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Methodology in Literary Studies_Portuguese I

Code: LLC104     Acronym: MELP1

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Literary Criticism - Portuguese

Instance: 2021/2022 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 4 CL - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
EP 26 EP - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
LLC 49 LLC - Monodisciplinary Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 1 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Two Foreign Languages) 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


To acquire theoretical, methodological and analytical tools for the study of Literature.

Learning outcomes and competences

Get a critical perspective of the most important Western conceptions of literature as creation, communication and institution.

Working method



1. Object and methods of Literary Studies
1.1. Functional definition of literature
1.2. "Poetry", "literature" and "literariness"
1.3. National literatures and the literary system
1.4. Literary Poetics, Criticism and History

2. Western Poetics
2.1. The Platonic and Aristotelian traditions
2.2. From Horace to Pseudo-Longinus
2.3. From Classicism to Romanticism: Mutations
2.4. Contemporary Poetics 

3. Phenomenology of literary discourse
3.1. Enunciation and genres of discourse
3.2. Linguistics and Poetics
3.3. Notions of prosody and versification
3.4. Poeticity, musicality and visuality 
3.5. Elements of Literary Rhetoric

Mandatory literature

Abrams, M. H.; The^mirror and the lamp
Aristóteles; Poética. ISBN: 972-27-0259-9
Benveniste, Émile; O homem na linguagem
Bloom, Harold, 1930-; O^cânone ocidental. ISBN: 978-989-644-136-4
Carvalho, Amorim de; Tratado de versificacao portuguesa
Compagnon, Antoine; Para que serve a literatura?. ISBN: 978-972-9250-68-2
Dolezel, Lubomír; A^poética ocidental
Genette, Gérard, 1930-; Discurso da narrativa
Genette, Gérard, 1930-; Introduction a l.architexte. ISBN: 2-02-005310-1
Horácio, 65-8 a.C.; Arte poetica
Jakobson, Roman, 1896-1982; Essais de linguistique générale. ISBN: 2-7073-0122-1
Lausberg, Heinrich; Elementos de retórica literária
Longino, Dionísio; Do sublime. ISBN: 978-989-26-1092-4
Platão, 428-348 a.C; A^república. ISBN: 972-31-0509-8
Platão; Íon, Inquérito, 2000
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980; Qu.est-ce que la littérature?
Silva, Vítor Manuel de Aguiar e, 1939-; Teoria da literatura. ISBN: 972-40-0422-8
Silva, Vítor Manuel de Aguiar e, 1939-; Teoria e metodologia literárias. ISBN: 972-674-050-9
Staiger, Emil; Conceptos fundamentales de poetica
Todorov, Tzvetan, 1939-; La^notion de littérature. ISBN: 2-02-009555-6
Todorov Tzvetan 1939-2017; Teoria da literatura. ISBN: 972-44-0668-7 (Russian Formalists Texts)
Wellek, René, 1903-1995; A^history of modern criticism
Wellek, René, 1903-1995; Teoria da Literatura
Wimsatt, William Kurtz, 1907-1975; Crítica literária

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures, with exposure of the syllabus by the teacher, and eventually theoretical and practical sessions, with active participation of students, whenever appropriate and necessary. Theoretical-practical, with analysis of literary texts and critical texts on the subjects developed in lectures. Restricted tutorial sessions with personalized tracking of tasks done by students, including reading reports or research work.

Distributed evaluation with final exam:

Reading report or research paper - 30%. Final exam - 70%.


Humanities > Literature > Literary criticism
Humanities > Literature
Humanities > Literature > Writing

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 70,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 76,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 30,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Mandatory attendance of at least 75% of planned classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Reading report or research paper - 30%. Final exam - 70%.
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