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Luís Grosso Correia

Fotografia de Luís Antunes Grosso Correia
Name: Luís Antunes Grosso Correia
Sigla: LAGC
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: lgrosso@letras.up.pt
Extensão Telefónica: 4218
Salas: B174


Categoria: Professor Auxiliar
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of History, Political and International Studies


Cargo Data de Início
Master Course Director Mestrado em História, Relações Internacionais e Cooperação 2023-03-27
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua PRR - Diálogos intergeracionais em Educação 2022-11-24
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua História da Educação: fontes, temas e problemáticas. Curso de Primavera do Porto (ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme) 2024-01-16

Apresentação Pessoal

Luís Grosso Correia, PhD. in History by the University of Porto, is Professor of this University where he teaches History of Education, Comparative Education, History Education and Social Analysis of Education in several doctorate and master programmes of the Department for History and Political and International Studies (DHEPI) of the Faculty of Arts (FLUP). He is researcher of the CIIE – Centre for Research and Intervention in Education, hosted by the University of Porto. He carried out a post-doctoral research on the topic "Portuguese educational development according to the statistics provided by international studies (19th and 20th centuries)", granted by the Portuguese national foundation for science and technology (FCT). He has supervised up to date several completed doctoral thesis and master dissertations in different post-graduation programmes: Doctorate in History, Master in History and Education, Master in History, International Relations and Cooperation, Master in African Studies, Master in Initial Teacher Training in History and Geography and Master in Initial Teacher Training in History. He is vowel of the scientific committees of the last two named master courses. He join the Editorial Borad of the journal História – Revista da FLUP (2010-2016), edited by the DHEPI. He has edited thematic issues on history of education in the História – Revista da FLUP (2016) and on comparative education in the journal Educação, Sociedade & Culturas (2017). He chaired of the organization of the 41st annual conference of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education devoted to the theme Spaces and Places of Education (FPCEUP, 2019). He has supervised more than completed 70 master dissertations ot doctorate theses . His research topics are related to the following areas: history of education, comparative education, colonial education, development education, teacher training, life histories, history education, among others.


CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (FPCEUP) 
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