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History of Journalism

Code: CC024     Acronym: HJOR

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Communication Sciences

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Communication and Information Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Communication Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CC 12 CC - Study Plan 2 - 6 46 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


This subject aims to address the main strands of the history of the press, with particular emphasis on the role of the international news, and the Portuguese contexts.

Learning outcomes and competences

The methodologies used in this curricular unit will consist of  theoretical-practical sessions consisting of presentations and debate of the main subjects in  class. Classes will provide the learning of the structural aspects of the history of journalism, according to the successive cycles of implementation. The aspects that lead to the launching and development models are explained by evolutionary systems given by different countries, with particular emphasis on models like the French, characterized by the ideological preponderance, and Anglo-Saxon  evolution, marked by the early  industrial features. The international models background will produce a frame work analysis for  the particular  incidences of Portuguese journalism and the specific  structural. elements 

The tutorial component is intended to encourage research through practical work, as well as an orientation literature directed so as to develop and deepen the concepts acquired in the classroom in more theoretical aspects. This methodology allows a better understanding of the history of Portuguese journalism through studies of chance, to allow the application of theoretical concepts learned in the exhibitions.


Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

There aren't


1.Journalism - concept and origins 
Cultural frame
Technological restrains
Press and Ideology


2. Journalism at the service of a cause: power and revolution 

New press laws

New audiences

Technical innovations 

3. The golden era of the written press 

The Anglo-Saxon model 

The  European newspapers constrains

Press as a business affair: evoltuion of the newspapers of reccord

$. Newsmaking  Theory
First study cases and concepts
Political conceptualization of newsmaking
Journalism as a construction of reality
Interaccionist theory


Mandatory literature

Pizarroso Quintero; História da imprensa, Planeta , 1994
Lima, Helena Laura Dias de; A^imprensa portuense e os desafios da modernidade. ISBN: 978-972-24-1747-1
JEANNENAY, Jean-Baptiste; Uma história da comunicação social, Terramar, 1996
Schudson Michael; The^sociology of news. ISBN: 978-0-393-91287-6
Traquina Nelson 1948-; Jornalismo. ISBN: 972-589-083-3
Gans Herbert J.; Deciding what.s news. ISBN: 0-8101-2237-5

Complementary Bibliography

Chomsky Noam 1928-; A^manipulação dos media. ISBN: 972-670-406-5
Shoemaker Pamela J.; Gatekeeping theory. ISBN: 978-0-415-98139-2

Teaching methods and learning activities

Polemise the concepts acquired through the explanation of the topics; promote diversified research on the key topics addressed.

On number 1 of the Syllabus cultural, economic, technological and political factors will be enhanced as determinant on the communicational process. 

On number 2 the  ideological journalism paradigm of the 19th century, presented as the beginning of an evolutionary process towards the present news model. 

Point number 3 will approach the exponential development of the press in a cycle characterized by the news paradigm and the industrialization. 

On t number 4 the Portuguese journalism history is presented according to the previous background but through a more developed focus. The news journalism debilities and  structural constrains  as the negative effect of the dictatorship’s repression.

Point 5 will present the disrupting elements generated by the 1974 revolution and how this turning point gave way to a new cycle in terms of news model in a democratic era. 


Social sciences > Communication sciences > Journalism

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 30,00
Trabalho de campo 70,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 45,00
Trabalho de investigação 7,00
Total: 52,00

Eligibility for exams

75% attendance of classes

Calculation formula of final grade


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