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Phonology and Morphology

Code: CL010     Acronym: FONMOR

Instance: 2010/2011 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Language Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 21 Study Plan-Lang.Sciences:Linguistics 2 - 6 4
LLC 0 Joint Language Plan-Portuguese/English 2 - 6 4
Joint Language Plan-Portuguese/Classical Languages 2 - 6 4
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage(German) 2 - 6 4
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage (Spanish) 2 - 6 4
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage (French) 2 - 6 4

Teaching language



1 – To deepen the students’ explicit knowledge of phonolgy and morphology.
2 – To give students relevant information for an adequate contextualization of the different theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of phonology and morphology of natural languages.
3 – To get students familiar with different language typologies as far as phonological and morphological properties are concerned.
4 – To get students familiar with phonological and morphological concepts and procedures used in linguistic analysis and to make them able to use such concepts and procedures in the study of Portuguese at a professional level.
5 – To deepen and to consolidate the students’ explicit knowledge of Portuguese grammar in the domains of phonology and morphology.


1 – General review of basic aspects of phonetic transcription and articulatory phonetics.

2 – Introduction to the study of theoretical phonology and morphology.
2.1 – Phonetic level vs. phonological level.
2.2 – Underlying structures, lexical representations and phonetic realizations.
2.3 – Grammatical units: the “double articulation” of language.
2.4 – Phonological units: segmental, autosegmental and suprasegmental units.
2.4.1 – Phoneme, phone, allophone. Linguistic units’ distributional patterns.
2.4.2 – Distinctive features. Autosegments, Hierarchical, geometrical organization of distinctive features.
2.4.3 – Suprasegmental units and properties: tones; feet; syllables and subsyllabic constituents; stress; intonation.
2.4.4 – Morphemes, morphs and allomorphs.
2.4.5 – The lexicon.
2.4.6 – Morphophonemic alternation.

3 – Segmental aspects of Portuguese phonology.
3.1 – Phoneme inventory.
3.2 – Distributional patterns of the phonological segments of Portuguese.
3.3 – Some specific issues of the study of Portuguese phonemic inventory:
3.3.1 – “Nasal vowels”.
3.3.2 – Stressed vs. unstressed vowels.

4 – Prosodic aspects of the Portuguese phonology.
4.1 – Syllabic structures of Portuguese.
4.2 – Word stress in Portuguese.

5 – Morphological aspects of Portuguese: phonology-morphology interaction.
5.1 – Morphological word and prosodic word in Portuguese.
5.2 – The word’s internal structure in Portuguese.
5.3 – Lexical forms and grammatical forms.
5.4 – Verbal inflection.
5.5 – Noun inflection.
5.6 – Derivational processes in Portuguese.
5.7 – Compounds in Portuguese.
5.8 – Allomorphy in Portuguese.

Mandatory literature

ARONOFF, M.; REES-MILLER, J.; The Handbook of Linguistics. , Blackwell , 2001
CÂMARA Jr., J. Mattoso ; Para o Estudo da Fonêmica Portuguesa, Padrão , 1977
GOLDSMITH, J. (Ed.); The Handbook of Phonological Theory, Blackwell, 1995
CÂMARA Jr., J. Mattoso ; Problemas de Lingüística Descritiva, Vozes, 1971
BARBOSA, J. M. ; Etudes de Phonologie Portugaise. 2ª ed., Universidade de Évora, 1983
CLARK, J.; YALLOP, C. ; An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology, Blackwell , 1990
MARTINET, A. ; Elementos de Linguística Geral, Sá da Costa
FARIA, I. H. et al. (orgs.); Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa, Caminho, 1996
MATEUS, M. H. M. ; Aspectos da Fonologia Portuguesa, INIC, 1982
VILLALVA, A. ; Estruturas Morfológicas. Unidades e Hierarquias nas Palavras do Português, FCT/FCG, 2000
MATEUS, M. H. M. ; A Face Exposta da Língua Portuguesa, INCM, 2002
SPENCER, A.; Morphological Theory. An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar, Blackwell, 1991
MATEUS, M. H.; ANDRADE, E. ; The Phonology of Portuguese. Oxford, Oxford University Press , Oxford University Press, 2000
RODRIGUES, A. S.; A Construção de Postverbais em Português, Granito, 2001
RIO-TORTO, G. M. ; Morfologia Derivacional. Teoria e Aplicação ao Português, Porto Editora, 1998
LADEFOGED, P.; MADDIESON, I. ; The Sounds of the World’s Languages, Blackwell , 1996
SPENCER, A.; ZWICKY, A. M. (Eds.); The Handbook of Morphology, Blackwell
INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ASSOCIATION ; Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. A Guide to the Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet, Cambridge University Press, 1999
GUSSENHOVEN, C.; JACOBS, H.; Understanding Phonology, Arnold, 1998
CÂMARA Jr., J. Mattoso ; Estrutura da Língua Portuguesa, Vozes, 1970
MATEUS, M. H. M. et al. ; Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. 5ª ed., revista e aumentada , Caminho, 2003
ROSA, M. C.; Introdução à Morfologia, Contexto, 2006. ISBN: 85-7244-145-X
BARBOSA, J. M. ; Introdução ao Estudo da Fonologia e Morfologia do Português., Almedina, 1994
BARROSO, H. ; Forma e Substância da Expressão da Língua Portuguesa, Almedina, 1999
DE LACY, Paul (2007) – The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theorical classes, Pratical and Tutorial classes.


Humanities > language sciences > Linguistics > Phonology
Humanities > language sciences > Linguistics > Grammar

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 56,00
Written test Exame 2,00 2011-02-28
Exercise Teste 50,00 2011-02-28
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Study Estudo autónomo 54 2011-02-28
Total: 54,00

Eligibility for exams

In accordance with the regulations in force.

Classification improvement

In accordance with the regulations in force.
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