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Spanish Literature of the Renaissance

Code: LLC083     Acronym: LER

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Spanish Literature

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LLC 35 LLC - Monodisciplinary Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Two Foreign Languages) 2 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2017-09-17.

Fields changed: Learning outcomes and competences, Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem, Bibliografia Obrigatória, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Programa

Teaching language

Português e Espanhol


The main objectives of this course (UC) are:

-Introducing students to the knowledge of 16th century literature, its the most relevant authors and their literary contexts.  

- Situating this literary period within the historical context of the 16th century.

-Understanding the main features of this literature: authors, genres, themes, aesthetics.

-Critically analysing representative texts of the genres and of the most significant authors of this period.

Learning outcomes and competences

Considering that the contents of the syllabi intend to make students achieve the objectives listed above, at the end of the semester the students should be abble to:

1. Identify and critically discuss the place, the meanings and the relevance of each author and texts studied;

2. relate the specific contents and literary forms of this fundamental period of Spanish Literature with the historical, ideological and cultural context of the 16th century and the european Renaissance, taking into account the continuities and changes in relation to medieval literary practices;

3. understand the role of the 16th Spanish literature in the subsequent literary evolution, specially in Spain, Europe and Hispanic world;

4. use solid theoretical knowledge and apply it to the critical analysis of literary texts.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Non applicable


1. La Celestina: from comedy to tragicomedy in the transition from the 15th century to the 16th century. The literary development os the "Celestinesc genre".

2. The poetry of the 16th century: Poetic renewal with Juan Boscán and Garcilaso de la Vega.

3. lazarillo de Tormes and the creation of picaresc novel. Mateo Alemán and his Guzmán de Alfarache.

Mandatory literature

Rojas, Fernando de; La Celestina. ISBN: 84-376-0700-0 (different editions)
Rico Francisco 340; Lazarillo de Tormes. ISBN: 84-376-0660-8 (Anonymous. Ed. by Francisco Rico or others. Different editions at FLUP library)
Alemán Mateo 1547-1615?; Guzman de Alfarache
Garcilaso de la Vega; Poesia castellana completa. ISBN: 84-376-0067-7

Complementary Bibliography

LÁZARO CARRETER, F. e CORREA CALDERÓN, E.; Cómo se comenta un texto literario, Cátedra, 1981
NAVARRETE, I.; Los huérfanos de Petrarca. Poesía y teoría en la España renacentista, Gredos, 1997
OROZCO DÍAZ, E.; Estudios sobre San Juan de la Cruz y la mística del Barroco, Universidad de Granada, 1994
PRIETO, A.; La poesía del siglo XVI. I. Andáis tras mis escritos., Cátedra, 1984
PRIETO, A.; La prosa española del siglo XVI. I., Cátedra, 1986
RICO, F.; Problemas del “Lazarillo”, Cátedra, 1987
RIVERS, Elias L.; La poesía de Garcilaso, Ariel, 1974
RUFFINATTO, A.; Las dos caras del Lazarillo: texto y mensaje, Castalia, 2000
THOMPSON, C. P.; La lucha de las lenguas: fray Luis de León y el Siglo de Oro en España, Consejería de Educación y Cultura, 1995
ALBORG, Juan Luis; Historia de la literatura española, Editorial Gredos, 1992-1996. ISBN: 84-249-1483-X
BLECUA, José Manuel (ed.); Poesía de la Edad de Oro I: Renacimiento, Castalia, 1984. ISBN: 84-7039-427-4
CANAVAGGIO, Jean (dir.); Historia de la literatura española, Editorial Ariel, 1994-1995. ISBN: 84-344-7453-0
LÓPEZ ESTRADA, Francisco (ed.); Siglos de oro : renacimiento, Crítica, 1980. ISBN: 84-7423-139-6
MENÉNDEZ PELÁEZ, Jesús; Historia de la literatura española. II. Renacimiento y Barroco, Everest, 1993
RICO, Francisco; Historia y crítica de la literatura española. Vol. 2. Siglos de Oro: Renacimiento, Crítica, 1980. ISBN: 84-7423-139-6. (vol. 2)
Rico, Francisco; La novela picaresca y el punto de vista. ISBN: 84-322-0468-4
Cavillac Michel; Picaros y mercaderes en el Guzman de Alfarache. ISBN: 84-338-1962-3

Teaching methods and learning activities

In this course unit students will have theoretical classes and multiple theoretical-practical sessions in which student participation and interactivity will be fundamental. Classes will be taught in Portuguese, but the texts will be in Spanish, and students may use both languages. 

The required readings for this course are:
- Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina (many editions available, in the library or in digital copies)
-A selection of poems, available in books of the Library or in digital versions, of the authors indicated in the Syllabus.
- Mateo Alemán, Guzmán de Alfarache (selection of excerpts from the book assigned at the beginning of this topic of the syllabus).

The assessement (partial or final) will consider the reading of the assigned texts, the use of specific bibliography and the students participation in class. 


Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Spanish literature

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 25,00
Teste 75,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Presence in 75% of the classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

The assessment is exclusivelly distributed, without final examination, and includes the following compulsory components:

- Three written tests (one for each program component, at the end of its lecturing), with individual weighing of 25%

- Student participation in class: 25%

Examinations or Special Assignments


Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to regulations of U.Porto/ FLUP.

Classification improvement

N/A - According to the regulations of U.Porto/ FLUP.


ATTENTION: If necessary, aditional informations will be made available through “Documents” on IS.
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