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Geography and Spatial Planning

Code: MEG009     Acronym: GOT

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Geography

Instance: 2016/2017 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching Geography in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEG 11 MEG - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Complementing, reinforcing and strengthening the basic academic education in Geography, focusing the necessary knowledge to the teachers of Geography in basic and secondary education

Enhancing the localization and diversity of geographic distributions and the understanding of the multiscale spaces of spatial relationship.

Selecting geographic information relevant to the critical evaluation on Portugal’s positioning in Europe and in the world.

Discussing the development contrasts in the world.

Advocating the importance of spatial planning for development.

Learning outcomes and competences

Enhancing the localization and diversity of geographic distributions and the understanding of the multiscale spaces of spatial relationship.

Selecting geographic information relevant to the critical evaluation on Portugal’s positioning in Europe and in the world.

Discussing the development contrasts in the world.

Advocating the importance of spatial planning for development.

Working method



1. Portugal in Europe and in the EU
2.The EU territory
2.1 Spatial planning
2.2 Challenges of territorial development
3. Development contrast
3.1 Countries in different development levels
3.2 Interdependency between spaces with different development levels
3.2 Solutions to mitigate development contrasts
4. The global contemporary system
4.1. Geopolitical and geostrategic background
4.2 The emergency of new power centres
4.3 The international organizations

Mandatory literature

Alcock, A; A Short History of Europe , Palgrave Macmillan, 2002
Ferrão, João; O Ordenamento do Território como política Pública, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lessons with exposition; participation of the students and document analysis.
The practical work is dedicated to the exploration of the local environment situations - this is a very important scale for the development of the activities of the future Geography teacher.
Distributed evaluation constituted by research and analysis of the CU themes, which will count 50% in the final evaluation. The residual 50% will be divided equally between experimental field work and a written work.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 50,00
Trabalho de campo 25,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 15,00
Estudo autónomo 58,00
Frequência das aulas 39,00
Trabalho de investigação 50,00
Total: 162,00

Calculation formula of final grade

research and analysis (50%) +  field work  (25%) + written work (25%)
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