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Third cycle of studies in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms

- All the administrative information:
http://web.letras.up.pt/sga -

For more information see: http://icpd.web.ua.pt

The 3rd cycle (PhD) in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms is taught, in partnership, by the University of Aveiro / Department of Communication and Art and by the University of Porto / Faculty of Arts; the majority of the teaching staff are researchers from CIC.Digital, the FCT I&D unit.

It seeks to give graduates or Masters a deep knowledge in an advanced post-graduate level, as well as the development of competences in autonomous research in information and communication in technological mediation scenarios.

It seeks to develop competences:

a) of systematic approach of the technological mediation in information and communication contexts in the perspective of areas such as Communication Sciences and Technologies, Communication Sciences and Information Sciences;

b) of understanding critical and grounded use of research methods in these scientific areas;

c) for the conception and development of a rigorous and consequent research, respecting the requirements imposed by academic integrity and quality patterns;

d) for the accomplishment of original research which contribute to the broadening of borders of knowledge in human and institutional communication and in Information Sciences;

e) for the sustained professional performance in research and its diffusion.


a) to deepen and to structure advanced competences in the professional and academic domains;

b) to develop interdisciplinary knowledge, regarding the studies developed in both university institutions, in order to favour the analysis and the intervention in technologically mediated information and communication contexts;

c) to favour the exercise of research guided by innovation and academic excellence patterns, as for its conception, management and disclosure;

d) to stimulate the continuous systematization and the original knowledge production and respective national and international disclosure, in academic communities recognized in the Communication Sciences and Informations Sciences domains;

e) to promote the contact and the cooperation with national and international researchers of recognized competence in the course’s domains;

f) to stimulate the development of lifelong learning competences.


- For more informations see Candidate Webpage -
  • Number of vacancies
  • Number of vacancies for International Student
  • Fees
  • Selection criteria: Applicants will be selected by the Scientific Commission of the programme, taking into account the following parameters:
    • Academic curriculum
    • Scientific curriculum
    • Professional curriculum
    • Objectives and motivation to enroll in the programme
    • Interest in researc work leading to the doctoral thesis in, at least, one of the following subjects:
      • Information organization and representation
      • Informational behaviour
      • Communication processes in new media
      • Participatory media applications (Science communication; Education and Training; Active     ageing; Tourism; Interactive TV; Videogames)
      • An interview may also be required as suplementary criteria

All informations in: http://web.letras.up.pt/sga


More informations about Scientific Commission


For scientific and academic issues - contact the course direction: icpd@letras.up.pt
For administrative questions
- contact the Academic Management Services : sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Relations Office : gri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 5591
Director: Armando Malheiro
Acronym: ICPD
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2007/2008
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan

Involved Organic Units


  • Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (180 ECTS credits)
  • Doctoral Course in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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