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French B1.2

Code: LLC040     Acronym: FB1.2

Instance: 2016/2017 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 0 CL - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
LA 18 LA - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
LLC 20 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2013_2014 1 - 6 52 162
LRI 29 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2013_2014 1 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2016-07-14.

Fields changed: Components of Evaluation and Contact Hours, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Teaching language



At the end of the semester students should master the "threshold" level  of the Common European Framework of reference for the B1 language level.

Learning outcomes and competences

Successful Students should be able to : • understand authentic audio and/or audiovisual documents, on subjects discussed in class; • read and understand descriptive, narrative and argumentative texts; • express themselves orally, with or without preparation, in order to describe, tell, justify or convince; • write  coherent texts.

Working method



1. Development of oral and communicative skills  • Understanding of authentic audio and/or audiovisual documents on familiar subjects or on subjects already discussed • Identification of particular information in authentic documents and brief oral summary of this information • Role play, prepared or improvised 2. Development of written discursive skills • Identification of cohesion and coherence networks in simple and short argumentative texts • Writing production: letters, summaries, commentaries and stories 3. Consolidation and improvement of linguistic skills • Consolidation of the grammatical and lexical skills acquired in levels A1, A2 and B1.1 • pronouns • The complex sentence • The subjunctive •conditional • past tenses and the passive form •the superlative • the nominalization

Mandatory literature

Josette Rey-Debove et Alain Rey (dir.); Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française, Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, Le Robert, 2009. ISBN: 978-2-84902-386-0
J.Girardet et J. Pécheur; Écho B1 Méthode de français Volume 1, CLE INTERNATIONAL, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-09-038571-7
J.Girardet et J. Pécheur; Écho B1 Méthode de français Volume 1, CLE INTERNATIONAL, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-09-038572-4

Complementary Bibliography

Ch.Descotes-Genon, M.H. Morsel, C.Richou; L’exercisier

Teaching methods and learning activities

Communicative and interactive approach.


TV5 Monde
Courriel dynamique


Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages > European languages > Romance languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Prova oral 30,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend 75% of classes. Exceptions according to  FLUP regulations.

Calculation formula of final grade

written expression : 25%, oral and written comprehension : 40%, oral presentation : 25%, In class participation  : 10%

Students have to perform the evaluation components in order to validate the semester.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students who are entitled not to attend 75% of classes have to contact the teacher asap.

Classification improvement

Not applicable.
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