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French Literature V

Code: FLUP0726     Acronym: LF5-1º

Instance: 2007/2008 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and English Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EFA 0 Official Study Plan - LEFA 4 2,5 5 -
EFI 8 Official Study Plan - LEFI 4 2,5 5 -


From literature as aristocratic epiphenomenon to moralizing literature, from Contes ou Histoires du temps passé by Charles Perrault to Fables by Jean de la Fontaine…on the whole, this is what this subject offers. Students shall therefore engage in the study of French Literature covering the period which goes from the myth of the Sun King to the decline of the kingdom; from Classicism as art de dire and art de vivre to the new conquests of the philosophical spirit; from classical dynamism, and corresponding harmonious trends, to the growing evolution of literary genres; from questioning the ideal of universality to demanding an ideal of perfectibility.


This subject shall concern the aristocratic and chivalrous trends, as interpreted in Contes ou Histoires du temps passé (1697) by Charles Perrault: the literary vogue of the ‘salons’ and the court; ambiguous status; vassalage to epochal rules; and issues of symbolic subversion. Emphasis shall also be given to the moralizing trend, synthesized in Fables (1668-1693) by Jean de la Fontaine, which ought to be put into the perspective of a time in which l’Europe parlait français: symbolism and fabulous alchemy; timelessness consolidated in a diversity of discourse registers at the service of a disenchanted critique of human animality; morality proposing a symbiosis between pedagogical lucidness and critical commitment.

Main Bibliography

Barchilon, Jacques – Le conte merveilleux français de 1690 à 1790, Paris, Champion, 1975.
Bared, Robert – La Fontaine, Paris, Seuil, “Ecrivains de Toujours”, 1995.
Bénichou, Paul – Morales du grand siècle, Paris, Gallimard, coll. “Idées”, 1987.
Bettelheim, Bruno – Psicanálise do conto de fadas, Lisboa, Liv. Bertrand, 1991.
Chantalat, C. – Le goût classique. Paris, Lib. Klincksieck, 1992.
Critique et création littéraires en France au XVIIème siècle, Paris, C.N.R.S., 1978.
Dandrey, Patrick – Poétique de la Fontaine, La fabrique des fables, Paris, Quadrige/Puf, 1996.
Delft, L. Van – Le Moraliste classique, essai de définition et de typologie, Genève, Lib..Droz, 1982.
Dicionário dos Símbolos (sob a direcção de J. Chevalier e A. Gheerbrant), Porto, Ed.Teorema, 1994.
Dix-Huitième siècle. Revue. Nº25 – “L’Europe des Lumières”, Paris, PUF, 1993.
Fumaroli, Marc – Le poète et le roi – Jean de la Fontaine en son siècle, Paris, Ed. de Fallois, 1993.
Hazard, Paul – La crise de la conscience européenne, Paris, Lib. Hatier, 1983.
Kibédi-Varga, A. – Les poétiques du classicisme, Paris, Aux amateurs de livres, 1990.
La Fontaine, Jean de – Fables. Éd. de Jean-Pierre Collinet, Paris, Folio, 1999.
La Fontaine., Maître des eaux & des forêts, Porto, Fac. de Letras da Univ. do Porto, 2003.
Le Fablier. Revue des Amis de La Fontaine, “La Fontaine 1695-1995, Colloque du Tricentenaire”. Musée Jean de la Fontaine, Château Thierry, Nº 8, 1996.
Lettres de Versailles, Porto, NEL, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2005.
Mourey, L. – Introduction aux contes de Grimm et de Perrault. Paris, Lettres modernes, 1978.
Orieux, Jean – La Fontaine ou La vie est un conte, Paris, Ed. Flammarion, 2000.
Perrault, Charles – Contes, Ed. de Jean-Pierre Collinet. Paris, Folio, 2002.
Propp, Vladimir – Morphologie du conte, Paris, Seuil, coll. “Points”, 1970.
Romey, Georges – Dictionnaire de la Symbolique (4 vols.), Paris, Ed. Albin Michel, 1995-2001
Simonsen, Michèle – Perrault. Contes, Paris, PUF, 1992.
Soriano, Marc – Les contes de Perrault, culture savante et traditions populaires, Paris, Gallimard, 1977.
Starobinski, Jean – L’Invention de la liberté: 1700-1789, Genève, Ed. d’Art Albert Skira, 1984.
Viala, Antoine – Naissance de l’écrivain. Sociologie de la littérature à l’âge classique, Paris, Ed. de Minuit, 1985.

Complementary Bibliography

Further bibliography will de indicated throughout the semester.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The methodologies used in this subject are based on the interaction between theory and practice, in addition to the symbiosis between the scientific and pedagogical domains, integrating concepts and reflections into the practice of classroom dynamics.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Students enrolled in Continuous Assessment are required to attend at least two thirds of classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

In Continuous Assessment, the final mark is based on the following criteria: class attendance, participation in class, individual and/or group assignments, and, obviously, the compulsory test.

In Final Assessment, the mark obtained in the final exam counts for 100%.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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