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Portuguese Literature from Romanticism to Naturalism

Code: EPL030     Acronym: LPRNAT

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Portuguese Language Literature

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Portuguese Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 0 CL - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
EP 16 EP - Study Plan 3 - 6 52 162
LLC 21 LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



Students become able to understand the evolution of romantic and naturalist literary movements, in their technical experimentation and in their specific worldviews.

Learning outcomes and competences

Progressive knowledge acquisition and consolidation thereof to be assessed by a Reading Report and a Final Exam. 

The student should be able to demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge of the subjects part of the study programme. 


Working method



1. The late importation of Romanticism in Portugal.

1.1. Almeida Garrett: the subjectivity, from Camões to Folhas Caídas.

1.2. Alexandre Herculano and his historical fiction.

2. From the second romantic generation to the Questão Coimbrã.

2.1. Some ultra-romantic authors.

2.2. Antero de Quental and the rethorical strategy of his Sonetos.

3. The Conferências do Casino and the importation of Realism / Naturalism.

3.1. Eça de Queirós and “A literatura nova” in 1871.

3.2. The case of O Primo Basílio issue: proposals and ambiguities.

3.3. Cesário Verde and his observation of the real.

4. On the dissolution of Naturalism.

4.1. Eça de Queirós and the fin de siecle.

4.2. The emergence of the symbolist and the decadent sensibility.

Mandatory literature

Lima, Isabel Pires de 220; Antero de Quental e o destino de uma geração. ISBN: 972-41-1308-6
AAVV; Dicionário de Eça de Queirós, Caminho, 1993
AAVV; Dicionário do Romantismo Literário Português, Caminho, 1997
Lopes, Óscar, 1917-2013; Entre Fialho e Nemésio
Lopes, Óscar, 1917-2013; História da literatura portuguesa. ISBN: 972-0-66006-6
Eduardo Lourenço; A Noite Intacta. (I)rrecuperável Antero, Centro de Estudos Anterianos, 2000
Stephen Reckert; Um Ramalhete para Cesário, Assírio & Alvim, 1987
Carlos Reis e Maria da Natividade Pires; História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa, vols 5 e 6, Verbo, 1993
Sacramento, Mário, 1920-1969; Eça de Queirós uma estética da ironia. ISBN: 972-27-1144-X
Serrão, Joel, 1919-2008; O primeiro Fradique Mendes
João Gaspar Simões; Vida e Obra de Eça de Queirós, Bertrand, 1980

Comments from the literature

The active literature will be provided at the beginning of the semester.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching methods include lectures and practical classes, these ones oriented to the analysis and review of elements of primary and secondary bibliography. Students have at their disposal various types of work material: general and specific bibliographies, several materials designed to provide a more directed study and to support the debate in the practical classes.

Students have tutorials.

The assessment includes a written work (30%) and a final test (70%).


Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Portuguese literature

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 70,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 76,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 30,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students must attend at least 75% of classes

Calculation formula of final grade

final exam - 70%
written work - 30%

Examinations or Special Assignments


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)


Classification improvement

according to FLUP regulations

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