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Introduction to Literary Studies I

Code: FLUP0741     Acronym: IEL1

Instance: 2004/2005 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EAA 10 Official Study Plan - LEAA 1 2,5 6 -
Official Study Plan - LEAA 1 2,5 6 -
LCPEPL 7 Official Study Plan - LCPEPLE 1 2,5 6 -
PLLC 12 Official Study Plan - LPLLC 1 2,5 6 -


PROGRAMME I (Professor Luís Adriano Carlos; Professor Américo Oliveira Santos; Professor Joana Matos Frias; Professor Vera Lúcia Vouga)

To acquaint students with the conceptual, theoretical, methodological and analytical tools necessary for the study and understanding of the literary object in its multiple dimensions.

PROGRAMME II (Professor Maria Luísa Malato Borralho)

This subject aims at preparing students to reflect on the concept of “Literature”. The programme will seek to acquaint students with the appropriate terminology used in literary studies but it also encourages critical maturity by confronting them with the different definitions of Literature and the several possible methodologies.



1. Poetics: methods and object
1.1. Normative Poetics and Descriptive Poetics
1.2. Classical Poetics and Contemporary Poetics

2. Poetics and Linguistics
2.1. Utterance, discourse and literariness.

3. Poetics, rhetoric and semiotics
3.1. Code, text, intertext and hypertext
3.2. Figuration and ekphrasis

4. Discourse typology and literary discourse
4.1. Genres, types and modes
4.2. Lyric, narrative and dramatic discourse.


1. Subject presentation: assessment, bibliography, reading cards and assignment proposals.

2. What is Literature after all?
2.1. Literature as language.
a) The Signifier. Literature and Music; Literature and Painting.
b) The Signified. Language and communication: between Plato and Aristotle. The myths of communication: Prometheus and Theuth/Cadmo; Paradise and The Babel Tower.
c) The unit between the signifier and the signified. The debate between Cratilus and Hermogenes. The desire for a perfect language: Magic, the Cabbala and Computer Science.
d) Language functions and the function(s) of Literature. Jackobson’s Communication Model and the “poetic function”. The notion of “strangeness”

2.2. Literature as mimesis or as fiction.
a) The sign as representation of reality. Aristotle’s “Poetics”. The wise men that carried rocks (J. Swift). Saussure: Referent, Sign and Symbol. From the concrete to the abstract: hieroglyphs, ideograms, emblems. Etymology and Metaphor.
b) Author vs. Narrator; Reader vs. Narratee.
c) Reading levels: denotative levels and connotative levels. Some typologies: Saint Augustine, Dante, Lotman and Hielmslev.

2.3. Literature as an institution
a) The vagueness of the lexeme “Literature”
b) The vagueness of the lexeme “text”
c) The vagueness of the literary “corpus”
d) The vagueness of the aesthetic “strangeness”

3. Reading levels and methodologies of literary criticism.
Textual Criticism; Bibliography; Biographism; Literary Rhetoric; Comparative Literature; Psychocriticism; History of Literature: Theory of Literature.

