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Masters in Portuguese as second language / Foreign language

General information

Official Code: 6323
Acronym: MPLE


  • Master of Arts in Portuguese as a Second Language / Foreign Language (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master's Course in Portuguese as a Second Language / Foreign Language' (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis


Successful students should be able to: . specify spoken and written modalities; .reflect on the dual approximation of the formal and functional; . address grammatical phenomena from the point of view of a communicative act . recognise the importance of each modality and the importance of contextualisation and co-textualisation; . distinguish fields and subfields of grammar; . distinguish the different participants in discourse . specify the characteristics of discourse grammar.

Topics in the Culture of the Portuguese-speaking Countries


Study of the great topics of the Portuguese culture, in particular the Discoveries period, but also some topics of the 21st century, considering the Portuguese cultural heritage and collective memory. The syllabus aims to provide students with skills that allow them to identify and discuss the Portuguese identity in the world. In this sense, it favours «travel literature» in the 16th and 17th centuries, promoting the knowledge of the meeting of the Portuguese with other cultures and pays attention to the «vision» of the other toward the Portuguese culture, studying texts written by foreigners that travelled to Portugal in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since the syllabus also focus on the Portuguese-speaking cultures, the travel texts select spaces from Brazil to Angola, Mozambique, India and East Timor, presenting and discussing the meeting of cultures in different spaces and chronologies.

Topics in the Literature of the Portuguese-speaking Countries

MPLE008 - ECTS This program is intend primarly to portuguese students who intend to teach Portugueses language to students whose mother language is not the Portuguese and to foreigner students whishing to develop their knowledge of literature in  Portuguese language. Accordingly, its main objectives are:

- Reflect on the importance of literary and cultural components in the teaching-learning Portuguese as foreign language;

-Present and discuss some specific and/or cross problematics, looking to build bridges between Lusophone texts and worlds and also appealing, occasionnally, the relations to other linguistic and cultural contexts;

- Encourage forms of critical thinking from the analysis of literary and cinematic discourses.

Variation and Change in Portuguese


The aim of this Seminar is to provide students with knowledge in two areas: analysis of theories and methods of study related to language variation and change, and their application to the specific study field of the Portuguese Language; observation of past synchronicities and of evolution phenomena in progress.
The students will develop the capacity to recognise analysis of linguistic variation theories and study methods; its application in the specific field of the history of the Portuguese language in its different varieties. The students will know the connections between the language specificity and its historical evolution.
The students will have the capacity to recognise the historical variation in past synchronicities and of evolution phenomena in progress in its different varieties.

Teaching Portuguese as a Second Language



1. Devellopment of the awareness of professional conduct that will guide the career of student
2. Reinforcement in the student awareness of the educational value of teaching and learning of Portuguese as a Second Language, in the double instrumental and cultural strand.
3. Development of the students’ appetite for lifelong learning and self-learning by managing and rationalizing independent study and research, which shall guide their future teaching career.
4. Acquisiton of a specific theoretical and methodological framework of Foreign Language Teaching/Didactics, in order to raise awareness on the ways and reasons of teaching practices peculiar to teaching/learning Portuguese as a Second Language.

Grammar of Oral and Written Communication


Upon successful completion of this course unit, students should be able to: - specify oral and written modalities; - reflect on the dual formal and functional approach; - address grammatical phenomena from a perspective of the communicative act; - recognize the importance of contextualization and co-textualization in each modality; - distinguish fields and sub-fields of grammar; - differentiate the different voices of participants in discourse; - specify the characteristics of discourse grammar.

Academic Practice

  • Develop a reflective and critical ability.

  • Become familiar with a wide  range and contextualized teaching methodologies.

  • Acquire the practice of autonomous professional development.

Psycholinguistics and Language Learning


To develop students’ critical reasoning so that they can attain better skills as teachers of Portuguese as a Second/Foreign Language, based on the topics dealt with during the seminar sessions.

Teacher Training

MPLE002 - ECTS Teacher trainees should be able to:
- Distance themselves from language as an isolated object and propose a more comprehensive approach with the purpose of achieving actual socialization in L2 and FL for their students;
- Set up the group so as to establish social norms, interpersonal relationships, knowledge about the world and know-how in the language;
- Promote, in addition to learning linguistic forms and written language, oral practices, language variation, multilingualism;
- Teach the Program adapting the contents, their arrangement and development according to the demands of increasing communicative competence.

Project Seminar


Promote research in teaching and learning Portuguese as a second language/foreign language; 
Share methodological and teaching experiences in class; 
Prepare teaching materials that promote a multifaceted approach to the selected issues/cases; 

Emphasize the importance of the contributions of scientific fields (linguistic, cognitive, pedagogical) towards didactic application; 
Adapt methodologies to the cultural diversity of students and to the students themselves; 
Develop the reflexive skills of future teachers of Portuguese as a Foreign Language; 
Equip students with the basic tools to describe and explain language use in communication within the teaching-learning context; 
Provide students with the necessary know-how and skills for research-action-reflection in Education. 

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