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Classical Culture I

Code: FLUP0743     Acronym: CC1

Instance: 2005/2006 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EPO 1 Official Study Plan - LEPO 1 2,5 6 -
PLLC 13 Official Study Plan - LPLLC 1 2,5 6 -


To acquire thorough knowledge of classical Greek culture and literature, one of the founding matrices of western culture, concerning the evolution of thought as much as the formation and consolidation of several literary traditions which make up the study plans of the Languages and Literature degrees.


Greek culture:
1. The Homeric Poems.
2. Tradition and innovation in the work of Hesiod.
3. Poetry in the archaic epoch.
4. Rhetoric and democracy.
5. Religion and myth.
6. Classical theatre.

Main Bibliography

AMOURETTI, M. C., Le monde grec antique. Des palais crétois à la conquête romaine, Paris, 61988.
BURKERT, W., Mito e Mitologia, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1991.
------------, Religião Grega na Época Clássica e Arcaica, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 1993.
CAIRNS, D. L., Aidôs. The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993.
CORREIA, M. A., Homero: Ilíada, vols. I-III, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 21960.
DODDS, E. R., Os Gregos e o irracional, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1988.
------------, The Ancient Concept of Progress and Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1973.
DURAND, M., História abreviada da Grécia Antiga, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, 1993.
ENOS, R. L., Greek Rhetoric before Aristotle, Prospect Heights (IL), Waveland Press, 1993.
FEENEY, D. C., The Gods in Epic, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991.
FERREIRA, J. R., Da Atenas do séc. VII a. C. às reformas de Sólon, Coimbra, FLUC, 1988.
------------, A Democracia na Grécia Antiga, Coimbra, Livraria Minerva, 1990.
------------, A Grécia Antiga, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1992.
------------, Hélade e Helenos, Coimbra, INIC, 21993.
FINLEY, M. I. Os Gregos antigos, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1988.
------------, O mundo de Ulisses, Lisboa, Presença, 1982.
GRIMAL, P., Dicionário de Mitologia, Lisboa, Difel, 1992.
GUTHRIE, W. K. C., Les Sophistes, Paris, Payot, 1976.
HAMMOND, N. - SCULLARD, H., Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1987.
HAVELOCK, E. A., A Musa aprende a escrever, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1996.
JAEGER, W., Paideia, Lisboa, Aster, 1979.
KENNEDY, G., The Art of Persuasion in Greece, Princeton (NJ), Princeton Univ. Press, 1963.
------------, A New History of Classical Rhetoric, Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1994.
KERFERD, G. B., The Sophistic Movement, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981.
KIRK, G. S., The Songs of Homer, Cambridge University Press, 1962.
KITTO, H. D. E., Os Gregos, Coimbra, Studium, 1970.
------------, A Tragégia Grega, Coimbra, Studium, 1972.
LESKY, A., História da Literatura Grega, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995.
------------, A tragégia grega, São Paulo, Perspectiva, 1971.
LOURENÇO, Frederico, Homero: Odisseia, Lisboa, Livros Cotovia, 2003.
MARROU, H. I., História da Educação na Antiguidade, S. Paulo, Herder, 1966.
MARTIN, R. P., The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performances in the Iliad, Ithaca (NY), Cornell University Press, 1989.
MARTIN, T. R., Breve História da Grécia Clássica, Lisboa, Presença, 1998.
MOSSÉ, C., As Instituições Gregas, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1985.
------------, O cidadão na Grécia antiga, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1999.
MOSSÉ, C. - SCHNAPP-GOURBEILLON, A., Síntese de História Grega, Porto, Asa, 1994.
OLSON, S. D., Blood and Iron. Stories and Storytelling in Homer's Odyssey, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1995.
POHLENZ, M., La tragedia greca, Brescia, La Scuola, 1961.
PULQUÉRIO, M. O., Problemática da Tragédia Sofocliana, Coimbra, INIC, 21987.
ROCHA-PEREIRA, M. H., Hélade. Antologia da Cultura Grega, Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Clássicos, 71998.
------------, Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica. I volume: Cultura Grega, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 92003.
ROMILLY, J. Homero, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2000..
------------, Précis de Littérature Grecque, Paris, PUF, 21991.
------------, A Tragédia Grega, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1999.
SNELL, Bruno, A descoberta do espírito, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1992.

Complementary Bibliography

Não se aplica

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical-practical classes.


No specific software is required.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Pass mark in the final exam.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final exam - 100%.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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