Main Bibliography


AA. VV., Teoria da Literatura: Textos dos Formalistas Russos, ed. Tzvetan Todorov, 2 vol., Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987 e 1989.
ARISTÓTELES, Poética, Lisboa, INCM, 1988.
——— Retórica, Lisboa, INCM, 1988.
BARTHES, Roland, Elementos de Semiologia, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1997.
–––––– Lição, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1979.
BENVENISTE, Émile, Problèmes de Linguistique Générale, 2 vol., Paris, Gallimard, 1981.
CARLOS, Luís Adriano, Fenomenologia do Discurso Poético, Porto, Campo das Letras, 1999.
–––––– O Arco-Íris da Poesia, Porto, Campo das Letras, 2002.
CARVALHO, Amorim de, Tratado de Versificação Portuguesa, Coimbra, Almedina, 1991.
DELAS, Daniel, e FILLIOLET, Jacques, Linguistique et Poétique, Paris, Larousse, 1973.
DOLEZEL, Lubomír, A Poética Ocidental, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1990.
ECO, Umberto, Leitura do Texto Literário, Lisboa, Presença, 1983.
FOUCAULT, Michel, As Palavras e as Coisas, Lisboa, Portugália, s/d.
GENETTE, Gérard, Discurso da Narrativa, Lisboa, Vega, 1995.
–––––– Introduction à l’Architexte, Paris, Seuil, 1979.
–––––– Palimpsestes: La Littérature au Second Degré, Paris, Seuil, 1982.
GREIMAS, A. J. , org., Ensaios de Semiótica Poética, São Paulo, Cultrix, 1976.
GRUPO M, Rhétorique Générale, Paris, Seuil, 1982.
HAMBURGER, Käte, Logique des Genres Littéraires, Paris, Seuil, 1986.
JAKOBSON, Roman, Essais de Linguistique Générale, vol. I, Paris, Minuit, 1981.
–––––– «O que Fazem os Poetas com as Palavras», in AA. VV., Teoria da Literatura e da Crítica, Lisboa, Cadernos da «Colóquio/Letras», Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1982.
–––––– Questions de Poétique, Paris, Seuil, 1973.
JOLLES, André, Formes Simples, Paris, Seuil, 1972.
KRIEGER, Murray, Ekphrasis: The Illusion of the Natural Sign, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
KRISTEVA, Julia, Semeiotikè: Recherches pour une Sémanalyse, Paris, Seuil, 1969.
LAUSBERG, Heinrich, Elementos de Retórica Literária, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1972.
LOTMAN, Juri, A Estrutura do Texto Artístico, Lisboa, Estampa, 1978.
PROPP, Vladimir, Morfologia do Conto, Lisboa, Vega, 1978.
RYNGAERT, Jean Pierre, Introdução à Análise do Teatro, Porto, ASA, 1992.
SILVA, Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e, Teoria da Literatura, Coimbra, Almedina, 1999.
SMITH, Mack, Literary Realism and the Ekphrastic Tradition, University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.
STAIGER, Emil, Conceptos Fundamentales de Poética, Madrid, Ediciones Rialp, 1966.
TODOROV, Tzvetan, Os Géneros do Discurso, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1981.
–––––– Poética, Lisboa, Editorial Teorema, 1977.
WELLEK, René, A History of Modern Criticism 1750-1950: The Age of Transition, Londres, Jonathan Cape, 1966.
–––––– Concepts of Criticism, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1975.
WELLEK, René, e WARREN, Austin, Teoria da Literatura, Mem Martins, Publicações Europa América, 1976.
WIMSATT, Jr., William K., Crítica Literária: Breve História, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1980.

PROGRAMME II (cf. Complementary Bibliography below)

Complementary Bibliography


Specific readings on each topic will be recommended in class.

AGUIAR E SILVA, Vítor M. – Teoria da Literatura, Coimbra, Almedina, 1984
ARISTÓTELES – Poética, Lx., IN-CM, 1988
CARVALHO, Amorim de – Teoria Geral da Versificação, 2 vols., Lx., Império, 1987
CHEVALIER, Jean et alii – Dicionário dos Símbolos, Lx., Teorema, 1994
DUCROT, O./TODOROV, T. – Dicionário das ciências da linguagem, Lx, Dom Quixote, 1978
ECO, Umberto – Seis passeios nos bosques da ficção, Lx., Difel, 1995
ECO, Umberto – A procura da língua perfeita, Lx., Ed. Presença, 1996
AA. VV. - Literatura-Texto. Enciclopédia Einaudi, vol. XVII, Lx. IN-CM., 1989
GENETTE, Gérard – “Poétique et Histoire”, in Figures III, Paris, Seuil, 1972
GENETTE, Gérard – Palimpsestes, Paris, Seuil, 1982
LAUSBERG, Heinrich – Elementos de Retórica Literária, Lx., F. C. Gulbenkian, 1972
MANGUEL, Alberto – Uma história da Leitura, Lx., Presença, 1998
NIETZSCHE – Da Retórica, Lx., Vega, 1995
PALMER, Richard E. – Hermenêutica, Lx., Edições 70, 1986
PROPP, Vladimir – Morfologia do Conto, Lx., Vega, 1978
TODOROV, Tzvetan – Poética, Lx., Teorema, 1993
WELLEK, René – Conceitos de Crítica, S. Paulo, Cultrix, s.d.
WELLEK, R./ WARREN, A. – Teoria da Literatura, Mem Martins, Europa-América, 1976
WIMSATT JR., W. K. – Crítica Literária. Breve História, Lx., F. C. Gulbenkian, 1980

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical-practical classes.


No specific software is required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 75% of classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Weighting criteria will be discussed in class.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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