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Information and Communication Technologies in Museums

Code: MMUS009     Acronym: TICM

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Information Science

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Communication and Information Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Masters in Museology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MMUS 25 MMUS - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Understand and supervise the activities of museums in Information Society;

Know the theoretical and methodological principles applied to the study, analysis and evaluation of information and artifacts management with ICT support; 

Identify and understand the application of ICT, national and international standards and guidelines used in the production, storage, use, communication, long-term preservation and permanent access to information and artefacts and evaluate the main impact areas (information management, access and communication).

Learning outcomes and competences

Acquire the ability to anticipate and plan ICT’s organizational needs, to enhance their use and prevent the impact of technological obsolescence;

Acquire the ability to evaluate and apply available ICT (hardware and software), according to the techniques, standards and other tools;

Acquire the ability, through ICT, to apply an integrated service and collections management and their integration in national and international networks.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Not applicable.


I - ICT applied to Cultural Heritage

1. The concepts: Institution, Organicity and Memory

2. Museums and digital transformation

3. From the "physical / real" museum to the "virtual museum"

4. The born-digital cultural and artistic creation / production

5. The multiple convergences: around the creator / producer, institutional, normative, models and semantics.

II – ICT development and impact on institutions

1. Digital environment

1.1. Hardware

1.2. Software

1.3. Databases

1.4. Internet

1.5. Web

1.6. Multimedia and Interactivity

2. Information and digital media

2.1. Managing and preserving information

2.2. Metadata

2.3. Standards and requirements specification models 

2.4. Digital repositories

III - Networks and projects within the cultural heritage

1. From CIMI to EDLnet, EUROPEANA, OpenAIRE, Euromuse.net and the Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets

2. Programs and projects (national and international)

IV - ICT Solutions applied to Museums

1. Products: from services and collections management to the technological platforms of dissemination, communication, experience

2. Analysis and evaluation, specification, parameterization and implementation.

Mandatory literature

Bearman, David 340; Hands on hypermedia and interactivity in museums. ISBN: 1-885626-12-6
Bearman, David 340; Multimedia computing and museums. ISBN: 1-885626-11-8
Cameron, Fiona 340; Theorizing digital cultural heritage. ISBN: 978-0-262-51411-8
Canadian Heritage Information Network; Collections management software. ISBN: 0-660-16526-0
Canadian Heritage Information Network; Collections management software review. ISBN: 0-660-16738-7
Caulton, Tim; Hands-on exibitions. ISBN: 0-415-16522-9
CIDOC DOCUMENTATION. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR DOCUMENTATION ; CIDOC-CRM : FRBRoo-CRM (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records object oriented), 2009
CIDOC DOCUMENTATION. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR DOCUMENTATION; Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. Versão 5.0.2, 2010
Comer, Douglas E.; The^internet Book
Dawson, David; The MDA survey of information technology in museums 1996-97. ISBN: 0-905-96398-9
Duarte, Zeny 340; Arquivos, bibliotecas e museus. ISBN: 978-85-232-1129-5
Gill, Tony; The MDA guide to computers in museums. ISBN: 0-905-96397-0
Grant, Alice; Spectrum essentials. ISBN: 0-905963-93-8
Lazinger, Susan S; Digital preservation and metadata
Lees, Diane 340; Museums and interactive multimedia. ISBN: 0-905963-89-X
Lord, Gail Dexter 340; Manual of museum planning. ISBN: 0-7425-0406-9
Macdonald, Sharon 340; The^politics of display. ISBN: 0-415-15326-3
Marques, Isabel da Costa; O^Museu como sistema de informação
Matos, Alexandre Manuel Ribeiro; SPECTRUM
Oliveira, José Cláudio; O^museu digital. ISBN: 1645-2089
Pinto, Maria Manuela Gomes de Azevedo; Preservmap. ISBN: 978-972-36-1070-3
Remelgado, Ana Patrícia Soares Lapa; Gestão Integrada de colecções museológicas
Silva, Armando Barreiros Malheiro da 070; Das ciências documentais à ciência da informação. ISBN: 972-36-0622-4
Silva, Armando Barreiros Malheiro da 070; A^informação. ISBN: 972-36-0859-6
Silva, Armando Barreiros Malheiro da; Paradigmas serviços e mediações em ciência da informação. ISBN: 978-8560323-33-3
Silva, Armando Barreiros Malheiro da; Recursos de informação. ISBN: 978-972-674-672-0
International Organization for Standardization; ISO 16363
International Organization for Standardization; ISO/IEC 17799
International Organization for Standardization; ISO/TR 13028
International Organization for Standardization; ISO/TR 15801
ULL; ISO/TR 18492:2005
International Organization for Standardization; ISO 14721
International Organization for Standardization; ISO 15836

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical-practical lectures and tutorial sessions with discussion and students active participation. Presentation of case studies, projects and relevant activities related with the use of ICT in museums.

Where appropriate, exploring the use and manipulation of resources, tools and applications of general scope and specifically designed for museums (following case studies and project’s presentations).

Distribution assessment without final exam. Mandatory classroom participation, practical work (1) including a written report. and a practical work (2) including an oral presentation (classroom) and a written report.


Index Rerum


Social sciences > Political sciences > Public policy > Cultural policy > Museology
Technological sciences > Technology > Communication technology
Social sciences > Communication sciences > On-line information services
Humanities > Information science > Information management
Humanities > Information science
Technological sciences > Technology > Information technology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 30,00
Trabalho escrito 70,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 54,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho de investigação 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the Assessment Regulations in force

Calculation formula of final grade

Mandatory practical work (PW1), including a written report (WR);
Mandatory practical work (PW2), including a written report (WR;
PW2 oral presentation (OP) (classroom)

70%WR (30%PW1 + 70%PW2)+30%OP

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Internship work/project

According to the Assessment Regulations in force

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force


The assessment requires all specified components (practical works).
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