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Brazilian Culture

Code: EPL003     Acronym: CULBRA

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Cultural Studies - Portuguese

Instance: 2015/2016 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Portuguese Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EPL 24 Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



Introduction to Brazilian culture through the study of its formation and the society that supports it. 

Learning outcomes and competences

It is expected that at the end of the course, students are able to know essential aspects of Brazilian culture and problematize its background and its current relationship with its main headquarters. At the same time, it is expected that students should be able to produce a critical discourse based on the points of the program.

Working method



I. Brief presentation of Brazil


II. The formation of Brazilian society and culture


1. The Indian

1.1. The indigenous culture

1.2. The confrontation with the white world: the extermination and acculturation

1.3. The Amerindian heritage

1.4. Representations of Indians in Brazilian culture

Índios, by Legião Urbana

I-Juca-Pirama, by Gonçalves Dias

2. The Portuguese

2.1. The imposition of European culture

2.1.1. The film Desmundo, by Alain Fresnot (from the novel by Ana Miranda)

2.2. Decisive events of the colonial period

2.3. The independence of Brazil

3. The black

3.1. The slavery

3.2. The struggle for the abolition

3.2.1. Castro Alves poetry

3.3. The culture of resistance and syncretism

3.3. Jubiabá, by Jorge Amado


Mandatory literature

DAMATTA, Roberto; O que faz o Brasil Brasil, Rocco, 1989
Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de; Raízes do Brasil. ISBN: 85-7164-448-9
Ribeiro, Darcy; O povo brasileiro. ISBN: 85-7164-451-9
Moog, Vianna; Bandeirantes e pioneiros (II. 2. )

Complementary Bibliography

MELATTI, Júlio Cezar ; Índios do Brasil, Coordenada-Ed., 1970 (II. 1. )
OLIVEIRA, Roberto Cardoso de ; O índio e o mundo dos brancos, UNICAMP, 1966 (II. 1. )
RIBEIRO, Berta G.; O índio na cultura brasileira, Revan, 2000 (II. 1. )
RIBEIRO, Berta G.; O índio na história brasileira, Global, 2001 (II. 1. )
LEGIÃO URBANA; Índios. In Dois , 1986 (II. 1. )
DIAS, Gonçalves ; Cantos, Martins Fontes, 2001 (II. 1. )
BANDECCHI, Basil; ARROYO, Leonardo; ROSA, Ubiratan; COSTA, João Ribas da; Dicionário de história do Brasil, Melhoramentos, 1976 (II. 2. )
BENNASSAR, Bartolomé; MARIN, Richard; História do Brasil: 1500-2000, Teorema, 2000 (II. 2. )
HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de (Dir.); História geral da civilização brasileira, Bertrand Brasil, 1993 (II. 2. )
NOVAES, Carlos Eduardo ; História do Brasil para principiantes: de Cabral a Cardoso, 500 anos de novela, Ática, 1997 (II. 2. )
FRESNOT, Alain; Desmundo, 2003 (II. 2. )
MIRANDA, Ana; Desmundo, Companhia das Letras, 2003 (II. 2. )
AZEVEDO, Thales de; Democracia racial: ideologia e realidade, Vozes, 1975 (II. 3. )
CARNEIRO, Edson; Ladinos e crioulos. (Estudos sobre o negro no Brasil), Civilização Brasileira, 1964 (II. 3. )
Freyre, Gilberto, 1900-1987; Casa-grande & senzala (II. 3. )
LEITE, Dante Moreira ; O caráter nacional brasileiro, UNESP, 2002 (II. 3. )
Moura, Clóvis; História do negro brasileiro. ISBN: 85-08-03452-0 (II. 3. )
RAMOS, Arthur ; O negro brasileiro, vol. 1: etnografia religiosa, Graphia, 2001 (II. 3. )
RAMOS, Arthur; A aculturação negra no Brasil, C.ª Ed. Nacional, 1942 (II. 3. )
Alves, Castro, 1847-1871; Obras completas de Castro Alves (II. 3. )
Amado, Jorge, 1912-2001; Jubiabá. ISBN: 85-01-01033-2 (II. 3. )
ALBUQUERQUE, Manuel Maurício de; Pequena história da formação social brasileira, Edições Graal, 1981 (Geral)
ALENCAR, Francisco; CARPI, Lúcia; VENÍCIO RIBEIRO, Marcus ; História da sociedade brasileira, Livro Técnico, 1980 (Geral)
Azevedo, Fernando de; A cultura brasileira (Geral)
BASTIDE, Roger; Brasil terra de contrastes, DIFEL, 1975 (Geral)
Cascudo, Luís da Câmara; Dicionário do folclore brasileiro (Geral)
COELHO, Marcos de Amorim; Geografia do Brasil, Editora Moderna, 1988 (Geral)
DIEGUES Júnior, Manuel ; Regiões culturais do Brasil, INEP / MEC, 1960 (Geral)
DIEGUES JÚNIOR, Manuel ; Etnias e culturas no Brasil, Biblioteca do Exército Editora, 1980 (Geral)
OLIVEN, Ruben George ; A parte e o todo: a diversidade cultural no Brasil-nação, Vozes, 1992 (Geral)
SODRÉ, Nelson Wernek; Síntese de história da cultura brasileira, DIFEL, 1983 (Geral)
SODRÉ, Nelson Wernek ; Formação histórica do Brasil, Bertrand Brasil, 1987 (Geral)

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical presentation of the programme contents; text analysis and comment. Student participation will be encouraged.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 50,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 72,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 34,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Attending 75% of classes, unless established otherwise by law.

Calculation formula of final grade

• Written exam — 50% (a score of 10 out of 20) • Research assignment — 30% (a score of 6 out of 20) Theme: Any topic related to the Brazilian culture (literature, music, cinema, plastic arts, society, geography, history, …) Objective: Assess basic research, reflection and synthesis skills Length: between 5 and 10 pages • Classroom work — 20% (a score of 4 out of 20)

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to course regulations and other applicable rules.

Classification improvement

According to course regulations and other applicable rules.

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