadania na ilustração portuguesa: Ribeiro Sanches, Campo das Letras, Porto, 2001
Marcocci, Giuseppe & Paiva, José Pedro:; História da Inquisição Portuguesa. (1536-1821), Esfera dos Livros, 2013. ISBN: ISBN: 978-989-626-452-9.
Sarrailh, Jean; La^Espana ilustrada de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII
Saugnieux, Joel 300; Foi et lumières dans l.Espagne du XVIIIe siècle. ISBN: 2-7297-0254-7
Torgal, Luís Reis; Ideologia politica e a teoria do estado na Restauração

Comments from the literature

This bibliography is only a selection in order to give to the students the general cultural background of Baroque and Enlightenment. The corpus for analysis is composed of the 5 works which are compulsory reading. Specific studies and complementary bibliography will be delivered to the students and discussed during classes.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Combination of theoretical classes, theoretical-practical and tutorial orientation, corresponding to the articulation of the expository methodologies with the participatory methodologies, centered on the student's effort, their initiative and active participation. In the practical classes, the student's study and autonomous work are privileged, as well as their critical analysis of texts (literary and non-literary) and other historical documents.


Humanities > Literature
Social sciences > Cultural studies
Humanities > History > Modern history

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 80,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Presença em 75% das aulas

Calculation formula of final grade

Oral participation in class - 20%;
Tests - 80%: two written tests are compulsory, 40% each

Examinations or Special Assignments

Non applicable

Internship work/project

Non applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Worker-students will have access to all the conditions stated in the Statute of the Worker-Student of the University of Porto,, including those related to evaluation and its modalities.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations at U.Porto/FLUP


Other relevant bibliography will be presented and discussed in the beginning of each point of the pregram and during the semester.
Some support material, if it is not available in digital open access, will be delivered to the students in the Sigarra

15 de abril e 20 de maio 

This year the CU will have a final examination.

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