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Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies

General information

Official Code: L251
Acronym: LEI


  • Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies (180 ECTS credits)

National Calls for Application

The average grade of the last approved student in the last 5 years

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
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Scheme Phase Vacancies
General Regulation 1 42
Applications and deadlines are managed by Directorate-General for Higher Education.

Courses Units

Classical Culture


The study of political, moral and religious ideas of ancient authors, as expressed in their literary and artistic works, aims to enhance the knowledge of the models of European cultures and the recognition of the educational and informative value of classical culture.  

Introduction to Comparative Literature


As an introductory course, this UC aims to:


  1. Introduce to the main concepts and methods that have contributed to the development of this scientific area;
  2. (re)recognize of the international and transnational dimension of the literary phenomenon.
  3. initiation into the practice of comparative reading/analysis of literary texts.
  4. develop interdisciplinary methods of research with other literary disciplines and/or other fields of knowledge (History, Art History, Philosophy, International Relations...)

Introduction to Feminist Studies

LEI025 - ECTS Globally, this curricular unit aims at engaging students with critical epistemologies that may help them understand the “situational character of the human being”. More specifically, students are expected to be able to identify feminist leading authors and school of thoughts, as well as to recognize how feminism develops over time and across institutions, with particular emphasis on the four waves of feminism.  Students will, thus, explore founding texts on Feminist Studies, as well as (Portuguese and foreign) artistic objects and literary texts of different genres, in order to develop innovative reading skills and new ways of looking at the relationship between literature and the world.

The topics set out in the objectives of the curricular unit will be addressed through an evolving theoretical reflection and departing from case studies. The aim is to create and/or develop the necessary skills to analyse the diversity of poetic, literary, cultural and social phenomena. It is, thus, expected that students may be able to think critically about the relationship between politics, culture, literature and the arts.

General Semiotics

LEI002 - ECTS This course aims to provide students with the theoretical fundamentals of the semiotic model of analyzing text and image. Following recent trends in this field of studies, we will revisit some of the topics covered in the tradition of Narratology. We will also open our enquiry to the lessons that can be drawn from Visual Culture in what concerns the production of meaning. This framework will gorund our approach to case studies that will be examined throughout the semester, with an emphasis on the literary text, chiefly poetry and short narrative, and the image, from painting to digital art.

Texts from World Literature I

LEI003 - ECTS The cultural centrality of the texts selected for this programme, and their origins in 4 major European languages and literary traditions, make this a particularly convincing space for achieving one of the key objective identified above: fostering a recognition of some of the processes that render certain texts canonical and inscribe them in literary memory. The sheer volume of the critical and literary-historical processing of these texts will also serve another objective: that of identifying traits that sustain an argument either for the singularity or typicality of said texts, in different contexts and temporal frameworks of their reception.

Intermedial and Interart Studies

LEI005 - ECTS This course intends to introduce the theoretical matrices and analytical tools central to contemporary intermedial and interarts studies, as well as to promote a reflection on the aesthetic, rhetorical, pragmatic and ideological implications of the relations between different media and between distinct artistic practices.

History of Portuguese Literature

LEI009 - ECTS Through a combinatory process of chronological and typological criteria, one aims to provide students with a steady knowledge of influent texts and voices of Portuguese literary history either fictional or poetical ones, and to familiarize them with categories and conceptual tools necessary to their study. Furthermore, one aims to improve the students literary skills.

History of Film and Other Audio-Visual Media

LEI006 - ECTS - Contextualize the origins of cinema and other audiovisual media;
- To know and apply methodologies for the study and analysis of moving image;
- To know and understand the history of moving images and their historiographic problems;
- Understand the development of cinema in the light of its historical and artistic context, from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, as well as the issues inherent in its study, cinematographic theories and its problematization;
- Identify and analyze the technical and aesthetic principles of cinema, video and television and their development;
- Understand and reflect on the cinema as a document;
- To know and analyze the relation of moving images with contemporary artistic practices and their developments from a synchronic and diachronic point of view.

Narrative and Transmediality


The course’s main objectives involve enabling students:

- to employ the chief critical tools of narratological analysis, considering their applicability to a diversity of narrative types in a transmedial perspective;

- to acknowledge aspects of narratological permanence and change inherent in adaptation, as well as aspects that are thematic and technical in a broad perspective, with an emphasis on the transfer of plots and characters between literary and audiovisual narrative;

- to deepen their knowledge of relevant conceptual tools in the production of critical discourse, both in studies of a more reflective or panoramic scope, and in case studies.

Texts of World Literature II

LEI007 - ECTS The objective of the C.U. is to provide the students with a more complete understanding of the function of canonical texts in the framework of ‘national’ and ‘world’ literature (in particular with regard to literary texts in English, French, German and Spanish).

Classical Mythology


Present and discuss the nature and functions of myth in ancient Greece. Know the mythical stories of the classical Greek and Latin tradition, as they were reflected in literary works.

Theory of Literary Taste


Study the role of Sensibility in the aesthetic perception of the literary text through the historical and systematic knowledge of Theory of Taste.

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