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Didactic Methodologies in Geography

Code: FLUP0813     Acronym: MDG

Instance: 2006/2007 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Geography

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
GEO 16 Official Study Plan - LGEO 4 2,5 6 -



- Search for relevant and up-to-date methodological, didactic and geographical information in different appropriate and reliable sources, paying particular attention to the appearance of new data and showing keen judgement in their selection.
- Apply methodological, didactic and geographical information appropriately, showing a critical spirit with regards to updating, type of use and means.
- Interpret information accurately and discerningly, comparing it with other available and reliable information, drawing assumptions, drafting possibilities for confirmation, etc...
- Conceive relevant, documented and structured methodological and didactic forms in Geography.

§ Oral and written expression should be correct, precise and fluent, and appropriately and rigorously incorporate geographical, methodological and didactic terminology
- Be easy to understand and authentic as sender and attentive and flexible as receiver.
- Ability to work in a team, performing one’s tasks, sharing one’s thoughts and being receptive to those of others.
- Create conditions to share one’s potentialities, managing to actively and empathically reconcile and manage the potentialities of everyone in the group.

- Be attentive to the dynamic evolution of the times, maintaining a critical yet receptive attitude towards changes, and finding ways in which to face them and turn them into opportunities for growth and development.
- Conceive correct, original and functional forms of “making” methodology and didactics of Geography and of “being” as a Geography teacher (in continuous training).
- Know how to adopt the appropriate distance between oneself and others when performing tasks, looking for solutions and, in short, when developing work with a view to teaching.


This subject aims to make students aware that Methodology as a study of teaching methods, techniques and processes is becoming increasingly important, relevant and essential, as is Didactics, which is gradually gaining ground as a specialisation in relation to Pedagogy. Methodology and Didactics in Geography is particularly aimed at optimising learning in an educational or training context.
Students should thus be able to use, adapt and/or create “forms” in and for the teaching of Geography, selecting and accomplishing a number of more or less complex situations in the educational context.

1. Didactic methodologies in Geography:
- Difference between Pedagogy, Didactics and Methodology
- Concept of Methodology.
- Concept of Didactics.
2. Methodologies for skills development in Geography.
- How to teach and learn Geography more effectively.
- Thematic contents in Primary and/or Secondary Education.
- Main geographical procedures.
- Attitudes associated with the thematic contents of Primary and/or Secondary Education.
3. Integrative methodologies
- Combining teaching/learning with different types of geographical contents and subject matters relating to integrative educational situations.

Theoretical classes shall seek to demonstrate, present and “build” strategies and activities, as appropriate and diversified as possible, feasible both in and outside the classroom, thus encouraging students to develop the skills mentioned above.
In practical classes, students shall work with real situations, where they apply methodologies to didactic units and classes.

Main Bibliography

Topic 1 (Didactic Methodologies in Geography)
BAILEY, Patrick (1981) – Didáctica de la Geografia, Bogotá, Editorial Cincel (Colección de Didáctica).
HARGREAVES, Andy et al. (2002) – Aprendendo a mudar: O ensino para além dos conteúdos e da padronização, Porto Alegre, Artmed.
JIMÉNEZ, Antonio Moreno; GAITE, Mª Jesús Marrón (1996) – Enseñar Geografía: De la Teoria a la Práctica, Madrid, Editorial Síntesis (Colecção Espacios y Sociedades-Serie Mayor, 3).
SHEPPARD, William Clarence (1974) – Como ser um bom professor, São Paulo, EPU.
SOUTO-GONZÁLES, Xosé (1998) – Didáctica de la Geografia. Problemas sociales y conocimiento del médio, Barcelona, Ediciones del Serbal.

Topic 2 (Methodologies for skills development in Geography)
COLL, César et al. (Coord.) (1992) – Los contenidos en la Reforma: Enseñanza e Aprendizaje de Conceptos, Procedimientos y Atitudes, Madrid, Santillana.
HARGREAVES, Andy (1994) – Os professores em tempos de mudança. O trabalho e a cultura dos professores na Idade Pós-Moderna, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill.
PERRENOUD, Philippe (2001) – Porquê construir competências a partir da escola, Porto, Asa (Colecção CRIAP. 28).
ROLDÃO, Maria do Céu (1999) – Os professores e a gestão do Currículo: Perspectivas e práticas em análise, Porto, Porto Editora (Colecção CIDInE, 9).
SACRISTÁN, J. Gimeno; GÓMEZ, A. I. Pérez (1998) – Compreender e transformar o ensino, 4ª ed., Porto Alegre, Artmed.
TORRE, Saturnino de la; BARRIOS, Oscar (Coord.) (2000) – Estrategias didácticas innovadoras: Recursos para la formación y el cambio, Barcelona, OCTAEDRO.
ZABALA, Antoni (1999) – Como trabalhar os conteúdos procedimentais em aula, 2ª ed., Porto Alegre, Artmed (Colecção Fundamentos da Educação).

Topic 3 (Integrative Methodologies)
CALLEJO e LLOPIS (1992) – Planos y mapas: Actividades interdisciplinares para representar el espacio, Madrid, Narcea-MEC.
FOUREZ, Gérard (Dir.) (2002) – Approches didactiques de l’interdisciplinarité, Bruxelas, De Boeck Université.
HARGREAVES, Andy (1994) – Os professores em tempos de mudança. O trabalho e a cultura dos professores na Idade Pós-Moderna, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill.
HARGREAVES, Andy et al. (2002) – Aprendendo a mudar o ensino para além dos conteúdos e da padronização, Porto Alegre, Artmed.
PERRENOUD, Philippe (2001) – Porquê construir competências a partir da escola, Porto, Asa (Colecção CRIAP. 28).

Complementary Bibliography

If necessary, specific bibliography may be indicated in class.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Discussion and analysis of different documents and lectures. Diverse assignments for the application of the described theory and competences.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Participation in class, practical assignments and final exam.

Calculation formula of final grade

Average of the final exam grade (0.70) plus the practical classes grade (0.30)

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

In accordance with the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese
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